Author Topic: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion  (Read 9347 times)

Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« on: December 09, 2015, 05:14:20 am »
Hey guys the PS4 has been out for just over two years now! I know I can't believe it either... Time flies when your having fun eh? Anyways I wanted to share my thoughts about the console with you and I am interested in hearing how you guys have been getting on with the PS4... Does it live up to your expectations?

My Thoughts:


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2015, 09:16:25 am »
While I have nothing against discussions of literally anything gaming, I really do not like when people make a post and then link to a youtube channel. This forum is not a place for people to try to get subscribers for their channel. If you want to discuss the PS4 (which Im all for and is my 100% gaming focus right now), then lets do it.


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2015, 09:52:06 am »
I can't watch the video right now because I am at work (though I will when I get home!), but here's my thoughts on the first two years of the PS4.  They have been fantastic!

As the hardware goes, Mark Cerny and Sony worked closely with developers, asking what they wanted the console to be.  The PC Master Race love to talk about how the modern consoles are mid-tier compared to PC at best, but the PS4 plays games competently and they look great.  While I never had any real issues with the DualShock controllers, the redesign for the PS4 is near perfect.  The handles are longer and much more comfortable and the analog sticks are spaced apart a bit more which is perfect IMO. 

As for software, I have been loving the games.  The PS4 receives nearly every 3rd party game and they all look & play smoother on the PS4 than the Xbox One.  Regardless of the resolution differences between the two, more and more 3rd party developers are releasing their games exclusively on the PS4.  The PS4 has become the system of choice for fighting game and RPG fans. 

The first party studios are stronger than ever and the PS4 has received numerous great (IMO) 1st and 2nd party exclusives as well as several 3rd party exclusives.  Akiba's Trip, Dragon Quest Heroes, DriveClub, Final Fantasy XIV-A Realm Reborn and Heavensward, God of War III Remastered, Guilty Gear Xrd Sign, Infamous Second Son and First Light, J-Stars Victory Vs.+, Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack, Last of Us Remastered, LittleBigPlanet 3, The Order 1886 (I love this game!), Stick It To The Man, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted the Nathan Drake many great games.  And OMG with Bloodborne and Until Dawn, these two games blew me away!  I cannot wait to see what is coming in the next year and beyond!

Sony has also taken a page out of Microsoft's book this generation and beat them to the punch with exclusive periods of DLC with the Call of Duty franchise.  They have secured year-long exclusive items in Destiny and released a gorgeous Destiny-branded system.  They've partnered with Taco Bell two years in a row with this year seeing the release of the Gold exclusive PS4.  We've also been celebrating the 20th anniversary of PlayStation and have received limited a limited edition headset and controller in the original "PlayStation grey" colors, as well as the stunning and highly sought-after 20th Anniversary PS4 console. 

While I never stopped loving PlayStation, the "PS3 years" saw Sony take a beating from Microsoft.  And even though they came out on top in the end, the Xbox 360 showed itself to be a huge competitor.  I feel we are returning to the "glory days" of the PS2.  The PS4 is selling more systems than the PS2 did in the same span of time and again, we are seeing more and more games eschewing the Xbox One and releasing as an exclusive on the PS4.

It's been a fantastic two years and I see a bright future heading forward.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2015, 09:52:41 am »
While I have nothing against discussions of literally anything gaming, I really do not like when people make a post and then link to a youtube channel. This forum is not a place for people to try to get subscribers for their channel. If you want to discuss the PS4 (which Im all for and is my 100% gaming focus right now), then lets do it.

Agreed & agreed.  Screw the Xbone.   ;D
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2015, 10:27:18 am »
I have no allegiances to any company, maybe Nintendo, but that's mostly nostalgia.

This next part is mostly rambling and ranting, but I promise, it winds up relevant in the end.

I went from N64, to PS2, to 360, to current gen.  For the N64 generation, it was my only platform.  I got a PSX shortly after the release of the PS2, which led to me getting a PS2 shortly after that, so I mostly jumped over PSX.  I didn't touch Xbox, Dreamcast, and rarely touched a GCN, if only for Melee.  My first console of the next generation was the Wii, but it felt out of place, so I barely count it.  But for some reason, I felt compelled to purchase an Xbox 360, I loved the controller, the exclusives were great, and I had no regrets.  I eventually got a PS3, and I rarely touch it for anything other than streaming Netflix or watching blu-rays.  I got a BC PS3 at some point and started migrating my digital games over to it and was planning on giving the PS3 a real chance, then it got the YLOD, so I'm back to giving up on PS3 until I get it repaired, it was very demoralizing.  Mind you, Microsoft was being fairly evil with their plans for Xbone, plus the name is plain stupid.  But on the other hand, I had bad experiences with the PS3, nothing good at all.  I was at a weird place in my life money wise, no bills, high income, so I bought both.  I felt inclined to give PS4 the better chance because they weren't screwing around with trying to screw their customers, mind you PSNow was only just a concept at this point.  I felt like PS4 would be my platform of choice for this generation, and I may still be feeling this way, I haven't fully decided.  But things HAVE changed, Microsoft retconned all of their shenanigans, started 360 BC on Xbone, Games with Gold, and imo they have a better media player this generation.  Sony however, made PSNow a subscription/rebuy your games service, removed all forms of a media player (later to be added), no way to play music (AFAIK), and more recently the "PS2 emulation" where you can buy your PS2 games for a 3rd time.  Plus, through my heightened use of the PS4, I've noticed that the L2/R2 triggers are very easily triggered on accident with their design.  I'm watching a movie with family, my wife bumps the coffee table, and the film starts rewinding.  Minor complaint, but it happens often enough to be annoying.  Mind you, my Xbone is in a different room being exclusively used for Fallout 4, and my PS3 is YLOD, so PS4 is the only option for blu-rays.

To me, I had high hopes for Sony at the beginning of this generation, but I'm swaying back towards Microsoft.


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2015, 11:07:04 am »
As for software, I have been loving the games.  The PS4 receives nearly every 3rd party game and they all look & play smoother on the PS4 than the Xbox One. 

True, but at this point in the game I think differences are really really small. I mean, the resolution difference is 180p: you really need to be right up against the screen to tell the difference.

It's really the same thing with the way the games play overall; I find that almost all, if not all the multi plats are reviewed so close together it doesn't really matter. It's certainly not PS2 vs XBox or even PS3 vs 360, I really think you have to stretch to find meaningful differences between the two consoles, in my opinion.  :)

Overall, I agree that the PS4 is a really good and better console with really great exclusive stuff, but I also agree with ctracy that Microsoft really has been hauling quite a bit lately (they have to). I wish that both consoles (and Nintendo) would do well, since ultimately that's what will make this console generation better than if Sony was just crushing everything, because competition is what ultimately drives good content.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 11:28:43 am by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2015, 11:31:59 am »
I understand where you are coming from and the YLOD on your PS3 really, really sucks.  My original 40GB PS3 stopped reading discs a week before Metal Gear Solid 4 was released.  Sony was good as gold and within 10 business days, I had the unit back in tip-top shape.  While PS3 did have issues, it was less than 5% of units that were affected with the YLOD.  The Xbox 360 on the other hand at one point had over a 50% failure rate with over 85% of the original units failing to the RROD. 

I've felt that Microsoft has screwed us as gamers since they shitcanned the original Xbox (a really, really good system) prematurely to focus on the Xbox 360.  The Xbox 360 which they knowingly released in a faulty state because they were in such a rush to beat Sony to market.  I personally had my original Xbox 360 fail, so as for last generation at that point, Sony and Microsoft were equally crapping out for me personally.  Microsoft then decided to focus solely on Kinect.  Aside from Gears, Forza, Fable and Halo all we got were Kinect games that frankly sucked.

Even then, I was excited for the big Xbox One reveal.  Oh, what a reveal.  Completely anti-consumer.  Don Mattrick basically pissed in our faces when asked what about gamers who don't have a constant internet connection and he stated "We have a system for those gamers.  It's called an Xbox 360."  Not to mention forcing the Kinect 2.0 down our collective throats and swearing that the 'bone wouldn't function without it.  Lie after lie after lie.

Now, Microsoft didn't reverse their piss-poor policies because they are good guys.  They only did it because of the massive consumer backlash.  Three generations of consoles, three generations of trying to screw gamers over.    As for PS2 "backward compatibility" Sony said all along that the PS4 would not be backwards compatible.  One can look at offering PS2 games for download or streaming on the PS4 as milking gamers for games they already bought.  Another way to look at it is that people who never had the chance to play these games are now afforded the opportunity to do so.  If you already own these PS2 games, why not just play them on a PS2?  You can get one under $20 just about any used games store. 

I'm not trying to poo-poo your likes or dislikes and your points are completely valid from your standpoint.  I fully respect that.  I'm just personally not going to get bent over by Microsoft again.  Aside from Rare Replay, I can't think of another single game I really want to play that I can't get on another console or the PC.  I bought Rare Replay for $10 on Black Friday and I play the bulk of Rare's games through an emulator.  So again, not missing much. 

To me, Microsoft's big contributions to gaming have been paid online, DLC and releasing crappy hardware.  With the way things are going, I see the Xbox One being the last system from Microsoft.  They will no longer release sales figures and the PS4 is currently considered to be selling approximately 3:1 with over twice as many systems in users hands.  Microsoft is focusing on "Xbox Live engagement" or some such made-up nonsense.  Their big "Ace" Halo 5 failed to set the sales charts on fire and it's pretty clear that the post-Bungie years aren't so good.  Halo 4 pretty much showed me that the series is soulless without Bungie at the helm.  They have a few paid exclusives coming out, but other than that it's the same old Forza, Fable, Halo, Gears grindathon. 

As a gamer, playing since the Atari/Coleco days and having been a heavy gamer since the NES brought gaming back to prominence, I have owned and gamed on just about every major system from Nintendo, Sega, Sony and Microsoft.  Microsoft's attitude is to milk every dime they can out of people.  They don't make games that gamers will like, they try to make games they feel like making and tell us that we like them.  They throw their money around for timed exclusives like the deal with Rise of Tomb Raider and dissolved most of their actual game studios years ago.  Not that I think Sony or Nintendo are some happy joy-joy corporations solely focused on making people happy, but they aren't the soulless corrupt jackasses that reside at the top of Microsoft's tower of power.

Yeah...don't see myself every buying another Microsoft console. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2015, 11:44:14 am »
True, but at this point in the game I think differences are really really small. I mean, the resolution difference is 180p: you really need to be right up against the screen to tell the difference.

It's really the same thing with the way the games play overall; I find that almost all, if not all the multi plats are reviewed so close together it doesn't really matter. It's certainly not PS2 vs XBox or even PS3 vs 360, I really think you have to stretch to find meaningful differences between the two consoles, in my opinion.  :)

Overall, I agree that the PS4 is a really good and better console with really great exclusive stuff, but I also agree with ctracy that Microsoft really has been hauling quite a bit lately (they have to). I wish that both consoles (and Nintendo) would do well, since ultimately that's what will make this console generation better than if Sony was just crushing everything, because competition is what ultimately drives good content.

The differences between PS4 and Xbox One games doesn't come down to just the resolution.  Look at something like Battlefront, where the Xbox version also stutters while playing.  Or Fallout 4 where the framerate dips to 0fps and the game locks up for a few seconds.

I don't know if you were a gamer during the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox days, but Sony was crushing everyone then and we had some of the very best games released in that era.  Competition is good, but Microsoft has demonstrated that when they think they are on top, they will steamroll you and not give two shits about it.  They are a blight on gaming.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2015, 11:58:26 am »
While I have nothing against discussions of literally anything gaming, I really do not like when people make a post and then link to a youtube channel. This forum is not a place for people to try to get subscribers for their channel. If you want to discuss the PS4 (which Im all for and is my 100% gaming focus right now), then lets do it.

Im not trying to get subscribers for my channel... Those are my thoughts... You don't have to watch the video or subscribe... I wanted to start a discussion which this thread has...

Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2015, 12:01:19 pm »
As for software, I have been loving the games.  The PS4 receives nearly every 3rd party game and they all look & play smoother on the PS4 than the Xbox One. 
Overall, I agree that the PS4 is a really good and better console with really great exclusive stuff, but I also agree with ctracy that Microsoft really has been hauling quite a bit lately (they have to). I wish that both consoles (and Nintendo) would do well, since ultimately that's what will make this console generation better than if Sony was just crushing everything, because competition is what ultimately drives good content.

Wise words man. Im always for diversity in games and you are right, competition drives good content. Look at how the PS3 turned around last generation!


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2015, 12:10:34 pm »
The thing with that is, I can also look up articles online about frame rate issues of 20 fps for Fallout 4 on the PS4. It depends on how you want to cherry pick your search.

With Battlefront, frame rates on the PS4 range from 50-60 just like the XBone, but Battlefront in general doesn't run well on XBox - it has problems with image and frame rates when a lot action comes in to play. So, I agree with you there  :)

In general, I don't want to get in a heated argument with you man haha. Like I said, I do agree with you that the PS4 is the better console. But I think this brash distaste towards Microsoft because of the XBone launch (which has been all but completely reworked), isn't helpful or proactive.

And I absolutely agree with tuet0ne that we have to learn a lesson from the PS3 - Sony hauled ass because they were behind, and it really showed in the long run. It's still too early to tell, but I think Microsoft is really trying since they brought Spencer in. And I do believe that Microsoft can do great things with this console if they are given a chance; dwelling and bringing up points from Microsoft's past in order to shun their current console is a little dishonest, in my opinion.

I totally understand that your upset about what Microsoft has done (who wouldn't be), but calling it and walking out on the One after two years of it's launch really isn't that wise. - It's just wayyy to early. Maybe I'm too optimistic. But I can't stop thinking about how the Dreamcast died so early partly because people were so fed up with Sega's handing of the 32X, CD and Saturn, combined with how the PS2 was marketed at the time. It's very similar to what's going on right now.

EDIT 1: I know I'm young and I don't have a ton of games or gaming experience, but yes, I grew up in the PS2 generation, and I love the PS2 and PS3 more than Microsoft's consoles. I am in no way a Microsoft fanboy, I just help out a lot with the Microsoft side of VGC because it's really underdeveloped in a lot of areas.

Competition is good, but Microsoft has demonstrated that when they think they are on top, they will steamroll you and not give two shits about it.

That's exactly what Sony did last generation with the PS3 from the PS2 - The PS3 at launch was ugly to program for, expensive beast with no good games for at least a year. But Sony said "Your going to buy it anyway because we're Sony and people loved the PS2!" The differences in mindset are very little, in my opinion

Sorry for the long post with so many edits, haha
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 12:48:18 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2015, 12:51:05 pm »
I understand where you are coming from and the YLOD on your PS3 really, really sucks.  My original 40GB PS3 stopped reading discs a week before Metal Gear Solid 4 was released.  Sony was good as gold and within 10 business days, I had the unit back in tip-top shape.  While PS3 did have issues, it was less than 5% of units that were affected with the YLOD.  The Xbox 360 on the other hand at one point had over a 50% failure rate with over 85% of the original units failing to the RROD. 

I've felt that Microsoft has screwed us as gamers since they shitcanned the original Xbox (a really, really good system) prematurely to focus on the Xbox 360.  The Xbox 360 which they knowingly released in a faulty state because they were in such a rush to beat Sony to market.  I personally had my original Xbox 360 fail, so as for last generation at that point, Sony and Microsoft were equally crapping out for me personally.  Microsoft then decided to focus solely on Kinect.  Aside from Gears, Forza, Fable and Halo all we got were Kinect games that frankly sucked.

Even then, I was excited for the big Xbox One reveal.  Oh, what a reveal.  Completely anti-consumer.  Don Mattrick basically pissed in our faces when asked what about gamers who don't have a constant internet connection and he stated "We have a system for those gamers.  It's called an Xbox 360."  Not to mention forcing the Kinect 2.0 down our collective throats and swearing that the 'bone wouldn't function without it.  Lie after lie after lie.

Now, Microsoft didn't reverse their piss-poor policies because they are good guys.  They only did it because of the massive consumer backlash.  Three generations of consoles, three generations of trying to screw gamers over.    As for PS2 "backward compatibility" Sony said all along that the PS4 would not be backwards compatible.  One can look at offering PS2 games for download or streaming on the PS4 as milking gamers for games they already bought.  Another way to look at it is that people who never had the chance to play these games are now afforded the opportunity to do so.  If you already own these PS2 games, why not just play them on a PS2?  You can get one under $20 just about any used games store. 

I'm not trying to poo-poo your likes or dislikes and your points are completely valid from your standpoint.  I fully respect that.  I'm just personally not going to get bent over by Microsoft again.  Aside from Rare Replay, I can't think of another single game I really want to play that I can't get on another console or the PC.  I bought Rare Replay for $10 on Black Friday and I play the bulk of Rare's games through an emulator.  So again, not missing much. 

To me, Microsoft's big contributions to gaming have been paid online, DLC and releasing crappy hardware.  With the way things are going, I see the Xbox One being the last system from Microsoft.  They will no longer release sales figures and the PS4 is currently considered to be selling approximately 3:1 with over twice as many systems in users hands.  Microsoft is focusing on "Xbox Live engagement" or some such made-up nonsense.  Their big "Ace" Halo 5 failed to set the sales charts on fire and it's pretty clear that the post-Bungie years aren't so good.  Halo 4 pretty much showed me that the series is soulless without Bungie at the helm.  They have a few paid exclusives coming out, but other than that it's the same old Forza, Fable, Halo, Gears grindathon. 

As a gamer, playing since the Atari/Coleco days and having been a heavy gamer since the NES brought gaming back to prominence, I have owned and gamed on just about every major system from Nintendo, Sega, Sony and Microsoft.  Microsoft's attitude is to milk every dime they can out of people.  They don't make games that gamers will like, they try to make games they feel like making and tell us that we like them.  They throw their money around for timed exclusives like the deal with Rise of Tomb Raider and dissolved most of their actual game studios years ago.  Not that I think Sony or Nintendo are some happy joy-joy corporations solely focused on making people happy, but they aren't the soulless corrupt jackasses that reside at the top of Microsoft's tower of power.

Yeah...don't see myself every buying another Microsoft console.
This was way too long to keep my thoughts straight.

Every time my 360 died, and I had 4 die, I believe, they were always repaired or replaced for free.  My fat white got replaced with a black slim, my black slim replaced with a Halo Reach edition, and my halo reach edition replaced with the Gears of war edition.  So I got free games and controllers out of it in the long run, not a bad experience for me personally.  Plus the Xbox Rewards program netted me a lot of free money, I was able to buy microsoft points on sale, and buy games on sale.  I probably am very biased towards 360 over PS3, but I fell in love with the controller, achievement points pulled me in, and I rather enjoyed the 360 exclusives (Gears, Forza, Fable, etc.) and Fallout/Elder Scrolls running so much better.

PS3 on the other hand, I bought a fat non-BC at some point, I dug being able to use Linux, then they removed that feature and I pretty much stopped using my PS3 for anything other than blu-rays.  I replaced my fat one with a slim because my boss at GS gave me a fantastic deal.  I bought a BC PS3 for like $20 that needed the blu-ray drive replaced, I replaced it, and then 2 weeks later, it went YLOD.  Obviously not in warranty, and the one repair shop I spoke with said $90, so it left a bad flavor in my mouth.  My tune my change once I get around to repairing it or paying someone to repair it.

I completely agree on Mattrick.  Guy was an exec at EA, negative points right there.  Finally left Microsoft and where did he go?  Zynga.  The man was a plain bad influence.  Phil Spencer on the other hand, I think he's doing a lot of good work to undo the mess Mattrick left behind.

I agree that, that mind set could be applied towards PS2 "emulation" on PS4, but when most of these games are easily available at a lower cost, it's still fairly hard to justify, especially as a collector.  I'm not the demographic for that feature, so it kind of doesn't matter.  I will say, I would much rather play PSX/PS2 games on PS3 over the original console, because of wireless controllers.  I have a pair of wireless ps2 controllers, they are pretty good, but I would much rather use my ps3 controllers.  Same would apply to PS4 if it was an option.  My mindset is, PSX BC was cheap enough that Sony decided to keep it when it axed PS2 BC, and they were already doing PS2 emulation or backwards compatibility through PS2 classics as well, even on non-BC ps3s.  But they put a lot of money into GaiKai, they wouldn't squander that.  I get it and I take no offense by it, but I would much rather have BC as an option on top of PSNow, reasonable or not.

I get that PSNow is really more for the folks who missed out on PS3 and such, but as someone who missed out on PLAYING PS3 games, but totally bought a bunch, I feel kind of left out.  I don't have a working PS3, so I can't play the games, but if I paid Sony for PSNow or rented the ps3 titles for PS4, I can actually play them and my understanding is there is added functionality playing on PS4 (streaming, sharing, etc.).  So I'm missing out altogether.

If Xbone reached full BC with 360, which won't happen, and I were in the same situation but with 360 instead of PS3, I'd be able to play those 360 games I missed out on without having to buy them all over again.  Especially since physical 360/PS3 titles are fairly cheap, almost certainly cheaper than buying digital copies.


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2015, 01:06:55 pm »
Let me bring something else up gf78, and this is not meant as an insult in any way: it's just something that I noticed.  :-[ I just see that you have 4 PS4s and 0 Xbox Ones, that's why I posing the suggestion that Microsoft is not being given a fair chance.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 01:08:33 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2015, 01:13:40 pm »
The thing with that is, I can also look up articles online about frame rate issues of 20 fps for Fallout 4 on the PS4. It depends on how you want to cherry pick your search.

With Battlefront, frame rates on the PS4 range from 50-60 just like the XBone, but Battlefront in general doesn't run well on XBox - it has problems with image and frame rates when a lot action comes in to play. So, I agree with you there  :)

In general, I don't want to get in a heated argument with you man haha. Like I said, I do agree with you that the PS4 is the better console. But I think this brash distaste towards Microsoft because of the XBone launch (which has been all but completely reworked), isn't helpful or proactive.

And I absolutely agree with tuet0ne that we have to learn a lesson from the PS3 - Sony hauled ass because they were behind, and it really showed in the long run. It's still too early to tell, but I think Microsoft is really trying since they brought Spencer in. And I do believe that Microsoft can do great things with this console if they are given a chance; dwelling and bringing up points from Microsoft's past in order to shun their current console is a little dishonest, in my opinion.

I totally understand that your upset about what Microsoft has done (who wouldn't be), but calling it and walking out on the One after two years of it's launch really isn't that wise. - It's just wayyy to early. Maybe I'm too optimistic. But I can't stop thinking about how the Dreamcast died so early partly because people were so fed up with Sega's handing of the 32X, CD and Saturn, combined with how the PS2 was marketed at the time. It's very similar to what's going on right now.

EDIT 1: I know I'm young and I don't have a ton of games or gaming experience, but yes, I grew up in the PS2 generation, and I love the PS2 and PS3 more than Microsoft's consoles. I am in no way a Microsoft fanboy, I just help out a lot with the Microsoft side of VGC because it's really underdeveloped in a lot of areas.

That's exactly what Sony did last generation with the PS3 from the PS2 - The PS3 at launch was ugly to program for, expensive beast with no good games for at least a year. But Sony said "Your going to buy it anyway because we're Sony and people loved the PS2!" The differences in mindset are very little, in my opinion

Sorry for the long post with so many edits, haha

I didn't mean to make it seem like Fallout 4 is a perfect game on the PS4 because it's not.  I should have elaborated that while the PS4 version has framerate dips, the Xbox One's are more severe.  My bad on that.

As for my feelings on Microsoft, it's just my opinion and feelings.  As a multi-console owner/gamer who typically games on all the major consoles for each generation, my past experiences with the Xbox brand and the state of the One's library pretty much dictates that I won't buy one.  It boils down to personal preference of games and the 'bone doesn't have the games I am looking for.  I'm not saying that there aren't good games on the system and/or games coming out that I would enjoy playing.  But I look at what it has and what's coming out.

I don't feel obligated to support Microsoft and the Xbox brand, no more than I feel obligated to support Sony or Nintendo.  If they provide a product that I want, I will purchase it.  Sony may have been pretty damn arrogant during the lead-up and release of the PS3, but they didn't stop supporting the PS2 (God of War 2 among others came out AFTER the PS3 was on market) nor did they release a broken-from-the-conceptual-stage-on system like Microsoft did with the 360. 

Sony didn't completely abandon developing games for the PS3 because they PS4 was coming.  Microsoft stopped making games for the 360 a couple of years before the One was released so they would have those games for launch. 

Look, I think Phil Spencer for all intents and purposes is a good dude.  He seems to genuinely want to make the Xbox One successful and I can respect that.  But they (Microsoft) have burned me.  Not once.  Not twice.  Three times.  That's it for me. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Playstation 4 Two Years Later - Thoughts and Discussion
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2015, 01:23:56 pm »
Let me bring something else up gf78, and this is not meant as an insult in any way: it's just something that I noticed.  :-[ I just see that you have 4 PS4s and 0 Xbox Ones, that's why I posing the suggestion that Microsoft is not being given a fair chance. offense taken.  I've been partial to Sony since the original PlayStation system was released.  I bought the Destiny Taken King and 20th Anniversary PS4's because well....they are gorgeous.  I tried my hardest to win the gold Taco Bell PS4 and in the end, didn't get one.  My wife bought one for me because she knew I really wanted it.

As for Xbox One, I already explained that after three strikes, Microsoft isn't getting any more business from me.  If somebody gave me a One, I would keep it.  But I don't see anyone gifting one to me and I'm not buying one.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us