I'll bite. I've had a few run ins with people over mine. I'll post the questions/statements and my usual responses to them. I also tend to be rather snarky with my retorts on occasion.
How do you afford it? I mean I can't go buy games like you do.I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't waste money pushing fuel into my vehicle driving circles around every other town in the county on the weekends. That's how. Yard sales and swap meets not withstanding.
Why do you collect these things?Because it's something I have loved to do since I was a child. Besides, didn't you just buy your sixth (insert thing here) the other day?
Do you own (insert obscure game/console here)?The answer is usually yes on this one.
Can I borrow (insert system/game)?The answer on this one is a definite, No.
Why don't you just get rid of it and download the emulators/roms?Because I don't want to. Besides 15 feet of shelving is a lot more impressive than 2.5 inches.
What do I have to do to have a collection like yours?Hit yard sales and the like. Peruse the internet for dedicated collector sites, most usually have a marketplace with some good deals. Hitting the Power Ball jackpot while not necessary wouldn't hurt anything.
What are you going to do in (x) years when the prices bottom out?You mean some of this may become affordable again? Could we get that lucky?
My system is acting up can you look at it for me?You're assuming that because I collect these I know how to work on them. Well it's your lucky day, bring it over.
Why not quit playing video games and watch T.V. instead?I won't even dignify that with a response on most occasions.
How much is it worth?I honestly don't know prices fluctuate rapidly so it's ever-changing. I know how much I want for it. $10 per game and hardware goes with it, if selling it all in a bulk transaction. I have been low-balled on this multiple times. Right down to somebody coming in and looking it over and telling me that at most he would give $2000 for it. It has too much filler in it for the price I was asking. This of course pissed me right the hell off.