Just going to leave this here
Prince- dies 2 days after exposing the government for their use of chem trails, going against google and big business ect..
JFK - Assassinated immediately after attempting to rein in the power of the U.S federal reserve and proposing to end the Vietnam war which was making the illuminati billions at the time.
Michael Jackson - MJ talks about the entertainment industry, crooked execs, how they were trying to defame him through the tactics of labeling him as a pedophile or a psycho, how the industry wanted him to be looked at in a negative light. After Mj started speaking out against them. He was killed.
John Lennon- Lennon was an illuminati threat for a long time, The INS even attempted to deport him, He spoke out against the industry, the devil, promoted positive messages ect.. all of which was against the illuminati.
Tupac- Makes the acronym "Killuminati" Which stands for killing the illuminati. In many of his records, interviews ect.. he spoke out against the illuminati, exposed them every chance he had. He gets killed by an unknown gunman never to be found.
Martin Luther- MLK spoke out against the Vietnam war and against big business. As said before the Vietnam war was a very financially rewarding war for the illuminati. MLK also promoted unity, and was influential in leading people to a better cause and against propaganda which the illuminati didn't want.
The list goes on and on. Anyone who speaks get silenced. Possibly even me. If the illuminati is such hogwash then why are they on our currency? If they dissipated and dissolved years ago, then why are they still on every American 1 dollar bill printed? Why is it when someone puts them in a negative light or hinders their ability to make more they die? Are they all coincidence? Nope, that's what they brainwash you to believe. Search the facts. Bush did 9/11.