Author Topic: No Man's Sky  (Read 11080 times)

Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2016, 02:56:08 am »
I tried to lower my expectations as much as possible before the release because of all the hype that was going on. With that said, I must say that now after 6-8 hours played, I'm very satisifed with what I have seen. I guess what is interesting is what I will be thinking in 10-20 hours, will I be totally done with it then? Not so sure yet

I do not mind the singleplayer part of it, in fact I always thought "hey, this game is so big they could essentially say that it's multiplayer and then simply not develop that functionality and people wouldn't have noticed", of course I was wrong but again, I don't mind

That's how I always thought it was supposed to be.  The universe was going to be so huge that it would be a rare occurrence to ever meet another person and that any interaction done would be pretty minimal at best.  I thought they would've at least done something if people did meet up, but I think they were pretty rushed to get this game out with how the game feels.  It's not a bad rush, in that it feels broken at all, but it feels like this game needed a lot more real content to it.


Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #31 on: August 11, 2016, 03:06:06 am »
I tried to lower my expectations as much as possible before the release because of all the hype that was going on. With that said, I must say that now after 6-8 hours played, I'm very satisifed with what I have seen. I guess what is interesting is what I will be thinking in 10-20 hours, will I be totally done with it then? Not so sure yet

I do not mind the singleplayer part of it, in fact I always thought "hey, this game is so big they could essentially say that it's multiplayer and then simply not develop that functionality and people wouldn't have noticed", of course I was wrong but again, I don't mind

That's how I always thought it was supposed to be.  The universe was going to be so huge that it would be a rare occurrence to ever meet another person and that any interaction done would be pretty minimal at best.  I thought they would've at least done something if people did meet up, but I think they were pretty rushed to get this game out with how the game feels.  It's not a bad rush, in that it feels broken at all, but it feels like this game needed a lot more real content to it.

to be fair, hello games has been talking for a long time of making this like the next minecraft... they want to continue adding to it over time. i think they knew it was going to come out limited, and i think people should have expected that. it's TWELVE people, it's a small little development house. but i think they should have been very open about it, very honest. and they should have made everything way clearer. they haven't done so, so far. they should have said that it was going to be quite empty, like early minecraft, but like minecraft, they want to add more and more to it over time. i think people would be much, much happier with that. i mean, go look at elite: dangerous... or any other game out that has done this. TONS of games come out now that are basic or pretty empty, then get content dumped in. TONS. i think we're a lot more forgiving than investors and developers and publishers all want to give us credit for.

but they've not been very clear. and i think that's where the problem lies. if i bought the game now, i'd be expecting updates and patches... because they keep teasing about updates and patches. this is the base game, here's the free content updates, have a nice day, kind of thing.
they've just not been very clear at all, promising a lot and not delivering. a lot of people were so hyped and so confused, they expected an artsy fucking star citizen... where they could set up a planet and take it over and shit. seriously. that's what some people were expecting. those who kept expectations lower (like me) were even confused... what we thought was primarily exploration... has turned out to be primarily survival. but what they promised was 29384987289473294392 fucking planets, which indicates "lots to explore", not "travel and survive different climates". that was their big pitch. and from what i'm reading, the exploration fun wears off pretty fast.

...i don't know.
i'm actually wondering if i should bother with NMS, or just wait for elite: dangerous to come to ps4, where, hopefully, by then, i can afford internet and PS+.

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.

Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2016, 03:29:04 am »
...i don't know.
i'm actually wondering if i should bother with NMS, or just wait for elite: dangerous to come to ps4, where, hopefully, by then, i can afford internet and PS+.

I wouldn't recommend NMS at all in it's current state.  It's a visually interesting, but mostly shallow experience so far once you've seen most of what the game is going to offer you've hopped just a few planets.  I'm waiting for a point where the game like shifts and something new or interesting happens, but it hasn't yet.  You will do the same exact thing on every single planet and that will not change.  I mostly knew it would likely be like this, but I still was kinda hoping for just a little more out of the game.  Mostly just gonna see where story goes, which gives you about as much context to anything as the rest of the game does, which is not much lol


Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2016, 03:35:29 am »
...i don't know.
i'm actually wondering if i should bother with NMS, or just wait for elite: dangerous to come to ps4, where, hopefully, by then, i can afford internet and PS+.

I wouldn't recommend NMS at all in it's current state.  It's a visually interesting, but mostly shallow experience so far once you've seen most of what the game is going to offer you've hopped just a few planets.  I'm waiting for a point where the game like shifts and something new or interesting happens, but it hasn't yet.  You will do the same exact thing on every single planet and that will not change.  I mostly knew it would likely be like this, but I still was kinda hoping for just a little more out of the game.  Mostly just gonna see where story goes, which gives you about as much context to anything as the rest of the game does, which is not much lol

that's a shame, because i'm really into exploration... i don't care so much for combat, i like chill games. i mean, i'm a huge fan of story of seasons and animal crossing and fantasy life (which has combat, but it's piss easy), games like that.
i really like my 'chill for thirty minutes on this game and go to bed' experiences.
but if the exploration is lacklustre, that's a true shame. i hope they make some sweeping updates. i want this game to succeed, because it looks like if they worked on it more, it could be a blast to explore.

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.

Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2016, 03:44:29 am »
that's a shame, because i'm really into exploration... i don't care so much for combat, i like chill games. i mean, i'm a huge fan of story of seasons and animal crossing and fantasy life (which has combat, but it's piss easy), games like that.
i really like my 'chill for thirty minutes on this game and go to bed' experiences.
but if the exploration is lacklustre, that's a true shame. i hope they make some sweeping updates. i want this game to succeed, because it looks like if they worked on it more, it could be a blast to explore.

I was much in the same mindset, that if I could get just a chill bit of exploration to listen to podcasts with, I'd be alright.  I spent a lot of hours trying to explore as much as I felt I could on the first planet and finally I hopped to a new planet, just to see it's practically a palette swap, with all the exact same things to do.  You go from one planet that might be cold, to another with toxic rain, and some slightly different scenery and critters, which has some initial novelty, but you hit a point by like the third or fourth planet where the patterns come into focus.  You see that there are only a few certain types outposts and ruins to find dotted around the planet in very samey locations and the environments all behave the same.  Cold, radiation, toxic rain, it's all just the same ticking down bar on your HUD.  Sometimes a storm hits and it ticks down quicker, but there's no new behavior to the planets.  I'm still waiting for like a planet that is exploding with lava or another has like earthquakes that maybe change the landscape or maybe there are real environmental hazards, but I've visited maybe a dozen worlds and so far nothing like that.

It is kinda cool unlocking a language, but you have to unlock so much to be able to understand the aliens and that's just for the one language prominent in that system.  Go to a new system and you might have a new race to deal with and therefore have to spend hours grinding out the new language so you can understand what they are saying.  There's like 3 or 4 languages in the game.

One of the races is pretty cool too.  Someones video I saw said it best and they are the "Daft Punk" alien race lol
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 03:46:42 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2016, 12:29:49 pm »
I really want this game, but the more i read, the less sure i am

maybe ill wait till one of you get tired of it and i buy it off you  ;D
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Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2016, 01:11:28 pm »
Interesting package variation discovered:
I have the same sticker on my Polish version of No Man's Sky - Limited Edition.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 01:37:35 pm by mastafafik »

Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2016, 03:35:14 pm »
I really want this game, but the more i read, the less sure i am

maybe ill wait till one of you get tired of it and i buy it off you  ;D

That probably will be quite soon for me, so be on the lookout lol


Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2016, 06:28:40 pm »
Interesting package variation discovered:
I have the same sticker on my Polish version of No Man's Sky - Limited Edition.

We may want to make a note of that in the item description where this is true.


Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2016, 07:22:39 pm »
...i don't know.
i'm actually wondering if i should bother with NMS, or just wait for elite: dangerous to come to ps4, where, hopefully, by then, i can afford internet and PS+.

I wouldn't recommend NMS at all in it's current state.  It's a visually interesting, but mostly shallow experience so far once you've seen most of what the game is going to offer you've hopped just a few planets.  I'm waiting for a point where the game like shifts and something new or interesting happens, but it hasn't yet.  You will do the same exact thing on every single planet and that will not change.  I mostly knew it would likely be like this, but I still was kinda hoping for just a little more out of the game.  Mostly just gonna see where story goes, which gives you about as much context to anything as the rest of the game does, which is not much lol

that's a shame, because i'm really into exploration... i don't care so much for combat, i like chill games. i mean, i'm a huge fan of story of seasons and animal crossing and fantasy life (which has combat, but it's piss easy), games like that.
i really like my 'chill for thirty minutes on this game and go to bed' experiences.
but if the exploration is lacklustre, that's a true shame. i hope they make some sweeping updates. i want this game to succeed, because it looks like if they worked on it more, it could be a blast to explore.

exploring is fine and one thing but with anything it wears out very fast. sure you will have an absolute shit ton to explore but to me, a guy who also wanted it just to explore, the survival aspect of it detracts heavily from the exploring aspect. the game feels very shallow and not worth the time. im still going to put the time in to get to the center of the universe just because I told myself I would if this game ever came out.

the best way I can put the exploring aspect is, There is no Meaningful exploration.
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Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #40 on: August 11, 2016, 08:34:30 pm »
I'm wondering if the limited "patterns" people are seeing are common ones, with more "rare" variations being harder to find.

I mean the game is supposedly ridiculously massive, perhaps super rare things are dotted randomly around the galaxy. Someone else in the thread said they could tell it would become a huge time sink to get really into the game, and perhaps the random generation equations they used were weighted to sparsely populate the place, so you'd have to spend a lot of time exploring to find something really cool.

In any case, I probably won't buy the game until it goes on sale - even though I've been waiting for it for a long time.

Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2016, 09:13:25 pm »
I'm wondering if the limited "patterns" people are seeing are common ones, with more "rare" variations being harder to find.

I mean the game is supposedly ridiculously massive, perhaps super rare things are dotted randomly around the galaxy. Someone else in the thread said they could tell it would become a huge time sink to get really into the game, and perhaps the random generation equations they used were weighted to sparsely populate the place, so you'd have to spend a lot of time exploring to find something really cool.

In any case, I probably won't buy the game until it goes on sale - even though I've been waiting for it for a long time.

There's perhaps a chance of this, of something crazy unique, but I don't want to play for 20 hours just for the chance I might find the one cool, unique, world lol Some worlds have cool visual elements, like more oceans or floating islands, but it doesn't change the actual content of the planets in any way.  Only one interesting thing I've seen pop up is a planet that had some organic orb, and when I took it, I'd hit Sentry Alert 3, which sent me out a dog sentry to fight which was kinda cool, but it's not like the combat in the game is particularly interesting.

And I might be done with No Man's Sky.  I found out what the Atlas Path fully is and it requires you to get a bunch of stones that take forever to get, and the the ending is incredibly underwhelming, so I'm done.  This game just doesn't offer enough for me.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 11:09:08 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #42 on: August 12, 2016, 04:19:23 am »
Interesting package variation discovered:
I have the same sticker on my Polish version of No Man's Sky - Limited Edition.

We may want to make a note of that in the item description where this is true.


Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2016, 01:03:01 pm »

There's perhaps a chance of this, of something crazy unique, but I don't want to play for 20 hours just for the chance I might find the one cool, unique, world lol Some worlds have cool visual elements, like more oceans or floating islands, but it doesn't change the actual content of the planets in any way.  Only one interesting thing I've seen pop up is a planet that had some organic orb, and when I took it, I'd hit Sentry Alert 3, which sent me out a dog sentry to fight which was kinda cool, but it's not like the combat in the game is particularly interesting.

And I might be done with No Man's Sky.  I found out what the Atlas Path fully is and it requires you to get a bunch of stones that take forever to get, and the the ending is incredibly underwhelming, so I'm done.  This game just doesn't offer enough for me.

Yeah, I get where you're coming from. This happens in arpg's a lot, where high end items can take forever to acquire. Though in an arpg, you've got a sort of slot machine mechanic drip-feeding you adrenaline rushes - not to mention the combat on top if it's decent.

However, if it is the case that unique things are very rare, I can also see that as being a good thing. As it happens in modern gaming, there are guides detailing every aspect of the thing released the same day the game is, sometimes before. I sort of like the idea of a game that challenges that by obfuscating it's uniqueness behind a time-sink. It could give a true feeling of mystery and discovery if say, you are the only person ever to have found a certain thing.

Then again, this is all mild conjecture. The devs may have pulled a Molyneux and ultra-hyped the thing, only to attempt to hide it's flaws behind a false and shallow version of the above-mentioned sense of discovery.

Little bit of time will tell I suppose.


Re: No Man's Sky
« Reply #44 on: August 12, 2016, 06:05:15 pm »
Glad I kept my expectations in check on this one. I may pick it up down the road when it's under $20, but as of now I have no interest. It sounds to me like the boring part of Mass Effect where you are gathering resources. That was filler. I don't want an entire game of filler.

But this is an indie game made by a team of 12 or so. It was never meant to be the big AAA title the hype built it up to be.
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