Author Topic: New Steve Rogers Captain America comic: The dumbest shit I have ever seen!  (Read 2796 times)



New Captain America comic.  The short:  Steve Rogers....from before he ever joined the army or took the Super Soldier Serum.....was recruited and has been a sleeper agent for Hydra all along.  I'll just let that sink in.
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You need to read it. It's not as cut and dry as the fan-outrage has made it out to be. It's obvious they setting this up for storyline purposes only, and not the new status quo. They kept mentioning The Red Skull and the Cosmic Cube. And on top of that, last time we saw Red Skull, he had taken the mental capabilities of Xavier. So it seems that there is probably either a reality altering event happened (Cosmic Cube), or it's possible The Skull is mentally manipulating Rogers into thinking this.

Yeah I thought it sounded bad, but apparently it's cosmic cube related, so it's likely just reality altering shenanigans.  They are clearly not turning Captain America into a bad guy.


Haven't read this one, do you mind to tell me the name of this comic cause after reading the comments of  burningdoom want to give it a try  ;)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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^ Captain America #1 (yep, new #1), just came out yesterday.


^ Captain America #1 (yep, new #1), just came out yesterday.

Another #1...this is my surprise face.  :P

What volume are they up to now?  ???


I don't feel Nick Spencer should be getting the death threats that hes getting. Marvel did a good one. They got everyone to talk about it. So good or bad it sold a ton of books. My shop alone sold out in probably an hour. Do I agree with one of my favorite character kinda being written this way? It really can't be any worst than anything before it. And frankly I'm a fan of Spencer so I trust his ability. Here in six issues Marvel will reboot the title again because when they start getting away from a #1 they get scared.


I don't feel Nick Spencer should be getting the death threats that hes getting. Marvel did a good one. They got everyone to talk about it. So good or bad it sold a ton of books. My shop alone sold out in probably an hour. Do I agree with one of my favorite character kinda being written this way? It really can't be any worst than anything before it. And frankly I'm a fan of Spencer so I trust his ability. Here in six issues Marvel will reboot the title again because when they start getting away from a #1 they get scared.

Hell no, death threats are ridiculous and should never happen for something as stupid as a comic book story.  Marvel certainly does have everyone talking, I just find the story dumb.  But as you said, I guess it worked because I picked up a copy.

I'm quite tired of the whole "reboot to #1" every couple years.  How many volumes of Thor have there been?  I picked up the first issue of the new series and was like....I thought I read about Chick-Thor a couple years ago?  Oh....they made eight issues, then started over again because...just because.   ::)

Walking into a comic store a few months ago after an 8+ year hiatus was confusing as f*ck to me.  I still haven't gotten it all sorted out why there are multiple Avengers and Inhumans books among others, other than Marvel holds the cinematic rights to these characters so they are going to push them hard.  The critical darling X-Men comics seem to have taken a backseat and that a polite way to put it. 

DC continues on with their own shenanigans.  Hopefully all the Countdown, New 52, Infinite-whatever, etc. nonsense is over.  I fondly remember reading comics back in the 80's that were just good stories without all this crossover, universe-shattering nonsense.  There was no need to change the "status quo" every year with some maxi-series.  And I actually had a desire to hunt down older comics when the issue of Uncanny X-Men I bought was #169 (my first issue) and I found it intriguing. 

Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
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DC continues on with their own shenanigans.  Hopefully all the Countdown, New 52, Infinite-whatever, etc. nonsense is over.  I fondly remember reading comics back in the 80's that were just good stories without all this crossover, universe-shattering nonsense.  There was no need to change the "status quo" every year with some maxi-series.  And I actually had a desire to hunt down older comics when the issue of Uncanny X-Men I bought was #169 (my first issue) and I found it intriguing.  [/font]

Sure they did in the 80s. This is an old comics standby. The summer blockbuster comic book event. They had Crisis on Infinite Earths, Legends, Invasion, Millennium, Contest of Champions, Secret Wars, Secret Wars II, Atlantis Attacks, Inferno, Fall of the Mutants, etc.

I personally love the big summer events. It's always cool to see all the superheroes grouped together against some universe-threatening event or baddie.

As for rebooting the entire universe every couple of years, yeah, I could do without that part of it.


As for rebooting the entire universe every couple of years, yeah, I could do without that part of it.

I didn't mean that crossovers didn't exist in the 80's, but that Marvel and DC didn't reboot their series every year back then and the crossovers and limited series that did exist didn't seem like such a shameless cash-grab.  These days, you don't just get the "Secret Wars" or the "Infinite Crisis" mini-series.  You get those plus about six other mini-series attached to it, usually with crappy artists and storylines that except for one important part are basically throw-aways. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Oh I'm sick of all the reboots I've been collecting comics for 30 years and my pull is probably the smallest it's every been. I'm just not enjoying them as much and it's getting harder for me to give a crap when a customer is like what do ya think of this book. I can't lie to them.


Oh I'm sick of all the reboots I've been collecting comics for 30 years and my pull is probably the smallest it's every been. I'm just not enjoying them as much and it's getting harder for me to give a crap when a customer is like what do ya think of this book. I can't lie to them.

Puts you in a bad spot. Be honest and lose a sale, but earn the respect of the customer. Lie and make a quick buck, but lose the customer. It sucks.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


^ Captain America #1 (yep, new #1), just came out yesterday.

Thanks, tried to give it a try seriously but after reading a couple of pages this was my reaction ...

... won't say more.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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^ Captain America #1 (yep, new #1), just came out yesterday.

Thanks, tried to give it a try seriously but after reading a couple of pages this was my reaction ...

... won't say more.

So you read the intro on the opening page? Because that made it obvious right out of the gate that there was some stuff going on with the Cosmic Cube, here.


I mean...he said he read a couple of pages and got bored. If he didn't like, then he didn't like it.