Author Topic: Wii mode on the Wii U  (Read 2282 times)

Wii mode on the Wii U
« on: September 25, 2016, 01:57:41 am »
OK, i know there has been a ton of discussion about the graphic quality of wii games played on the wii u. bouncing from forum to forum, there is always a different conclusion (As if no one actually knows how the program functions.. myself included!)

For me, I think my wii games look dreadful on my wii u. I've played with every setting on the TV and adjusted the output on the wii u itself but haven't been able to find the remedy yet.. so many games have really rough edges and those tiny vertical lines ..

I was thinking: would it be of any benefit to use composite or component output instead of the HDMI output when I am playing in Wii mode? I'm assuming that the problem is somewhere in the upscaling process either in the TV or the Wii U, so maybe this will help provide a more modest resolution to match what those older games were designed for?

any advice on that specific approach or more general approach to getting a good picture would be appreciated!


Nintendo Network: sloan011

Bomberman Blast: 4601 6171 3594


Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2016, 02:12:34 am »
In my experience, a ton of the HD TV's out there have problems upscaling content from lower resolutions ( 240p, 480i, or 480p), so people usually get a CRT or a upscaler for Wii or older consoles.  There are some good HD mointors out there, but I haven't too much research in that area yet.

What makes it worse is that the Wii U BC doesn't have any anti aliasing, so it makes the game look worse than a SDTV+ Wii component.

Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2016, 02:42:18 am »
i can't wrap my head around the idea of adding a 3rd upscaler to the mix and producing a better image. I'm not saying it doesn't work (because what do I know), it just sounds weird.

but if I keep my current setup, wii u into HDTV, could I expect any benefit from switching to component/composite?
Nintendo Network: sloan011

Bomberman Blast: 4601 6171 3594


Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2016, 10:43:21 pm »
For me, my Wii looks very good on my 40" Samsung HDTV with the official Nintendo component cables, much better than through the Wii U via HDMI, but if you don't have a Wii, I'd suggest Wii U component (don't use Wii U composite, it looks dreadful, even through an SDTV) through an SDTV. Overall though, the Wii either looks too blurry or to sharp for my tastes, it's sort of like the N64. It's hard to get to look good on any setup.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2016, 11:17:46 pm »
well i only have one TV so going the SD route is not an option...

i went ahead and picked up a Wii composite cable today so I could test my theory. i was almost surprised, but the wii mode on the Wii U through an HDTV wit the composite cable actually looks better to me than the HDMI cable.. the difference is marginal though so i probably wouldn't go thru the trouble of switching cables every single time i play in wii mode.. but if I was planning ahead I would probably do it..

i would test the component cable too but idk that it would look any better.. i think moving towards HDMI would make it look worse
Nintendo Network: sloan011

Bomberman Blast: 4601 6171 3594


PRO Supporter

Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2016, 03:38:37 am »
I used component cables on my original Wii from day one. Jaggies and sharpness wise I see no difference between the original Wii via component on an HDTV and the Wii mode on the WiiU over HDMI. They look exactly the same to me. I've only kept my original Wii so I can play game cube games over component. :)


PRO Supporter

Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2016, 04:41:29 am »
Wii hardware is designed to run on EDTV standard, so that means to get a correct image for this console you must use it on a 16:9 CRT TV with Component Video connectivity. In 480p mode on this kind of TV the Wii looks really good !

It was such a bad timing for Nintendo since LCD/HDMI era came out just after the console released, but I think it doesn't matter much considering how much units they sold..

Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2016, 03:53:19 pm »
yep i think the wii itself has wonderful output, I don't have any complaints there.. I know lots of folks do, for different reasons, but not me!

It was such a bad timing for Nintendo since LCD/HDMI era came out just after the console released, but I think it doesn't matter much considering how much units they sold..

yes, TV tech has been very fluid over the past 10-15 years.. made it tricky for matching the capability of the system to everyone's home TV set

I used component cables on my original Wii from day one. Jaggies and sharpness wise I see no difference between the original Wii via component on an HDTV and the Wii mode on the WiiU over HDMI. They look exactly the same to me. I've only kept my original Wii so I can play game cube games over component. :)

i have a feeling for most games I would probably agree because I'm noticing that some games look really fantastic regardless of which system/TV they are on. it was Re4: wii edition that looked so strange that I had to consult the community for advice.. most other games range from OK to great..

oh, and I did the opposite of you.. I kept the gamecube instead of the wii so I can use the gameboy player =) and i use the wii u for wii games, as you can tell from this thread  (duh lol)

plus its such a cool purple thing
Nintendo Network: sloan011

Bomberman Blast: 4601 6171 3594


PRO Supporter

Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2016, 03:50:48 am »
yep i think the wii itself has wonderful output, I don't have any complaints there.. I know lots of folks do, for different reasons, but not me!

It was such a bad timing for Nintendo since LCD/HDMI era came out just after the console released, but I think it doesn't matter much considering how much units they sold..

yes, TV tech has been very fluid over the past 10-15 years.. made it tricky for matching the capability of the system to everyone's home TV set

I used component cables on my original Wii from day one. Jaggies and sharpness wise I see no difference between the original Wii via component on an HDTV and the Wii mode on the WiiU over HDMI. They look exactly the same to me. I've only kept my original Wii so I can play game cube games over component. :)

i have a feeling for most games I would probably agree because I'm noticing that some games look really fantastic regardless of which system/TV they are on. it was Re4: wii edition that looked so strange that I had to consult the community for advice.. most other games range from OK to great..

oh, and I did the opposite of you.. I kept the gamecube instead of the wii so I can use the gameboy player =) and i use the wii u for wii games, as you can tell from this thread  (duh lol)

plus its such a cool purple thing

Right on!

I actually kept my GameCube as well for the GameBoy player. But I prefer to play that on my standard def CRT. :)

Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2016, 08:32:01 pm »

dang, you win! lol

go nintendo!

ps: what one GBA title do you recommend off the top of your head?
Nintendo Network: sloan011

Bomberman Blast: 4601 6171 3594


PRO Supporter

Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2016, 03:40:22 am »

dang, you win! lol

go nintendo!

ps: what one GBA title do you recommend off the top of your head?

Metroid Zero Mission

Re: Wii mode on the Wii U
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2016, 06:28:53 am »
Nintendo Network: sloan011

Bomberman Blast: 4601 6171 3594