Hey all, I've decided to stop lurking from the shadows and start posting here. This is my most recent haul from last Saturday. My brother and I drove around and hit up all the retro stores in the area.
Most notable finds:
A Not for Resale copy of Jet Force Gemini N64 for $2.50
Pink Panther Pinkadelic Pursuit PS1 complete for $24.95- surprisingly a great game and very hard to find complete
Monster Rancher 4 PS2 complete for $45
Contra III and Super Castlevania IV SNES for $70 total
Sonic Adventure DC for $10
Road Rash Complete in Long Box for $10
A bunch of common to uncommon cheap ps1 games that I've wanted to try: Johnny Bazookatone, Mort the Chicken, Hexen, Codename Tenka, MDK, etc... between $2 to $7 each.
Some cheap PS2 games and Portable Ops PSP for $5!
So not exactly garage sale prices but definitely good deals in the retro market I live in.
I'm been mostly a Playstation collector my whole life but I am starting to branch out into SNES and other cartridge based systems.