What did you guys think about the Super Mario Odyssey trailer? That game looks awesome!
Exactly what I was wanting. A return to a proper sandbox game in the style of Super Mario 64 and Sunshine, I've been waiting GENERATIONS for this to happen lol
First Mario game I've really been excited about since Sunshine. It was a very pleasant surprise for me.

Glad to hear Arms doesn't require motion controls, because I can see it being fun in the same way Punch-Out is without them. Art style on that one looks great.
Was kinda shocked that 1, 2 Switch isn't a pack-in, because it looks super gimmicky. Can't see it selling that well on its own, but what do I know?
Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade 2 and a new SMT were all great surprises for me. I question whether or not SMT will end up being exclusive, and I'd get it on the PS4 if that ends up being an option. Regardless, the other 2 obviously are exclusive and both should be great.
No sign of the rumored Pokemon port, but I guess they gotta hold a few things back for later announcements (E3, etc.). Also keep hoping against hope for that Metroid announcement. Jerk DJ was even mixing in some Metroid music before the presentation started!

Was also hoping that Smash Bros. deluxe port rumor would be confirmed. I'm a very casual fan of the series, not enough to drop the (IMO) high prices they want for the DLC characters - so the idea of having a version of the game with all of them included is very appealing to me.
Overall I came away happy. Got my system preorderd along with Zelda. Salty that the Master Edition went so fast, but what can you do?