Author Topic: TPX VGCOLLECT R&D LIST  (Read 28880 times)


« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2017, 12:30:47 pm »
177 PS2 releases so far, not counting PSX or Test/Dev units. Started with a .txt doc as per my usual, moving over to a Google Sheet so I can easily sort the columns by model or barcode. I have a view-only link if you want to see. F/B/C columns are for pictures Front/Back/Cart. Only have transferred over Japan, US, Canada and Mexico.


« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2017, 12:06:09 pm »
Fat PS2: Sony PlayStation 2 SCPH-30001 (Black) [NA]
Alt: Sony PlayStation 2 Fat PS2 SCPH-30001 Black

Slim PS2: Sony PlayStation 2 - Charcoal Black SCPH-77001 CB [NA]
Alt: Sony PlayStation 2 Slim PS2 SCPH-77001 CB

After going through all these releases, I think the best arrangement for the name should be:
- name
- model
- color
- pack

IE: Sony PlayStation 2 SCPH-77001 CW (Ceramic White) - SingStar Pop

And since all PS2 systems have a region specific model number, it would not be required to put the TLD in the title except in a couple circumstances.


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« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2017, 02:54:09 pm »
Good work Trip.


« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2017, 08:02:00 am »
You're a rock star, man. Impressive work  :)
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2017, 10:12:06 am »
I wanted to put my research method into a post. It may help others who are trying to find something, not necessarily doing huge research but maybe just to find a picture. One part I can't really teach is the ability to use websites in other languages without being able to read it yourself.

Searching in online classified sites: Ebay (Ekkiy searches international Ebays), PriceMinister (France), Yahoo Auctions Japan, Yahoo Auctions Hong Kong, Kijii/CraigsList, Mercadolivre/Mercadolibre (South America), Tmall, DCFever, etc.
- You can find the images of actual items, often in loose form. Helpful in some cases (like Ebay or YA) where you can zoom in the picture and read things off the box or whatever. Good way for getting a barcode, but sometimes you can't make it out. Sometimes you can find what something looks like, but you can't use the image. It helps to know what you are looking for when using a general search.

Google, and Google Image Search: When using Image Search, it will show you things unrelated to your search. Google will often change search terms on you and there doesn't seem to be a way to stop it, even if using quotes. When you are on a regular search page, it will say that it is searching for something other than what you typed in, but on Google Images, it doesn't do this.

When searching for things outside of your region, try to search using the native language. You can use Google Translate for this. Of course, we know that Google Translate is not perfect, but you can use it to find the correct search terms. For example, if you are trying to find something about a Korean game or system, put the English (or whatever) into translate. Then take the output and search for it. But what you are doing here is finding anything similar. Visit a couple pages that are related to the terms you are using, and see if that site is using the same words that Google Translate gave you or not. Then you would want to search using the terms the actual site uses in case of there being an actual difference.

Also be aware that different languages use different words for things. For example, some countries would use the term 'carton' instead of 'box' in their native language. Take care when translating to Hebrew or Arabic, as their text is reversed (it will play tricks on your search bar and typing) and even I get confused trying to insert quotes lol.

If you get stuck and just can't find something, you can try searching for the thing's barcode. In the US it is a UPC, in Europe it is EAN and in Japan it is JAN. (Japan being the hardest because Google will search for January also). This will often put you onto retail sites that will have that info, but do not immediately trust the barcode it tells you. Search on that barcode to make sure it is correct. If you find a picture of an item using the barcode in Google Image search, actually go to the page and make sure it is correct, or that it isn't one of those pages that just has multiple on there for whatever reason. Those UPC lookup sites like UPCFinder or whatever else are often not as helpful as they seem.

And remember that JAN does not use the T at the beginning that is on the actual packaging. Do not search with the T prefix, just as we are not to put it on entries in the DB either.


« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2017, 12:34:38 pm »
PS2 Hardware section had some work done:

Only set naming on existing entries. left color off the names but put them into alt name for searching. Entries without model numbers are presently in "unknown" status (one is known to exist but do not know model, the other "special edition" is totally unknown, waiting for PM). TLD not required either because the last digit of the model number denotes release country. But, there will be a couple with a TLD on it due to South America using US model numbers in some cases.

Model number is the one from the box. The consoles themselves do not use the color code suffix, it is only on the box. Nearly all model numbers have the space between the model and the color code, few exceptions, like this SingStar Pop release has no space:

Please provide feedback on this naming convention.

Note: There are 43 PS2 consoles in the DB, but just short of 290 on my list! I keep finding new ones! :'(
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 12:37:59 pm by tripredacus »


« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2017, 02:26:01 pm »
So should item numbers take precedence over TLD? I wanna make sure I have it right for the GameCube section

I guess my preference is to also include the TLD because it makes things a lot easier to visualize by region, but that's just me :)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 02:31:37 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2017, 11:13:06 am »
In the case of items in categories, you only need to put in a TLD in the title if you would otherwise have more than 1 item with the same title.

For Gamecube, it does not seem that the item number is as prevalent on the boxes as it is for Sony items, or on the consoles themselves. If I were doing Gamecube, I would follow the method I used for the Game Gear category.

Also, when starting to work on an entire category like this, I will want to do some research first before tackling any of the existing entries. For this work, while I had made some comments about how I think PS2 consoles should be named in this thread already, I had gone and found information on a lot of the releases beforehand. Once I got a good understanding of how to tell the different ones apart, it gave me a better idea of how they should be in the category.

So the box takes priority on the listings, then you should be using the alt-name field to handle any extra keywords that people would use if they have a loose console.


« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2017, 12:40:41 pm »
PS2 research done (as far as it will be holy cow)
Unedited Image archive saved and available at request.
Fix images on existing entries: In progress

Spreadsheet changes. Green column on VGC ID if entry is done (as best as I can do it). It will be red for entries pending removal.
Goofed up on the ID number for 64402, which had a dupe and is replaced with an X.

Future tasks
- split up remaining systems into confirmed vs not, or not enough information:
- create a master list with images of things requiring more information or confirmation
- create a list of the (boot) Indonesian PS2 releases:
- determine fate of 102323
- add confirmed entries into the database.

Not prioritizing console images. I have some but not a ton. Adding console/cart images for PS2 systems can be done by anyone going forward, but please allow me to create the missing entries first.

Total PS2 console tally: 386!
Note: there are more that exist, but finding information is difficult.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 11:19:21 am by tripredacus »


« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2017, 01:33:54 pm »
Moved all the VIC-20 cart games (identifiable by images or description) from VIC-20 Cassettes [NA] to VIC-20 Cartridges [NA]. Merged dupes in VIC-20 Cartridges [NA].


« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2017, 12:43:33 pm »
Finished adding all PS2 consoles on my list that were not in the DB, and that I had at least a front box picture and the SCPH number. A couple of images I used are "proof" images and not cropped box shots as is preferrable. However, using an actual image rather than nothing is best. In these cases, these obscured or small size images were the only ones found of the item.


« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2017, 12:03:33 pm »
Decided to stop holding back on the missing PS2 consoles. I had originally only added the ones that I was able to find both the SCPH number from the box AND a front image. Might as well add the rest, the entries can be fixed later.

For the spreadsheet list, this color code for the VGC ID column

Green = in DB, has Front image and SCPH number in title
teal = in DB, has Front image, missing SCPH number in title
yellow = not in DB. found no images, not confirmed to exist
red = in DB, disputed/unknown entry (will be removed in the future)
orange = bootleg, not to be added to the DB
magenta = in DB, does not have front image, has another image (existence confirmation)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 11:05:14 am by tripredacus »


« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2017, 12:17:34 pm »
PS2 Hardware section is as done as it is going to get. Currently this section now has 331 different console releases in it!

There are 56 left on my list that are not in this section. Minus the 15 bootleg Indonesian consoles, it leaves 41. These are ones that I have no pictures of so I cannot confirm the existence or I do not have enough information to add into the db. It includes all 5 of the Japanese European Automobile Color consoles, and the US yellow. I am certain these exist but currently they are not added.

So all entries should have images of some sort. All the ones with no front art do not qualify for the "can put console as front art" because all of these were released in boxes. This is even true of the devkits. For obvious reasons, devkit outer box images are harder to find than pics of the individual kits themselves.

The exception of all entries having *some* image is this Street Cricket release:
I have an image on file, but it is of such bad quality that it cannot be used at all.
You will note that for some of the entries, the front image is not ideal, but is used because that is the only image found. I refer to these on the spreadsheet as "proof" images, marked with a P in the front box art column. Proof images are used on some console releases, typically these will show the SCPH number.


« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2017, 08:09:13 pm »
Nice, man. Are you gonna do another console section next?  ;)
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2017, 11:15:49 am »
No I think I will get back to my normal list. I initially took on that section because I kept running into the Satin Silver consoles and seeing bad entries, so that is why I did it. I have previously done the Game Gear and Genesis console sections.