Author Topic: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?  (Read 9047 times)


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2016, 08:31:32 am »
I guess I'm the only one so far that enjoys going for trophies. For modern PS3, PS4 and Vita games, I like to browse through a trophy guide just to see if the platinum is something feasible. Usually, it is. One part of the fun comes with prolonging a game's longevity. For instance, Star Ocean 5's story is only about 30 to 40 hours. However, since I decided to get everything (and had a blast doing it) I ended up getting a 70 to 80 hour play time.

Another (and somewhat similar) aspect is that I don't want the game to end just yet. In Atelier Shallie for the PS3, I seriously did not want to say farewell to the Dusk World so going for 100% trophy completion helped keep the journey going.

The challenge is another fun aspect of trophy hunting. In hard games like 3D Dot Game Heroes or Guilty Gear XRD, going for trophies made me a better player and allowed me to help others starting out.

There are other minor reasons here or there. But overall, I think trophies are fun.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2016, 10:40:32 am »
I'm at a mix on it. I like how it works with Steam and I would try to do things on that platform. What I don't like is how achievements have become the anti-cheat. I prefer games that will disable achievements if you use cheats. Skyrim does this for example. But many games now have no cheats. And i can get to a point where I would not care about not getting an achievement to just get past a certain point.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2016, 03:09:56 pm »
I try to get 100% completion in games, including platinum trophies. With the price of games increasing in Canada to a point where I can't really purchase many new games. Trying to get trophies stretches the lifespan of a game. I enjoy doing it and I get much more monies worth out of the game.

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Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2016, 03:35:09 pm »
I do pride in collecting trophies/achievements as in my opinion they give me more goals and content than simply "playing the game". I collect them casually and don't stress if I don't get that 100%. They are more of a neat hobby to an extent.


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Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2016, 05:33:46 am »
I love doing trophy hunts on the games I enjoy.

The most cool part of it is it often makes you explore parts of the game you would have missed or gameplay mechanics you wouldn't care to experiment. For me it's like seeing the "full picture" of the game as the game developers wanted you to see.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2016, 04:20:51 pm »
I like achievements a lot. I generally do not care about the global achievement score. However, I really enjoy it in individual games I like. For lack of a better term, it is almost an RPG aspect to games. I always did this on 8 bit RPGs. I have to collect all 150 pokemon, collect every hidden item, and do every trainer battle. In Phantasy Star, I have to buy the best weapon and armor. I will spend pointless time grinding for that stuff when it is not needed to beat the game.

That's what achievements are to me. If I like the game, I don't want to just beat it. I want to make sure every rating or power meter is at its highest. Achievements are just the next progression of career modes introduced in 16-bit gaming.

Now, if I don't like the game, I won't even get the achievement for beating the game. Because, again, I don't care too much for the global score. It's kinda neat. But nothing big.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2016, 12:31:48 am »
Focus on? No.

Usually I find it more than a little annoying to have something pop up on screen that is not part of the game. Especially if it distracts me from, or covers up, something important to the actual game itself.

That being said, I will occasionally look them over as some lead to interesting things in the game that I may have missed or they point to hidden aspects of the game. Those I will go out of my way to try. Otherwise, they do nothing for me, except maybe earn a chuckle or two if they have a cleaver name.


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My thoughts of Achievements/Trophies & how i feel about Achievements/Trophies
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2016, 06:24:18 am »
No I'm not focusing on Achievements/Trophies and to answer this question even farther if i want to do a 100% of the game including any of my favorite games & any of my all time favorite games & if i want to have a 100% data/if i want to have a 100% save data including any of my favorite games & any of my all time favorite games in my opinions Achievements/Trophies are optional to get and if i can get it 1 or more or all of the Achievements/Trophies on that specific game then OK.

Other then that no I'm not focusing on Achievements/Trophies i mean what's the point of having fun or loving gaming if you only focus on Achievements/Trophies i can go and on how i feel so i leave it here for now & before you ask me only newest/latest gen consoles/handhelds or you may modern games i have at the moment is Xbox 360 & PSP3000 :).
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 06:27:05 am by lordscott »

Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2016, 08:27:39 pm »
I love to try to get all the achievements in the games I play, but I will walk away from them when it asks too much (time sink, massive boosting, online play, god-like skill/luck).

I will admit though that I have played some absolute drek in the name of achievements (I've 1Ked Monster High and Space Chimps for Godsake),but sometimes that falls into the category of a game being so bad, it's good. And it is always worth a laugh at one of my friend's rantings when he discovers that instead of getting a game like Bioshock Infinite or Batman Arkham City out of my backlog, I've gone and played Shrek the Third.

Still, it's quite satisfying to see those complete scores for games like Tales of Vesperia or Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate on my tag.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2016, 08:53:34 pm »
I don't usually try to go for all of the achievements for a game, especially when they require you to be online or play on the hardest setting.

But, I did go after all of the achievements in Life of Pixel for Steam and man was that hard! The hardest achievement was to hardcore all 40 levels that it was possible to hardcore which was to complete the level without dying and collect the hidden gem in one run and it was a lot harder then it sounds. I spent hours raging over the Apple II and SNES Levels because they were so long and difficult.

In all, I think achievements are a nice touch in video games and when you get one it makes you feel rewarded for doing the task.


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Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2016, 12:37:29 pm »
I'm not good enough to play games on the hardest setting. Normal is as high as I go.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2016, 04:52:38 pm »
Achievements/Trophies aren't usually my number one priority when I play games. But sometimes I could join with friends in a party to help each other grind for them.


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2016, 07:48:51 am »
Back before I started collecting and I didn't have as many games I did spend a lot of time achievement/trophy hunting. I just found it an extra fun thing to do in games after finishing them. And there was some competition between me and some others in my school to get the highest Gamerscore. :P

These days now that I have hundreds of Xbox 360/PS3/4 games it just isn't possible. Though I do try to get as many trophies as possible on games I really like, just so the % completion shows as higher than my other games so I can show how much I love it.  ;)


Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2016, 06:11:22 pm »
My clan use to call me an achievement whore when we first formed by I have found since I started playing Destiny. I just don't care anymore when I play a game. I mean if I get one great if not no biggie.

Re: Do you focus on Achievements/Trophies?
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2016, 10:50:24 am »
I play through the game normally first and after I have beaten the game I will go after the remaining trophies. I have been a completionist for a long time and I feel I really get my money's worth when I earn every trophy/achievement in a game. Though when a game asks for too much of my time with boosting and what seems like endless grinding then I will walk away.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 10:51:55 am by tristanthepest1 »