The most annoying part of the use of the term Bundle is that it is not warranted most of the time. There are a few sticky situations where it is difficult to determine how something should be titled. Very few items actually have the word Bundle on the packaging (or digital title) but it DOES happen.
It seems mostly either this term is taken from online store listings, or a lazy way to call something. Especially for Japanese items where this is not really a term that they use. It is more common for them to use a word like "Set" instead. Sometimes the translator does translate to bundle, but very rarely.
PS: I am ignoring some items such as Limited Run games and most things that do not fit into Game, Accessory or Hardware category.
So the frustration is that the word "bundle" is being used on things that do have names. At least with the English (or Euro) items I can easily read them and just fix the titles. Not so with Japanese items. Often, even the text for Japanese items are not online to find, even in Japanese, and need to be constructed manually. So this post is part complaints and part to explain how I determine what a Japanese item is supposed to say.
The first is to try using the Translate app on my phone. It has a hard time reading some characters due to the camera having issues taking pictures of the computer screen. And having this on the phone is not super helpful to know the characters because I cannot type them into the computer.
Instead I can use the Google Translate website itself, which has a text input where you can actually write the characters as you see and it will guess what it is. This does not always return a good result, but it does then allow me to search in Japanese using some of the correct characters in order to determine which other ones I can use.
As an example, Google Translate has a real difficulty in reading my drawings of characters such as:
Which translates to link. Perhaps I am just not drawing them well enough for them to read. For the simpler stuff, it works well enough, here is a picture:

In most cases, the "Did you mean" part is rarely helpful. Since I said I could not get it to recognize my scribbles as 接続, I had to find those characters using Google search, and I was able to search for the other parts which I had gotten to be recognized. Then I can copy those characters back into the Translate page as you see in my screenshot, in order to get the actual translation. Also it does not hurt to also search for the complete text to verify still if you wanted. Sometimes even this does not show up on Google, likely because even people on Japanese gaming websites do not record what is written on their boxes either!