Author Topic: Annoying things people ask us about your gaming hobby/gaming collection.  (Read 9382 times)


GF/BF's are expensive.

Would like to say that you are right but after I got married she became twice expensive anyway only two questions have been made of my collection and both of them came from my wife, have to say that she only asked once because of my answer or should I say questions, answered her questions with more questions :D

- If they are becoming more expensive each day why you don't sell them ?
My kidney and heart are expensive too, do you want me to sell them ?
- Do you seriously need too have that many games ?
Do you seriously need to have that many pair of shoes ?

Pure Gold, those questions of yours are priceless  ::)

Your Stylish Sword Master!


This one is more often asked by game sellers and other gamers - "Do you play them, or do you just collect them?" I get sick of hearing that.


PRO Supporter

This one is more often asked by game sellers and other gamers - "Do you play them, or do you just collect them?" I get sick of hearing that.

Do people that collect stamps mail a bunch of shit?


This one is more often asked by game sellers and other gamers - "Do you play them, or do you just collect them?" I get sick of hearing that.

Do people that collect stamps mail a bunch of shit?

Do people still collect stamps? If so, point them my way because I always run out of stamps.

I once told a customer's kid at work that I played/collected games. He looked at me confused and said, "but you're a GIRL." I told him yes, a girl with 2 dozen consoles. I think I broke his brain a little bit. Most of the kids who find out about my collection just immediately ask about whatever the most popular console amongst their friends is & don't care about what else I might have.

Most of the adults I know are either nerdy enough to think it's cool, or understanding enough to see I enjoy it and feign enthusiasm for me. Sometime I get "tell me if you find game X for cheap"- if it costs enough that you can't find one you can afford, chances are I don't own it & I'm going to keep a 'cheap' copy for myself. I'll tell you if I get a second cheap copy though. It's happened. Once.

The more annoying thing I get is simply, "What do you have?" Nobody seems to be happy with "I have a couple dozen consoles" or "I have hundreds of games". They want specifics, and I haven't figured out how to quickly think through my whole collection for highlights relevant to who I'm talking with. Especially since most of the time I barely know or just met the person.


Off topic

Gamers and collectors who call them selves but most annoyingly especially others who are into retrogaming nerdy.

It's really annoying, I can imagine for RPG's but for arcade games and 2D fighting games that definitly not the case IMO

Everyone played arcade classics such as metal slug or street fighter back in the day: the cool kids the nerds casuals It's for everyone. Or classics such as ghouls and ghosts nothing nerdy about that. Earthbound yea sure but games like mario, castlevania, shinobi, strider contra shoot em ups the classic games from back in the day, games that everyone played It's really anoying that people stereo type it to nerdy especially from collectors and gamers and not even from casuals who are not into retro gaming. It's really strange in my opinion that people within the community are the one with this stereo type while others around me find it cool while never using the stereo type because allot of them played the classics back in the day as a kid.

Okay wearing clothes of franchises only playing hardcore RPG's etc sure but just collecting and playing especially older (arcade) classics overall definitly not nerdy at all I would call it a class of It's own for people who still play them I'd prefer the term kids with nostalgia goggles wich includes me.

The nerdy term is used way to broad for everyone who collects and plays retro games especially with the older classics and certain franchises wich are for everyone.

Just my opinion take it with a grain of salt, I just find it pretty strange why people seem to use the term on everyone in the community. I like RPG's but I'm more of an arcade guy with nostalgia goggles myself. I've definitely seen some real nerds and most play league of legends or are really hardcore wearing game clothes etc while openly talking about games all the time in public.

Not everyone is like that, I would not use the term nerd so lightly, most collectors I know including me don't look or act nerdy at all. Just some dudes with nostalgia goggles who never grew up.

Your Stylish Sword Master!


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My mom is the worst.  It's always "When are you going to quit playing with toys?" or "All the money you've spent on that crap, you could have bought a new car." or something similar. 

It's quite hypocritical when she bashes me watching animated shows/movies (she refuses to watch anything animated) or playing video games when she watched the boob-tube 24/7 since she retired.   ::)

i have a friend like that. asking me what i waste my time on video games

and yet. all he talks about tv shows, and he watches all the popular ones too... and when he tries to talk to me about them, i shrug, since outside of sports, and history documentaries and space stuff, i dont watch any of these popular tv series.
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I'll bite.  I've had a few run ins with people over mine.  I'll post the questions/statements and my usual responses to them.  I also tend to be rather snarky with my retorts on occasion. 

How do you afford it? I mean I can't go buy games like you do.
I don't smoke.  I don't drink.  I don't waste money pushing fuel into my vehicle driving circles around every other town in the county on the weekends.  That's how.  Yard sales and swap meets not withstanding.   ;)

Why do you collect these things?
Because it's something I have loved to do since I was a child.  Besides, didn't you just buy your sixth (insert thing here) the other day?

Do you own (insert obscure game/console here)?
The answer is usually yes on this one.

Can I borrow (insert system/game)?
The answer on this one is a definite, No.

Why don't you just get rid of it and download the emulators/roms?
Because I don't want to.  Besides 15 feet of shelving is a lot more impressive than 2.5 inches. :P

What do I have to do to have a collection like yours?
Hit yard sales and the like.  Peruse the internet for dedicated collector sites, most usually have a marketplace with some good deals.  Hitting the Power Ball jackpot while not necessary wouldn't hurt anything.

What are you going to do in (x) years when the prices bottom out?
You mean some of this may become affordable again?  Could we get that lucky?

My system is acting up can you look at it for me?
You're assuming that because I collect these I know how to work on them.  Well it's your lucky day, bring it over.

Why not quit playing video games and watch T.V. instead?
I won't even dignify that with a response on most occasions.

How much is it worth?
I honestly don't know prices fluctuate rapidly so it's ever-changing.  I know how much I want for it.  $10 per game and hardware goes with it, if selling it all in a bulk transaction.  I have been low-balled on this multiple times.   Right down to somebody coming in and looking it over and telling me that at most he would give $2000 for it.  It has too much filler in it for the price I was asking.  This of course pissed me right the hell off.


(Walking into the room while I'm playing a game), "What game are you playing?"

For some reason this question frustrates the hell out of me.  The only time it's okay is if it's a fellow gamer and they just don't recognize the game immediately.  But this is less than 1% of the time.  And even then wait more than .5 seconds and you might just figure it out.  In every other case, it's a non gamer usually trying to start small talk, or just engage me somehow, because heaven forbid a moment of 'awkward silence'.  If you don't recognize the game, then what information do you hope to glean from the title?  Knowing the title is worthless information for a non gamer.  Not to mention that you'll forget it one second after I tell you.  If you wish to chat about the game, here are some more acceptable questions:
"What kind of game is that?"
"How do you play?" or "What are your goals?"
"Is it fun?"-still a stupid question, but at least you'll learn something useful from the answer.
Or even "Which guy are you?" - "Um, it's a strategy game, I'm every guy."  ;)

If you just want to chat, simply ask to talk about something.  I'll gladly pause or even turn off my game so we can talk about something you care about.


(Walking into the room while I'm playing a game), "What game are you playing?"

For some reason this question frustrates the hell out of me.  The only time it's okay is if it's a fellow gamer and they just don't recognize the game immediately.  But this is less than 1% of the time.  And even then wait more than .5 seconds and you might just figure it out.  In every other case, it's a non gamer usually trying to start small talk, or just engage me somehow, because heaven forbid a moment of 'awkward silence'.  If you don't recognize the game, then what information do you hope to glean from the title?  Knowing the title is worthless information for a non gamer.  Not to mention that you'll forget it one second after I tell you.  If you wish to chat about the game, here are some more acceptable questions:
"What kind of game is that?"
"How do you play?" or "What are your goals?"
"Is it fun?"-still a stupid question, but at least you'll learn something useful from the answer.
Or even "Which guy are you?" - "Um, it's a strategy game, I'm every guy."  ;)

If you just want to chat, simply ask to talk about something.  I'll gladly pause or even turn off my game so we can talk about something you care about.

Sometimes this one is gold though.  My wife walked into the living room while I was Playing Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia, right when this scene came about.  Our eyes met, there was this awkward silence. Then that question drops with a hint of worry in her voice.  I couldn't resist I just started laughing.


(Walking into the room while I'm playing a game), "What game are you playing?"

For some reason this question frustrates the hell out of me.  The only time it's okay is if it's a fellow gamer and they just don't recognize the game immediately.  But this is less than 1% of the time.  And even then wait more than .5 seconds and you might just figure it out.  In every other case, it's a non gamer usually trying to start small talk, or just engage me somehow, because heaven forbid a moment of 'awkward silence'.  If you don't recognize the game, then what information do you hope to glean from the title?  Knowing the title is worthless information for a non gamer.  Not to mention that you'll forget it one second after I tell you.  If you wish to chat about the game, here are some more acceptable questions:
"What kind of game is that?"
"How do you play?" or "What are your goals?"
"Is it fun?"-still a stupid question, but at least you'll learn something useful from the answer.
Or even "Which guy are you?" - "Um, it's a strategy game, I'm every guy."  ;)

If you just want to chat, simply ask to talk about something.  I'll gladly pause or even turn off my game so we can talk about something you care about.

Sometimes this one is gold though.  My wife walked into the living room while I was Playing Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia, right when this scene came about.  Our eyes met, there was this awkward silence. Then that question drops with a hint of worry in her voice.  I couldn't resist I just started laughing.



PRO Supporter

I get all the ones mentioned but this one peeves me the most:

How do you find the time?

I've yet to find a simple answer because the question is wrong on so many levels.

1st. I don't find the time. I make the time.
2nd. It's usually asked in a way that implies it's a waste of time. Investing in my mental well being by allowing myself some downtime is nothing I should be ashamed of just as working ones self to death is nothing to be proud of.
3rd. Many people spend as much time if not more on watching sports and I never hear someone ask where they find the time for that.
4th. I've been providing for myself and my family for two decades. How I manage my time is no ones business and I fail to see the need for them to call it into question.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 04:34:08 am by dashv »


I get all the ones mentioned but this one peeves me the most:

How do you find the time?

I've yet to find a simple answer because the question is wrong on so many levels.

1st. I don't find the time. I make the time.
2nd. It's usually asked in a way that implies it's a waste of time. Investing in my mental well being by allowing myself some downtime is nothing I should be ashamed of just as working ones self to death is nothing to be proud of.
3rd. Many people spend as much time if not more on watching sports and I never hear someone ask where they find the time for that.
4th. I've been providing for myself and my family for two decades. How I manage my time is no ones business and I fail to see the need for them to call it into question.

quoted for excellent answer  ;)


I just thought of one. I was at an arcade over the weekend and I played Dance Dance Revolution like a middle manager. I don't wanna say I played "like a boss" but I still held my own, so I figure that middle manager is appropriate. Anyways.

Years ago when I first started getting into DDR, I wasn't very good. So, what did I do? Instead of playing an RPG or Smash Bros. with my brothers, I would play DDR. I would practice. Some months later I had some friends over and we busted out the dance pads and such. I showed them how much better I had become and this one guy had the audacity to say...

"Someone has way too much time on their hands."

Yeah, we aren't friends anymore. I can't stand that statement. This jerk-off had the audacity to say that when he was spending hours on end watching television or playing Ever-f*******-quest.


PRO Supporter

I just thought of one. I was at an arcade over the weekend and I played Dance Dance Revolution like a middle manager. I don't wanna say I played "like a boss" but I still held my own, so I figure that middle manager is appropriate. Anyways.

Years ago when I first started getting into DDR, I wasn't very good. So, what did I do? Instead of playing an RPG or Smash Bros. with my brothers, I would play DDR. I would practice. Some months later I had some friends over and we busted out the dance pads and such. I showed them how much better I had become and this one guy had the audacity to say...

"Someone has way too much time on their hands."

Yeah, we aren't friends anymore. I can't stand that statement. This jerk-off had the audacity to say that when he was spending hours on end watching television or playing Ever-f*******-quest.

Ah yes, the much more rude way to ask "how do you find the time?"