Author Topic: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?  (Read 16578 times)


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #60 on: May 20, 2016, 08:14:38 am »
Lord, this topic...

I'm starting to feel like I'm back on The only difference is that I don't have the "Ignore this User" option.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 10:51:42 am by kashell »


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #61 on: May 20, 2016, 09:26:16 am »

Nah...Sworddud has a history of antagonistic remarks.  If my collection leans heavily toward PlayStation there is a reason for that:  That is the system(s) that have the games I enjoy the most.  How did I bet on the wrong horse if the games I enjoy are Uncharted, Killzone, Bloodborne, etc? 

My collecting habits do not revolve around whether I think a game will be valuable in the future or not.  I simply buy what I enjoy.  This topic wasn't even about value, it was about if people find the games on the PS3 and 360 boring.  Sworddude made it about value.  Old Nintendo games carry a nostalgia factor and are undeniably valuable for the most part.  Big deal.  Have you looked at the value of PS1 games?  Crash Bandicoot or Spyro?  Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest?  MediEvil?  Jersey Devil?  There are numerous valuable PS1 games.  Legend of Dragoon?  As well, there are many valuable PS2 games.  PS3 and 360 games are very inexpensive right now because that generation is being phased out.  The same has happened for every console from every generation when they reached their "end of life."  You could pick up N64 games brand-new for $5-10 a piece when that system was being phased out.  But again, this isn't even about value.

You are using your opinions of what games you consider fun.  That's fine and that is what I am doing as well.  Because you find the gameplay of Uncharted boring, does that mean it sucks?  No, it's just your opinion.  Just like it's mine that it's enjoyable. 

You defend Sworddude's BS comments that he would throw away games if they were given to him, then spew your own nonsense about PlayStation games not being fun as if it were fact.  But if you want to go by sales, facts are that PlayStation consoles consistently stomp a proverbial mudhole in Nintendo's ass.  With the exception of the casual Wii which was a fluke, Sony simply obliterates Nintendo.  Me?  I couldn't care less about it. I just play what I enjoy.

And yeah...if not for PlayStation, these games and genres wouldn't exist.  But what would you care anyway because as you stated, you don't care for realistic games.  Tomb Raider and Resident Evil may have initially started and even released their first entry on Saturn first, but that was simply because Sega was a known quantity.  They had an established brand where PlayStation did not.  It didn't take long for developers to see that Sega was going the way of the Dodo with Saturn and all future projects avoided the Saturn altogether.  That's just a fact Jack.  No matter how much you want to put a spin on history, you can't change the truth no matter how much you bury your head in the sand about it.

Everyone should enjoy playing whatever games or genres they enjoy.  It's pretty petty of you and Sworddude to try to tear down others enjoyment with opinions that you try to state as fact.
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Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #62 on: May 20, 2016, 12:05:27 pm »
I find both libraries to be intriguing and having a lot of worthwhile titles, especially when you start digging and finding the lesser known titles, or titles that had a brief time in the limelight before fading into obscurity. I prefer the PS3 hands down over the 360, especially when it comes to multiplats, but many of the 360 exclusives make the 360 and absolute must to own! I'm on the verge of 200 PS3 games, all quality titles too, which should tell you a lot about how awesome the console is. I still have a good 50 or so games I'd like to hunt down to before I consider that collection done.


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #63 on: May 20, 2016, 12:50:06 pm »
Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring now?


End. Of. Thread.

Not sure why every single topic on the board lately stems some sort of crazy ass arguement.


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2016, 12:54:15 pm »
Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring now?


End. Of. Thread.

Not sure why every single topic on the board lately stems some sort of crazy ass arguement.

Oh now soera...didn't you know you have a collection of junk that others would throw out if someone gave the games to them?   ::)
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
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Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2016, 01:07:08 pm »
Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring now?


End. Of. Thread.

Not sure why every single topic on the board lately stems some sort of crazy ass arguement.

Why? I'll tell you why. It's because some folks never learned the age old adage: "It's Not What You Say, But How You Say It."


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2016, 01:18:44 pm »
Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring now?


End. Of. Thread.

Not sure why every single topic on the board lately stems some sort of crazy ass arguement.


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #67 on: May 20, 2016, 01:25:02 pm »
I'd have to agree with gf78, I don't buy games because they are worth a lot of money or not. I buy them because I want to play the damn things. Yeah I own a few rares games and I don't care. It's in my collection because I want it to be. And the reason why I brought my Xbox 360 at the time was because it's what Wal-mart had at the time and I had a huge coupon. Now I stick with Xbox because my online clan are mostly on Xbox (even though a lot of them are shifting to PS4).


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #68 on: May 20, 2016, 03:05:47 pm »
I'd have to agree with gf78, I don't buy games because they are worth a lot of money or not. I buy them because I want to play the damn things. Yeah I own a few rares games and I don't care. It's in my collection because I want it to be. And the reason why I brought my Xbox 360 at the time was because it's what Wal-mart had at the time and I had a huge coupon. Now I stick with Xbox because my online clan are mostly on Xbox (even though a lot of them are shifting to PS4).

Shift to PS4....shift over to will be happy.   :P

But on topic, a couple of people and one in particular drug this topic out and tried to turn it into a flamewar.  It's fine to express opinions, preferences , etc. but trying to pass your bias off as fact and making assanine statements like "if someone gave me some PS3 games I would throw them in the trash!" just shows they are being an ignorant fanboy.  I don't like Microsoft for my own reasons but if someone gave me a system and games I sure as shit wouldn't throw it in the trash.  First, I would be grateful that someone thought of me and gave me something.  Second, games are fun and that enjoyment isn't based on the platform it's on.  I think Sworddude would be singing Uncharted praises if it was a Sega or Nintendo game, but instead he trashes it because he has some kind of agenda.  On top of that, his criticisms of games like Grand Theft Auto and Gran Turismo not changing from entry to entry is ludicrous, especially when he tries to say that every Mario Kart and Smash Bros. is some kind of revelation in gaming and completely different from their previous entries.  Two series that have changed very little in all the years they have been on the market.   ::)
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
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Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #69 on: May 20, 2016, 03:41:00 pm »
I'd have to agree with gf78, I don't buy games because they are worth a lot of money or not. I buy them because I want to play the damn things. Yeah I own a few rares games and I don't care. It's in my collection because I want it to be. And the reason why I brought my Xbox 360 at the time was because it's what Wal-mart had at the time and I had a huge coupon. Now I stick with Xbox because my online clan are mostly on Xbox (even though a lot of them are shifting to PS4).

I think Sworddude would be singing Uncharted praises if it was a Sega or Nintendo game

Very good comparison, nah I'm kidding, there are plenty of nintendo or sega games that I don't like, would not chance if it was on another console or if it was valuable. Uncharted has a CE wich is worth thousands do I care? No not really.

Another example tetris, one of the games that people love and it is a game that is well known thanks to nintendo a piece of history, well Personally I don't like that game, pretty much everyone likes that game but I don't enjoy playing it and don't see the hype a piece of history. Many people praise that game and even if it is a classic nintendo game I don't want it. Uncharted many praises and awards for grapics at the time, if I don't like a game regardless on wich console i won't play it I won't own it.

If for example mario games were on the sony console and uncharted on nintendo than you can call me a sony fan by default It's about the games not the brand name. If nintendo went the ps3 road and ps3 vice versa I would be a ps3 fan.

Furthermore If i'm a nintendo sega fanboy than why o why do I have more than 100+ ps2 games and or almost 100 ps1 games. If the ps3 was better I might have given it a shot to collect for but in my opinion it's not just very few titles. ps1 and ps2 are nice consoles ps3 not that much in my opinion.

Furthermore I have plenty of games that are worth nothing, I don't care about value else I would also collect survival horror wich I am not a big fan of plenty of excellent titles wich are expensive as well. Came across many survival horror also uncommon and rare titles for cheap, didn't care about them would rather ad other games to the collection.

For example my copy of Tom and jerry war of the whiskers ps2 excellent game excellent replay value yet worthless in value won't see that as trash anytime soon.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 03:46:10 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #70 on: May 20, 2016, 03:47:04 pm »
Very good comparison, nah I'm kidding, there are plenty of nintendo or sega games that I don't like, would not chance if it was on another console or if it was valuable. Uncharted has a CE wich is worth thousands do I care? No not really.

Another example tetris is from nintendo. One of the games that people love and it is a game that is well known thanks to nintendo a piece of history, well Personally I don't like that game, pretty much everyone likes that game but I don't enjoy playing it and don't see the hype a piece of history. Many people praise that game and even if it is a classic nintendo game I don't want it. Uncharted many praises and awards for grapics at the time, if I don't like a game regardless on wich console i won't play it I won't own it.

If for example mario games were on the sony console and uncharted on nintendo than you can call me a sony fan by default It's about the games not the brand name. If nintendo went the ps3 road and ps3 vice versa I would be a ps3 fan.

Furthermore If i'm a nintendo sega fanboy than why o why do I have more than 100+ ps2 games and or almost 100 ps1 games. If the ps3 was better I might have given it a shot to collect for but in my opinion it's not just very few titles. ps1 and ps2 are nice consoles ps3 not that much in my opinion.

Furthermore I have plenty of games that are worth nothing, I don't care about value else I would also collect survival horror wich I am not a big fan of plenty of excellent titles wich are expensive as well. Came across many survival horror also uncommon and rare titles for cheap, didn't care about them would rather ad other games to the collection.

For example my copy of Tom and jerry war of the whiskers ps2 excellent game excellent replay value yet worthless in value won't see that as trash anytime soon.

Tetris isn't from Nintendo.  Tetris was first made for the Electronika 60 in Russia followed by the Commodore 64 in 1984.  There were several different Tetris games before Nintendo secured rights to released Tetris titles in 1989.
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Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #71 on: May 20, 2016, 03:48:20 pm »
Very good comparison, nah I'm kidding, there are plenty of nintendo or sega games that I don't like, would not chance if it was on another console or if it was valuable. Uncharted has a CE wich is worth thousands do I care? No not really.

Another example tetris is from nintendo. One of the games that people love and it is a game that is well known thanks to nintendo a piece of history, well Personally I don't like that game, pretty much everyone likes that game but I don't enjoy playing it and don't see the hype a piece of history. Many people praise that game and even if it is a classic nintendo game I don't want it. Uncharted many praises and awards for grapics at the time, if I don't like a game regardless on wich console i won't play it I won't own it.

If for example mario games were on the sony console and uncharted on nintendo than you can call me a sony fan by default It's about the games not the brand name. If nintendo went the ps3 road and ps3 vice versa I would be a ps3 fan.

Furthermore If i'm a nintendo sega fanboy than why o why do I have more than 100+ ps2 games and or almost 100 ps1 games. If the ps3 was better I might have given it a shot to collect for but in my opinion it's not just very few titles. ps1 and ps2 are nice consoles ps3 not that much in my opinion.

Furthermore I have plenty of games that are worth nothing, I don't care about value else I would also collect survival horror wich I am not a big fan of plenty of excellent titles wich are expensive as well. Came across many survival horror also uncommon and rare titles for cheap, didn't care about them would rather ad other games to the collection.

For example my copy of Tom and jerry war of the whiskers ps2 excellent game excellent replay value yet worthless in value won't see that as trash anytime soon.

Tetris isn't from Nintendo.  Tetris was first made for the Electronika 60 in Russia followed by the Commodore 64 in 1984.  There were several different Tetris games before Nintendo secured rights to released Tetris titles in 1989.

I know that, that's why I said it is especially known thanks to nintendo. gameboy to be exact.
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #72 on: May 21, 2016, 12:49:35 pm »
I don't find modern games boring but I also don't find collecting those games very compelling. While many modern videogames are true gems and even a few are milestones I cannot really enjoy modern games on my shelf. It will be interesting to see, if current gen games will get the same amount of attention when kids from this generation grow up and what collecting value a game will hold, when you can't play them without the backend server infrastructure.


Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #73 on: May 21, 2016, 01:25:27 pm »
I don't find modern games boring but I also don't find collecting those games very compelling. While many modern videogames are true gems and even a few are milestones I cannot really enjoy modern games on my shelf. It will be interesting to see, if current gen games will get the same amount of attention when kids from this generation grow up and what collecting value a game will hold, when you can't play them without the backend server infrastructure.

Those are my current sentiments as well.  There are some good titles from that generation, but whenever I got to a used game shop, I don't bother with anything from last gen unless it's a handheld game.  I wonder if I'll regret the current lack of interest and find that there were some gems that I missed, but time will tell.
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Re: Does anyone find the PS3, and xbox 360 boring?
« Reply #74 on: May 23, 2016, 08:06:49 pm »
I think 360 and PS3 are in the purgatory that every previous gen console gets stuck in. It isn't nostalgic yet and it isn't new and flashy. Not enough time has passed to make us miss It but In 10 years it will be nostalgic and collectible and we will love it again. But right now its all about PS4 and One. Which are pretty much 360 and PS3 with better graphics in all honesty. And it doesn't help that One and PS4 are rereleasing a lot of the gems from last gen on the next gen consoles. It limits are reasons to go back.

What about the wii?

Same period, same gen yet way more games that are actually memorable and definitely raising in price big time.

PS3 And xbox 360 overall just inferior games of ps4 etc. Way less memorable unique games. Titles like the last of us or GTA will never be memorable on those inferior systems and games like journey or certain rpg's are already rising in value. Nothing will chance there aren't to many interesting titles out there anyway for these systems.

Your logic does not make any sense I highly doubt we will see a grow in prices of xbox 360 and ps3 except for the few unique titles and special CE. If it actually was the case than it should have been the same as wii wich it is not.

Just because Wii is raising in price doesn't mean the games are better or more memorable, more people collect for Nintendo then collect for Xbox 360 or PS3. Nintendo products will always hold value more.

 But here are some things you didn't factor

1. Wii U came long before Xbox One and PS4 so Xbox 360 and PS3 haven't been previous gen nearly as long as Wii has. Not nearly as much time has passed. They still make PS3 and 360 games.

2. Wii U is fully backwards compatible allowing Wii games to be played still in HD making them more relevant.

3. Wii sold less copies of most of the games and their are less out there to be bought.

4. PS4 and XB1 have rereleased most of their amazing titles from last gen to this gen basically making it pointless to play or buy the old version. (Nintendo hasn't)

Wii is an amazing system don't get me wrong, but if we go down the line it doesn't have nearly as many memorable titles. and that is the trend with Nintendo since PS1 game out. It dominates with its 1st party must have gems but outside of that Sony and Xbox will have hundreds of third party gems that Nintendo just cant handle spec wise. (Halo, GTA, God Of War, Alan Wake, Bioshock)  And Xbox and PlayStation also have more value in their 3rd party games than Nintendo.  How many Wii games are in the dollar bin at savers? I don't see many Xbox games for a dollar. Once we get outside of first party it just has almost nothing. And even 1st party, Smash Bros Brawl isn't even as good as Melee and i never find myself going back and playing most of the Wii games because Wii U already perfected them and made them better. Why play Super Mario Bros Wii when the Wii U one is better. Why play Mario Kart wii when Mario Kart 8 is night and day better? So your point about them making better versions applies to Nintendo too. Nintendo Wii U improved on many of the Wii Games.

And i don't get what you mean by realistic games, do you mean games with good graphics? Because I am not sure if games like god of war and ratchet and clank fall into your opinion of realistic games that you don't like. I don't consider them to be realistic. I consider them to be playful party games like Mario or Zelda.

But in general if we give it some time and we will see increases in value in PS2. It is already starting to happen.  PS1 was always dirt cheap. But look at PS1 now. PS1 has ridiculous prices. Even on common games like crash.  Super sawed after. Even more so than n64. It just takes more time because not as many people collect for Sony or Xbox as they do for Nintendo.