Author Topic: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures  (Read 1956 times)


All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« on: January 09, 2016, 11:39:09 am »
Thought you guys would like to see just how much I picked up in just one year.
There's a lot of pic's (lol) also added comments to each pic, it was fun reliving a year in gaming.
Hope you enjoy it as well.  8)

Finally got Nightmare Busters, I pre-ordered this about two years in advance. Also a weird Colecovision homebrew.

Early this year I was going Dreamcast crazy.  ::)

I traded a copy of Clock Tower to get those two Xbox games.

OMG elf bowling sealed! lol

Ugh I remember this when I was supposed to pick up Lucario Amiibo and Toys R Us sold all the pre-orders to one reseller.
The Manager gave me any game I wanted at a discount so I picked up GTAV on XBone.

I finally got a Vita, A friend sold me his at a good price.

More added from my Dreamquest. Did I mention I was going crazy for completing Dreamcast for a while. lol

More Dreamcast, a GBA game and some other game no one cares about.  ::)

Ahh the night I waited outside a Target at 3AM and had the cops called on me to get this prize.

I had to sell a lot of my extras to get that Wild Guns.

This was the week I game hunted out in Madison and I finally got my Lucario.

Another rare game I got by selling a lot of extras. Also won Actraiser II in a contest.

I nice DigiBlast lot I picked up cheap and more to my Dreamcast fetish.  ::)

During this time I was also Hunting down many of the rarer Wii titles before they disappeared.

Had to have my brother wait in line at Wal-Mart to help me get a Gold Mario. Castlevania X on PCECD  :D

Got a nice deal on Bravely Default CE and TOAD AMIIBO!!! lol

This was my first garage sale finds of 2015, a NDS XL for $1. And got Popful Mail.  :)

Mostly pick ups from Midwest Gaming Classic day 1.

I originally wasn't planning on going back to WGC but a friend wanted me to come and I ended up buying more.  ::)

Big lot of Genesis goodness from a garage sale.  :D

MORTAL KOMBAT X!!! I beat this game into the ground. (no pun intended)  ::)

I missed out pre-ordering the Borderlands Clap Trap in a Box Edition, I figured well at least I saved $400. Then I saw one left over at a Gamestop that someone didn't pick up. Fine I'll break. lol  :P

A Nice NES and Gameboy lot from a Garage sale.  ;D

Found a rare Game console at a small resale shop for cheap, also picked up another rare Japanese console.

A Zone 60 CIB oh ya baby. lol

This was a nice find, A NES Power set box (with a few extras inside) for $10.

Found that boxed NES Zoomer controller at a church sale mixed up with some books.

Some garage sale finds and I picked up a rare T16CD game from a local game show. The guy was nice enough to give me a great deal on it.

Some more garage sale finds, Skyrim hardcover guide for 50c.

My first of many N64 lots I picked up this year. Also a nice lot of boxes.  :D

More Garage sales, and OMG a Hannah Montana PSP!!  :o

My second N64 lot, and a great SNES lot with Kirby's Dreamland 3.

Some decent Gamecube garage sale finds.  :)

A blue Game Gear garage sale find.  :D Too bad it didn't work.  :(

More random garage sale pick ups. Lot of Skylanders.

A Local game store gave me this Blue Dev PS1 for $15, and two box full of those weird PS1 teacher school games.

Found a box full of Strategy Guides at a sale, I remember it took awhile for us to come to a price.

It's a Wii Stand.... What can I say? lol

That same store that gave me a deal on the Dev PS1 gave me a deal on the Target GBA and the Pokemon Mini.

Witcher 3!! I still gotta finish that game. lol

Some more random Garage Sale pick ups.

This was a nice find, A nice old man took me into his basement and I woke up later to get this. lol  :P
All kidding aside, it was one of those the guy was almost not wanting to sell it to me, but after I talked to him how I was a collector and showed him pic's of my collection he then felt like it was going to a good home he was happy to give me a deal.

Some okay garage sale finds, the black GBP has a messed up screen but it was just given to me in the rest of the GB lot.

AMIIBO DAY!!! Got all but Robin & Lucina (still missing them) also Wii Punch Out Sealed for $2!  ;)

Another nice Genesis lot, plus other garage sale goodness.

Another sell many extras and get Power Blade II, also a nice CIB NES lot.

My 3rd N64 lot, and great SNES lot (no Star Fox 2 I bought online)  :P

Lord, this was that sale where the guy was rummaging through box after box and pulling out some great PS1 & GC games.

A lot of PS2, Xbox and Wii games from garage sales and even a couple PC games for $1 a piece, ended up trading for credit to get other games I wanted.

A Halo 3 cat helmet complete from a Garage sale for $10. My cat wears it all the time.  :P

A huge Wii lot and Mario is happy.

A huge Xbox lot and for some reason a PAL PS2 game.

This was a sale that the guy had a huge box full of CIB NDS games, got a nice deal on all the games I needed.

This was that sale that a guy had a box full of random NES accessories and Wild Gunman.

I found a ton of Wii games in 2015.

Picked up a ton of NDS games too.   ::)

A nice NES lot and my 4th N64 lot.

An awesome SNES lot and a few games I bought from a collector I met at a sale, he was nice enough to show me his game collection. He loved his Amiga games.

It's Batman and the weird Japanese PS4 game that has the longest title ever!!

Here's something I don't find too often at garage sales, Long Box PS1 games!!!

One day I might be in that book...  ;) (DuckTales... Whoo Hoo!!)

My 5th and 6th N64 lot this year. Why can't I ever find colored ones around here.  ::)

A nice CIB 3DS lot, I want to say it was like $20 for all of it.

My 7th N64 lot (2nd boxed) and gasp!! A Dreamcast!!! lol

I finally got a Halo Xbox and another broken Game Gear, I swear These never work. lol

A gaming oddity but so retro and cool looking (also cheap as hell) lol

Some random garage sale goodness, a cool fighting stick and a Halo Xbox 360 for cheap.

Part of an awesome Suikoden Lot from a garage sale. All though one of the games I know I bought went missing.  :-\

More from the Suikoden lot and the 8th N64 lot this year.

A huge SNES lot (console in last pic) and the 1st Nintendo console ever made... A Pong clone.

I finally found a Blue Wii and oh wait its just the box. More Skylanders and Infinity geez these things are everywhere!

My 9th N64 lot (kinda) no games but had a spiffy case. Did I already say I find a ton of Wii games?  :P

I still can't believe someone took the time to remake Beat em & Eat em on the NES... I had to get it. lol

My 10th N64 lot and IT'S NOT CHARCOAL GREY!!! lol Also my 3rd boxed N64 this year.

A nice Odyssey 2 lot, had both versions of the console. Also a nice Sears 6-Switch Heavy Atari 2600.

"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2016, 11:39:57 am »

My Nintendo Pong was lonely, so I got it some friends. Also a Very Rare Japan game console.

I finally found a Genesis 3 from a garage sale i'm so hap.... Oh crap.  :P

My 11th N64 lot (getting sick of these yet?) and a boxed Genesis lot.

Picked up that weird rare exercise bicycle game, Now if I can find the bike I can play this game.  ::)

When I saw this for $50 I knew I had to buy it.

When I saw they where making a copy of Retro City Rampage DX for DOS, it was too cool not to buy it. lol

my 12th N64 lot (at this point I'm even shocked I found this many N64's) lol

Something I don't find often at garage sales a Sega NOMAD.  :o

This was a nice Atari 2600 lot, it was in like new shape.

A Digiblast lot that was a gift from a fellow VGCollecter, I still can't thank you enough. It's in my collection and I will always treasure it. Also the 13th N64 lot Another Green one!! Just need to find more Fun color models now.

A nice boxed Atari, A great SNES lot, A Game Boy lot and another extremely rare Japan game console.

This was from a farm sale and the guy brought out a huge box full of stuff but it was mostly empty boxes. You don't see me complaining. lol

Amiibo day!!! Most of this set is still easy to find. And one of the best ideas from Nintendo, Super Mario Maker!!

My 14th N64 lot, This was included in a box full of gaming stuff including Genesis & Saturn.

The N64 games from that lot and the games from the NES lot (not counting Menace Beach) and a Nice INTV lot.

A rare little table top console from europe. It's so cute!!  ;D

A set of boxed Genesis and PS1 consoles. I want to say the lady asked $10 for the pair. Also I felt sorry for these plug and plays.

A nice PSP lot and a boxed Majora's Mask and I can't forget you my pretty Atari.

SMB on the ATARI 2600?? I get people asking me where I got that Metal Bowser when they see it in my game room.

A nice 360 Wheel and I do regret ordering that Modern Mario Amiibo now. lol

Say it with me guys... My 15th N64 lot this year!! But also some nice PS1 & PS2 lots.

This was a nice find, a huge NES lot that had 2 NES systems, and mix of loose and CIB games. Also the 2nd Power Set box for $10.

I was not a fan of the packaging of the Classic Amiibo set in the US so I ordered the UK single versions.

My 16th N64 lot this year. I think everyone in my area bought N64's. also a Top loader NES.  :o

Interactive Figures!!!! THEIR EVERYWHERE!!!!

OMG, Hyperscan CIB best find ever!!!

If I told you there was NES controller called the "Grip It" you'd probably think I was lying.

Two of the rarest consoles just entered my collection. I'm so happy.  ;D

Getting close to the end of garage sales, this was the sale I had a rude reseller try and cut in front of me.

More end of the season garage sale finds, the Assassin's Creed CE the annual homebrew Christmas NES game.

The Wii and PS2 games where the last of the garage sale pick ups this year. But a resell shop had the Deluxe Set box on the shelf and when I was told $30 for it I was sold.

I still wear my Pip Boy everyday as my cell phone. I get the weirdest looks.

How to pick up girls: Buy this Japanese Cat game, show most any cute girl this game and they will fall in love with it just from the cover alone and maybe they will play the game with you. Maybe. lol
Every Girl I showed that game to wanted to steal it from me.

My Black Friday Pick ups.

This PS4 keeps wanting to force choke me.  :o

And finally the last pick ups of the year. My VGCollect Secret Santa gift and some CDi Awesomeness.

Well That took a LOOONNNNGGGG time to put up, I hope you guys enjoyed looking over and reading the comments I made. I didn't make this post to "Show Off" (okay maybe a little) but more to show you just how I made my collection as big as it is. I love my hobby and I love to share it with others who also have the love and passion of video games.
I have even welcomed and offered other collectors to join me on my hunts, most don't want to get up early enough to join me. But a few times they have and its a fun time. I even met a couple VGCollector's this year, put a face to the name.

I've had a great year as far as my collection and had many other blessings in my life, I also had some down points. My dad past away this year, He was a Father to not only me and my brothers but to many who where just friends of our family. My Grandfather bought me my first game console, my Dad got me my second and I still remember playing Frogger with my dad at the age of 7 and he could not get his frog across the street. Every time I talked about video games he always brought that up how he could never get that frog across the street. I am who I am today because of him and my granddad. You are both missed, I love you guys.

Through my passion I meet many new faces who also love the hobby, I know I'm not alone doing what I love.
Hope everyone has a great 2016 and everyone finds that one game this year that will forever be in their memories and even better if its with someone you love. Make some great gaming memories this year guys. Here's to meeting some new faces, Happy 2016.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 12:01:55 pm by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


PRO Supporter

Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2016, 11:44:27 am »
Wow! Lots of good stuff! Thanks for sharing Flea!

I need to come visit you one day and take a tour, burn an offering to the gaming gods, and so on. ;)
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2016, 12:06:31 pm »
Wow! Lots of good stuff! Thanks for sharing Flea!

I need to come visit you one day and take a tour, burn an offering to the gaming gods, and so on. ;)

I think if you burn a copy of Shaq-Fu or E.T. the gods will be pleased.  ;)
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2016, 04:07:58 pm »

This is my one and only pickup this year.
Currently Playing:
Chrono Trigger (DS)

Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2016, 04:50:04 pm »
my god.
lost for words.


Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2016, 06:17:33 pm »
It's always amazing to see your new stuff weekly, but seeing the year as a whole makes it all the more impressive! That's pretty cool  :D

Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2016, 07:23:25 pm »
Pretty sure you easily found more games in just last year than I currently have in my entire collection lol


Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2016, 07:38:51 pm »
That is incredible! The amount of awesome content you picked up is incredible! Very impressed.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2016, 07:39:07 pm »
Pretty sure you easily found more games in just last year than I currently have in my entire collection lol
Same lol.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2016, 09:43:02 pm »
Pretty sure you easily found more games in just last year than I currently have in my entire collection lol
Same lol.
^^^!!! ._. So jelly.


Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2016, 11:53:39 pm »
flea you always cease to amaze me. Nice year of pickups! Can't wait to see what you find this year.


PRO Supporter

Re: All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2016, 12:47:28 pm »
Awesome what you can get in 1 year.