Author Topic: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion  (Read 9348 times)


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2015, 01:28:02 pm »
Yeah, that totally makes sense man! The PS4 definitely has a better library right now, and I totally understand your reasons to not by the console; I've never owned a Microsoft console other than the XBone. :)

EDIT: In the end, I'm not suggesting that we all go out and buy Xbox Ones; that doesn't make sense at this point in time. All I'm saying that doing the opposite thing and shutting down all interest in Microsoft's console because of where they are currently - doesn't make sense either.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 02:16:35 pm by telly »
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Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2015, 01:35:35 pm »
Yeah, I bought a PS4 launch day and I bought one of the anniversary ones.  But I also really want one of the launch team white Xbones.

I wanna say Phil Spencer said that the team doing the BC stuff for Xbone might take a look at OG Xbox BC after all is said and done.

I'm kind of looking forward to that if it happens.  I have over 100 xbox games, and I just a few weeks ago repaired my OG xbox that I bought broken.  I missed out on OG Xbox, so being able to jump into that with an xbone controller would be nice.  Though, I think OG xbox had 2 more buttons (black and white)


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2015, 01:56:33 pm »
This was way too long to keep my thoughts straight.

Every time my 360 died, and I had 4 die, I believe, they were always repaired or replaced for free.  My fat white got replaced with a black slim, my black slim replaced with a Halo Reach edition, and my halo reach edition replaced with the Gears of war edition.  So I got free games and controllers out of it in the long run, not a bad experience for me personally.  Plus the Xbox Rewards program netted me a lot of free money, I was able to buy microsoft points on sale, and buy games on sale.  I probably am very biased towards 360 over PS3, but I fell in love with the controller, achievement points pulled me in, and I rather enjoyed the 360 exclusives (Gears, Forza, Fable, etc.) and Fallout/Elder Scrolls running so much better.

PS3 on the other hand, I bought a fat non-BC at some point, I dug being able to use Linux, then they removed that feature and I pretty much stopped using my PS3 for anything other than blu-rays.  I replaced my fat one with a slim because my boss at GS gave me a fantastic deal.  I bought a BC PS3 for like $20 that needed the blu-ray drive replaced, I replaced it, and then 2 weeks later, it went YLOD.  Obviously not in warranty, and the one repair shop I spoke with said $90, so it left a bad flavor in my mouth.  My tune my change once I get around to repairing it or paying someone to repair it.

I completely agree on Mattrick.  Guy was an exec at EA, negative points right there.  Finally left Microsoft and where did he go?  Zynga.  The man was a plain bad influence.  Phil Spencer on the other hand, I think he's doing a lot of good work to undo the mess Mattrick left behind.

I agree that, that mind set could be applied towards PS2 "emulation" on PS4, but when most of these games are easily available at a lower cost, it's still fairly hard to justify, especially as a collector.  I'm not the demographic for that feature, so it kind of doesn't matter.  I will say, I would much rather play PSX/PS2 games on PS3 over the original console, because of wireless controllers.  I have a pair of wireless ps2 controllers, they are pretty good, but I would much rather use my ps3 controllers.  Same would apply to PS4 if it was an option.  My mindset is, PSX BC was cheap enough that Sony decided to keep it when it axed PS2 BC, and they were already doing PS2 emulation or backwards compatibility through PS2 classics as well, even on non-BC ps3s.  But they put a lot of money into GaiKai, they wouldn't squander that.  I get it and I take no offense by it, but I would much rather have BC as an option on top of PSNow, reasonable or not.

I get that PSNow is really more for the folks who missed out on PS3 and such, but as someone who missed out on PLAYING PS3 games, but totally bought a bunch, I feel kind of left out.  I don't have a working PS3, so I can't play the games, but if I paid Sony for PSNow or rented the ps3 titles for PS4, I can actually play them and my understanding is there is added functionality playing on PS4 (streaming, sharing, etc.).  So I'm missing out altogether.

If Xbone reached full BC with 360, which won't happen, and I were in the same situation but with 360 instead of PS3, I'd be able to play those 360 games I missed out on without having to buy them all over again.  Especially since physical 360/PS3 titles are fairly cheap, almost certainly cheaper than buying digital copies.

I would have the exact opposite feelings if I had four 360's crap out on me.  You may have gotten them repaired for free and gotten free goodies along the way, but it should never have been an issue of the systems dying like that in the first place.  Personally, I would have been absolutely furious.  On the flip-side, spending $90 to repair a PS3 that I had only spent $20 on to begin with is a deal.  Controller and achievement/trophy support aside, the PS3 is home to so, so many great gaming experiences that have no equal on the 360. 

As for PlayStation games playing on the PS3 after backwards-compatibility was axed, I believe the original PlayStation processor was utilized for a secondary function in the PS3 anyway.  So the backwards-compatibility couldn't be removed as a cost-saving measure.

As for PSNow, I have no use for it nor have I even touched it.  All of the PS1, PS2 and PS3 games that I like, I pretty much already own and the hardware to run them. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2015, 02:00:01 pm »
Yeah, I bought a PS4 launch day and I bought one of the anniversary ones.  But I also really want one of the launch team white Xbones.

I wanna say Phil Spencer said that the team doing the BC stuff for Xbone might take a look at OG Xbox BC after all is said and done.

I'm kind of looking forward to that if it happens.  I have over 100 xbox games, and I just a few weeks ago repaired my OG xbox that I bought broken.  I missed out on OG Xbox, so being able to jump into that with an xbone controller would be nice.  Though, I think OG xbox had 2 more buttons (black and white)

I really, really enjoyed the original Xbox.  It had some fantastic, exclusive games on it.  At that time, Microsoft had a lot of development teams working on all kinds of games.  Some were great, some were good and some....not so great.  But they were trying.  They just abandoned that drive to release all kinds of titles and with the 360, settled into the "Gears, Halo, Forza, Fable" rut.  Oh....and the Kinect crap.   ::)
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2015, 02:30:36 pm »
This was way too long to keep my thoughts straight.

Every time my 360 died, and I had 4 die, I believe, they were always repaired or replaced for free.  My fat white got replaced with a black slim, my black slim replaced with a Halo Reach edition, and my halo reach edition replaced with the Gears of war edition.  So I got free games and controllers out of it in the long run, not a bad experience for me personally.  Plus the Xbox Rewards program netted me a lot of free money, I was able to buy microsoft points on sale, and buy games on sale.  I probably am very biased towards 360 over PS3, but I fell in love with the controller, achievement points pulled me in, and I rather enjoyed the 360 exclusives (Gears, Forza, Fable, etc.) and Fallout/Elder Scrolls running so much better.

PS3 on the other hand, I bought a fat non-BC at some point, I dug being able to use Linux, then they removed that feature and I pretty much stopped using my PS3 for anything other than blu-rays.  I replaced my fat one with a slim because my boss at GS gave me a fantastic deal.  I bought a BC PS3 for like $20 that needed the blu-ray drive replaced, I replaced it, and then 2 weeks later, it went YLOD.  Obviously not in warranty, and the one repair shop I spoke with said $90, so it left a bad flavor in my mouth.  My tune my change once I get around to repairing it or paying someone to repair it.

I completely agree on Mattrick.  Guy was an exec at EA, negative points right there.  Finally left Microsoft and where did he go?  Zynga.  The man was a plain bad influence.  Phil Spencer on the other hand, I think he's doing a lot of good work to undo the mess Mattrick left behind.

I agree that, that mind set could be applied towards PS2 "emulation" on PS4, but when most of these games are easily available at a lower cost, it's still fairly hard to justify, especially as a collector.  I'm not the demographic for that feature, so it kind of doesn't matter.  I will say, I would much rather play PSX/PS2 games on PS3 over the original console, because of wireless controllers.  I have a pair of wireless ps2 controllers, they are pretty good, but I would much rather use my ps3 controllers.  Same would apply to PS4 if it was an option.  My mindset is, PSX BC was cheap enough that Sony decided to keep it when it axed PS2 BC, and they were already doing PS2 emulation or backwards compatibility through PS2 classics as well, even on non-BC ps3s.  But they put a lot of money into GaiKai, they wouldn't squander that.  I get it and I take no offense by it, but I would much rather have BC as an option on top of PSNow, reasonable or not.

I get that PSNow is really more for the folks who missed out on PS3 and such, but as someone who missed out on PLAYING PS3 games, but totally bought a bunch, I feel kind of left out.  I don't have a working PS3, so I can't play the games, but if I paid Sony for PSNow or rented the ps3 titles for PS4, I can actually play them and my understanding is there is added functionality playing on PS4 (streaming, sharing, etc.).  So I'm missing out altogether.

If Xbone reached full BC with 360, which won't happen, and I were in the same situation but with 360 instead of PS3, I'd be able to play those 360 games I missed out on without having to buy them all over again.  Especially since physical 360/PS3 titles are fairly cheap, almost certainly cheaper than buying digital copies.

I would have the exact opposite feelings if I had four 360's crap out on me.  You may have gotten them repaired for free and gotten free goodies along the way, but it should never have been an issue of the systems dying like that in the first place.  Personally, I would have been absolutely furious.  On the flip-side, spending $90 to repair a PS3 that I had only spent $20 on to begin with is a deal.  Controller and achievement/trophy support aside, the PS3 is home to so, so many great gaming experiences that have no equal on the 360. 

As for PlayStation games playing on the PS3 after backwards-compatibility was axed, I believe the original PlayStation processor was utilized for a secondary function in the PS3 anyway.  So the backwards-compatibility couldn't be removed as a cost-saving measure.

As for PSNow, I have no use for it nor have I even touched it.  All of the PS1, PS2 and PS3 games that I like, I pretty much already own and the hardware to run them.
I guess, I may have been frustrated at the time, but in retrospect, not having to pay anything to get it repaired was fantastic.  It also helps that the repair facility was like 2 hours away, so it was 1-day shipping both ways and they repaired it or replaced it same day.

I put $20 into a broken ps3, with the expectation that I'd have a working ps3 after fixing it.  I don't know, I was expecting one repair, not 2.  And as far as I know, after that fix, something else will go wrong, I'm trying to decide if it's worth it.  $110 total for a working BC PS3 isn't a deal imo.  I can go to a pawn shop and pick up a working BC ps3 with a "warranty" for about $100.  May not have cords, controllers, or games, but I don't need any.

As for gaming experiences on PS3 that have no equivalent on 360, I'm not really aware of any other than maybe JRPGs.  But my backlog of JRPGs is so large, it's almost moot.  Don't get me wrong, Infamous and God of War are great, but you can find tons of hack and slash and third person adventure games out there.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 02:32:53 pm by ctracy87 »

Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2015, 03:06:18 pm »
Two years later...and I still need to buy one lol No interest in an Xbone, but the library is building for the PS4 and there's some good stuff on the horizon.  I'll probably be looking at grabbing one next year unless the NX releases instead, which I'll then I have to take certain things into account.


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2015, 03:26:40 pm »
I guess, I may have been frustrated at the time, but in retrospect, not having to pay anything to get it repaired was fantastic.  It also helps that the repair facility was like 2 hours away, so it was 1-day shipping both ways and they repaired it or replaced it same day.

I put $20 into a broken ps3, with the expectation that I'd have a working ps3 after fixing it.  I don't know, I was expecting one repair, not 2.  And as far as I know, after that fix, something else will go wrong, I'm trying to decide if it's worth it.  $110 total for a working BC PS3 isn't a deal imo.  I can go to a pawn shop and pick up a working BC ps3 with a "warranty" for about $100.  May not have cords, controllers, or games, but I don't need any.

As for gaming experiences on PS3 that have no equivalent on 360, I'm not really aware of any other than maybe JRPGs.  But my backlog of JRPGs is so large, it's almost moot.  Don't get me wrong, Infamous and God of War are great, but you can find tons of hack and slash and third person adventure games out there.

If you can get a BC PS3 for $100, I would jump on it.

Here is a list of games, exclusive to the PS3, that I love and have no equal on the 360 or are highly regarded by many.  Just personal opinion, but IMO these are can't-miss titles.

3D Dot Game Heroes
Best of PlayStation Network
Beyond - Two Souls
Demon's Souls
Disgaea (everything)
Dragon's Crown
God of War III and Ascension
Gran Turismo 5 & 6
Heavenly Sword
Heavy Rain
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Infamous & Infamous 2
Jak & Daxter Collection
Journey Collector's Edition (Journey, Flower, Flow)
Killzone 2 & 3 as well as the Collection that includes the 1st game remastered
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 and 2.5
Last of Us, the
LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
LittleBigPlanet Karting
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots as well as the Legacy Collection with...just about everything!
ModNation Racers
MotorStorm 1, 2 & 3 (1, Apocalypse and Pacific Rift)
Ni No Kuni - Wrath of the White Witch
Ninja Gaiden Sigma & Sigma 2
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale
Ratchet & Clank (6 new releases and the originals in a collection)
Resistance Fall of Man and 2 & 3
The Sly Collection
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
Tales (all of the games in the Tales series that are exclusive to the PS3)
Tekken Hybrid (HD version of Tekken Tag Tournament with demo for TTT2 and a Blu-Ray movie)
Twisted Metal
Uncharted 1, 2 & 3
Valkyria Chronicles
White Knight Chronicles 1 & 2
Yakuza 3, 4 & Dead Souls
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2015, 04:00:08 pm »

If you can get a BC PS3 for $100, I would jump on it.

Here is a list of games, exclusive to the PS3, that I love and have no equal on the 360 or are highly regarded by many.  Just personal opinion, but IMO these are can't-miss titles.

3D Dot Game Heroes
Afrika (I've heard this is fairly rare, but I know nothing of it)
Best of PlayStation Network (Sega Dreamcast Collection? random indie/arcade games?)
Beyond - Two Souls
Demon's Souls (Dark Souls is a fair equivalent)
Disgaea (everything)  (I own a Disgaea game or two, I liked what little I played of Cross Edge, and I love Prinnies)
Dragon's Crown  (No clue what this game is about, but looks kind of like Kingdom under Fire)
Drakengard  (This is a PS2 game, I own Drakengard 3 as well, never played either, so I can't venture to say, but I assume it's a JRPG)
Folklore (I know nothing of this, but my wife wanted it)
God of War III and Ascension  (Tons of hack and slash games on xbox)
Gran Turismo 5 & 6 (Forza)
Heavenly Sword (See God of War)
Heavy Rain (Most Tell Tale games have a similar feel from what I hear)
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection (I have these on PS2 and PS3, it's not a fair choice given they are PS2 games)
Infamous & Infamous 2  (Prototype is a very similar game)
Jak & Daxter Collection  (See Ico & Shadow of the Colossus)
Journey Collector's Edition (Journey, Flower, Flow)  (No real argument here, not many unique indie titles on 360, arcade indies are mostly shit, but there are good indies and arcade games on there that one could argue are just as recommended)
Killzone 2 & 3 as well as the Collection that includes the 1st game remastered (Plenty of good shooters on 360)
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 and 2.5 (See Ico & Shadow of the Colossus)
Last of Us, the  (Fantastic game, if only because of the story, but gameplay wise, there are games that play like it)
LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2  (I'm sure there are platformers that are in the same league, but nothing quite like LBP in terms of creativity)
LittleBigPlanet Karting  (Sonic racing, other crappy karting games; I'd still rather playing Mario Kart, but that's not what we are talking about are we)
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots as well as the Legacy Collection with...just about everything! (Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain are like it, aren't they?  But yes, this is a must have)
ModNation Racers (See littlebigplanet karting)
MotorStorm 1, 2 & 3 (1, Apocalypse and Pacific Rift)  (It came with my Playstation Television, any MX ATV game, also Fuel)
Ni No Kuni - Wrath of the White Witch  (I've not played it, so I can't even venture to guess if there is a game that plays like this, I do know the art style is unique, but you can't say a game has no equivalent based on art style alone)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma & Sigma 2 (There are Ninja Gaiden games for the 360)
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale (I guess, but then even this is shit compared to Smash bros IMO)
Ratchet & Clank (6 new releases and the originals in a collection) (Partly See Ico & Shadow of the Colossus, partly yeah, but Banjo Kazooie and other 3rd person platformers)
Resistance Fall of Man and 2 & 3 (See Killzone)
The Sly Collection (See Ico and Shadow of the Colossus)
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time (See the other half of Ratchet and Clank)
StarHawk  (not sure of what's unique about it)
Tales (all of the games in the Tales series that are exclusive to the PS3) (Tales of Vesperia)
Tekken Hybrid (HD version of Tekken Tag Tournament with demo for TTT2 and a Blu-Ray movie) (Tekken 6)
Twisted Metal  (There are plenty of car combat games, and quite frankly I thought Twisted Metal for PS3 was crappy)
Uncharted 1, 2 & 3  (Tomb Raider)
Valkyria Chronicles (Any JRPG?)
White Knight Chronicles 1 & 2 (Any JRPG?)
Yakuza 3, 4 & Dead Souls  (Sleeping Dogs?)

I'll bold the ones I own.
I italicized the ones I have played.

quite a few games I know nothing of, even some of the ones I own, but I do own them for a reason.

Also, I got lazy at some point.

I suppose I didn't name any exclusives or very few, but if it is available on another platform, I figured that counts for something.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 04:05:39 pm by ctracy87 »


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2015, 06:05:45 pm »
My Dad accidentally let slip that he got me and my brother a PS4 for Christmas and I couldn't be more excited, it kind of sucks that the surprise is ruined for me, but my brother doesn't know yet. Though I've missed the first couple of years, there's nothing wrong being late to a party, especially considering that I think its best days are in front of it as opposed to behind it. Looking at Nintendo's lax releases next year I'm definitely glad to be getting something worth playing in 2016 and on.

I'll check your vid out and continue the discussion over on YouTube.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2015, 06:15:56 pm »
I was surprised to realize this week, after entering the last of my Black Friday haul into the database, that I have over 60 PS4 games now. And all of them are good imo. Love the system, and next year looks like its biggest yet.

As for the ' 360 has been collecting dust for ages now, well before I got a PS4. And I've seen nothing on the 'bone to sell me on it that's either out now or on the horizon. There's a game or two I'd look at if I had the system - the Insomniac game, a couple of indies - but nothing I'll miss if I never own one. And given my history w/ MS consoles, I'm content passing it by.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2015, 07:10:58 pm »
For a PS4 thread, it's interesting how much the Xbox One has been mentioned.

Right now Playstation is king in the console market. Sony has marketed it brilliantly. I love Playstation through and through. The PS4 is high quality console that I expect to get better and better. From a gamer's perspective, it seems fairly easy to publish a game on Playstation digitally and physically. Look at all the smaller games that have gotten physical releases. Crazy when compared to all the hoop jumping publishers have to do for Microsoft and Nintendo.
I do think Playstation 4's success is partly due to the rocky launch that the Xbone had. I personally don't think that Microsoft will recover from that any time soon. Microsoft should be given credit with how they've tried to reverse that negative backlash. I eventually will get an Xbox one as I think that the Xbone will be a worthwhile console in the long run. I remember thinking that I'd never get an Xbox of any kind because I really didn't like Microsoft. That certainly didn't last long. I've had tons of fun collecting for the 360 since I was strictly a PS3 guy for a long while. There are some great games in the 360 library. Playstation and Nintendo are great with their exclusives and hopefully Microsoft's exclusives will eventually be worthwhile owning the console. With Quantum Break and Scalebound hopefully we'll see Xbone exclusives become top tier like Sony's. Rare Replay and Halo 5 seem like solid exclusives, but I don't think they justify owning and Xbox right now. If I only wanted to play third party games, then I'd own a PS4 since that seems to be the way to go. I hope to eventually own a Xbox One, but until a game really sparks my interest I'll stick to my PS4. Seeing what Sony has done in only two years, I can't wait to see what they do in the next two.


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Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2015, 04:19:42 am »
I agree with gf78. If you see a hardware BC PS3 for $100 in the wild grab it.

That said, be ready to baby it. The Hardware BC model was the launch model. Yes it had issues. But they quickly dropped power usage, removed excessive hardware (PS2), and made several other modifications to subsequent models to mitigate and drastically reduce those issues

The 360 on the other hand stuck with their doomed to early failure hardware design for over 3 years.

I wanted a 360 for XNA and homebrewer possibilities alone. But at the end of the day I wasn't going to pay $300 or more for a console that was practically guaranteed to fail after 2-3 years of regular use.

My non-BC PS3 continues to work to this day. As does the used launch model PS3 I picked up on Craigslist.

All that said. This Christmas we are adding the PS4 and XboxOne to our collection. Rare Replay and Rise of the Tomb Raider were enough for me. :)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 04:22:01 am by dashv »


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Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2015, 03:54:42 pm »
Loving it so far, Fallout finally came out, Ace Combat next year? or 2017.... Games i want finally coming out.
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Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2015, 03:59:39 pm »
I'll probably pick up a PS4 either next year or 2017, since it looks like the library is defenitely better than the Xbox One. The only thing keeping me interested in the Xbox One is Scalebound, Raiden V, Natsuki Chronicle,  and Shooting Love Trilogy which will hopefully all be region-free, given that their market in Japan is ridicuolously small right now compared to the 360.


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2015, 10:44:20 am »
My experience with the PlayStation 4 has been good. It hasn't been stellar, but it hasn't been awful. I purchased one because they announced Star Ocean 5 would only be available for American gamers on the PS4 even though it's getting released on the PS3, too.

The first game I tried was Omega Quintet. I hated it.

Tales of Zestiria was fun at first, but it was disappointing. Like SO5, it was also on the PS3 but I wanted the CE so I went with the PS4 version.

Final Fantasy Type-0 really impressed me. I wasn't expecting to have the level of fun with it that I did.

So, overall, I think the PS4 is fine. It's not nearly as special to me as the PS2 or PS3, but my guess is that it will be over time. It looks like some awesome stuff is coming out in 2016 and I'm anxious to get into it. I'll eventually  get some 2015 exclusives I missed; I'm in no hurry.

Oh, and The Playroom is an awful, awful thing.