Idk do you think it's worth it? The current Battlefront plays pretty good.
I'm a giant fan of Free Radical Design, so a chance to play their prototype of the game sounds fantastic. I'm gonna keep an eye out for a cheap 360 for me to mod.
I really liked Free Radical....until they made Haze. That game was a steaming pile of manure.
I've read so many articles about Haze and FRD's development methods and how Ubisoft treated them. I understand why Haze sucked. I actually quite liked the multiplayer in Haze, but I recognize that it was no Timesplitters.
Haze was destined to fail at every turn. They were too ambitious, made poor decisions, forced into PS3 exclusivity, and Haze... HAZE... was originally developed to be on 360, not PS3, that was the major step that screwed them.