Also, cross-buy is the equivalent of owning multiple copies of a game.
The problem with entering it once under each system is that you either end up with 2 items in your collection that are really just one (say, the PS3 + the PS4 versions), or you just choose one to log in your collection but can't see at a glance that you own it on the other system too. I haven't found anything that doesn't have such a drawback yet

As far as Xbox Live Indies go, the issue they caused is the same that can be currently seen under PS1 Classics and the likes. Each game could be logically placed under both Xbox Live AND Indies, which causes problems when someone browses by category, and makes a lot of people create duplicates. If most people feel that they prefer Indies separately and have a suggestion on how to keep it clean so as not to create confusion, this can be thought over once more. However, before making the change we created a thread asking about it, and the answers were mostly agreeing towards merging the categories like it was done.
Also I think I sounded like I didn't agree with the PlayStation Vita categories renaming that you mentioned, but I only forgot to add them to the list! Sorry about that. They're pending until the next work session.
This is a small request, but I thought I would ask here for the dual ESRB ratings to be added, for games like:
I added the ones you mentioned to the pending list, if you find more to be added please let me know! I can't find a list of the existing ones, so I guess they'll have to be added when found.