Author Topic: Cheap Collectors Editions  (Read 2126 times)

Cheap Collectors Editions
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:44:24 pm »
Figured this topic would fit the general tab and not the deals since I'm not reporting on any specific deal but asking a question.

Anyone know why you'll see collectors editions of games on Amazon for instance drop from their usual price of $120 or $80 to very cheap like $30 to $40? The only guess I've had which I'd assume to be the case would be clearing inventory. I just wanted to ask and also bring it up in case people weren't aware of it.

For example I've gotten the Far Cry 4 collectors edition and the Doom collectors edition both for $40 each off of Amazon this year. Not bad prices at all I'd say for newer games, not that the collectors editions of either were all that impressive but still.

I'm just curious what games you might expect to see these deals with, maybe less popular releases, or if eventually you'll see it will any game as long as you look at the right time. The Doom collectors is back up to $80 so who knows how long the windows on these deals last.

Just for anyone interested in collectors editions or who might be interested in getting those extras for a decent price figured I'd bring this up.

Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2016, 11:12:24 am »
Many AAA games get many collectors editions pushed out for them and I'd say they have the best chance of becoming really cheap just due to an over abundance of them. One thing I have noticed a lot recently of AAA games is them releasing two or three different collectors editions with the most expensive ones actually being fairly limited and in low supply. Those ones I wouldn't count on finding cheap, at least new.

Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2016, 11:43:52 am »
Many AAA games get many collectors editions pushed out for them and I'd say they have the best chance of becoming really cheap just due to an over abundance of them. One thing I have noticed a lot recently of AAA games is them releasing two or three different collectors editions with the most expensive ones actually being fairly limited and in low supply. Those ones I wouldn't count on finding cheap, at least new.

That's what I've noticed and figured. Also even though Far Cry and Doom are great games I'd also assume the main market for them wouldn't have been interested in the collectors editions, the Doom one in particular as it was fairly expensive for what you got. The Overwatch collectors edition is probably the best package I've gotten in a while and it certainly hasn't dropped in price as far as I've noticed.

Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2016, 11:49:09 am »
Many AAA games get many collectors editions pushed out for them and I'd say they have the best chance of becoming really cheap just due to an over abundance of them. One thing I have noticed a lot recently of AAA games is them releasing two or three different collectors editions with the most expensive ones actually being fairly limited and in low supply. Those ones I wouldn't count on finding cheap, at least new.

That's what I've noticed and figured. Also even though Far Cry and Doom are great games I'd also assume the main market for them wouldn't have been interested in the collectors editions, the Doom one in particular as it was fairly expensive for what you got. The Overwatch collectors edition is probably the best package I've gotten in a while and it certainly hasn't dropped in price as far as I've noticed.

It's funny that you mention the Doom CE because I have wanted it for a while, but I've been waiting for it to fall in price even more. I still see it at Gamestop stores pretty regularly and it is currently $75 on Amazon. If it goes down to around $50 or less I am definitely picking it up.

But overall I am not huge on CEs, mostly because they take up way too much space. Unless it is a game or a franchise I'm really into/hyped about I tend to skip out on them intentionally.

Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2016, 02:27:55 pm »
Many AAA games get many collectors editions pushed out for them and I'd say they have the best chance of becoming really cheap just due to an over abundance of them. One thing I have noticed a lot recently of AAA games is them releasing two or three different collectors editions with the most expensive ones actually being fairly limited and in low supply. Those ones I wouldn't count on finding cheap, at least new.

That's what I've noticed and figured. Also even though Far Cry and Doom are great games I'd also assume the main market for them wouldn't have been interested in the collectors editions, the Doom one in particular as it was fairly expensive for what you got. The Overwatch collectors edition is probably the best package I've gotten in a while and it certainly hasn't dropped in price as far as I've noticed.

It's funny that you mention the Doom CE because I have wanted it for a while, but I've been waiting for it to fall in price even more. I still see it at Gamestop stores pretty regularly and it is currently $75 on Amazon. If it goes down to around $50 or less I am definitely picking it up.

But overall I am not huge on CEs, mostly because they take up way too much space. Unless it is a game or a franchise I'm really into/hyped about I tend to skip out on them intentionally.

Yep literally the only reason I grabbed the Doom and Far Cry ones were because I was planning on getting the games eventually anyway so the collectors stuff was just bonus, but ya, all but the Overwatch box are in my closet because I have so little space on the one bookshelf I have for the majority of my collection. The Doom figure is pretty neat though, the base is pretty cheap but its not really being handled so that's fine with me. I ended up having the issue some of the reviews reported on though where the battery covers screw was stripped and I had to break it off to get the batteries in.


Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2016, 03:02:55 pm »
Here's what I've noted that dropped heavily in price for CE's in the last year
- Xenoblade Chronicle X SE-
- Bravely Second CE
- Halo 5 CE
- Mighty No. 9 Signature Edition
- Mega Man Legacy Collection Special Edition
- Life is Strange Limited Edition

Many of these dropped heavily in price due either to lots of returns, too much inventory, or negative reviews of the game.  I've picked up the top two from Amazon Warehouse Deals and both were still sealed, and Life was Strange was sealed expect for the game at GS, since I want those games, but I decided to wait until it dropped a good chunk in price. Especially for Xenoblade X, which turned out to be a $5 upgrade when I sold the sealed regular copy I already had.
Another thing is how most launch editions drop heavily in price too besides more limited releases ( like Stella Glow and Etrian Odyssey Untold 1).


Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2016, 11:06:44 am »
Here a piece of advice. I'm a LE/CE collector. Rule of thumb, never ever buy anything day one, because those versions, just like most luxury cars drop heavily in price. I made a stupid mistake buying the Halo 5, for it to drop by almost 70%. Also make sure that what you pay is representative of what is included as simple art book, little figurine and OST does not worth paying the double of the SE anymore as publisher got lazy and want quick cash. Apart from the Halo 5 disaster, the only one I pre-ordered was the Final Fantasy XV UCE because, mainly the content actually matches up the value inside and being actually limited I am sure that that one would keep it's value and probably go up in the future. Everything else I wait for Amazon Prime to have it at a very low price, then i buy.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 11:12:39 am by retrogemcollector »


Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2016, 08:04:49 pm »
While I can say Triple A game CE's are a good bet they will drop in price after a few weeks after release, (Halo, Gears of War, Uncharted, Doom, Assassin's Creed, etc) I waited on Overwatch and got it for $50. But not all of them do this. Look at the Last of Us CE.

With AAA games its a judgement call. Now I'm a sucker for CE's and I've reserved many AAA games and paid full price, If its a game I really want anyway I usually just buy just because I wanted it and if I see it cheaper a month later... Oh well. lol  :P

"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2016, 09:14:28 pm »
While I can say Triple A game CE's are a good bet they will drop in price after a few weeks after release, (Halo, Gears of War, Uncharted, Doom, Assassin's Creed, etc) I waited on Overwatch and got it for $50. But not all of them do this. Look at the Last of Us CE.

With AAA games its a judgement call. Now I'm a sucker for CE's and I've reserved many AAA games and paid full price, If its a game I really want anyway I usually just buy just because I wanted it and if I see it cheaper a month later... Oh well. lol  :P

Do you generally prefer collecting modern games and their collector's editions, or do you prefer retro game collecting?

Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2016, 10:08:44 pm »
Here a piece of advice. I'm a LE/CE collector. Rule of thumb, never ever buy anything day one, because those versions, just like most luxury cars drop heavily in price. I made a stupid mistake buying the Halo 5, for it to drop by almost 70%. Also make sure that what you pay is representative of what is included as simple art book, little figurine and OST does not worth paying the double of the SE anymore as publisher got lazy and want quick cash. Apart from the Halo 5 disaster, the only one I pre-ordered was the Final Fantasy XV UCE because, mainly the content actually matches up the value inside and being actually limited I am sure that that one would keep it's value and probably go up in the future. Everything else I wait for Amazon Prime to have it at a very low price, then i buy.

This is the biggest deterrent for me in ordering CEs is the stuff inside not being worth it. I'm a sucker for artbooks or other similar things, but when it comes to the display items like statues or figures they seem to be massively hit and miss. The Dark Souls 2 figured for instance is decent enough, but the plastic and super fake looking swords really ruin it. The Overwatch figure looks pretty good and the base is pretty hefty but its also unpainted and feels like just a strong rubber material so lacks a hand touched look, more like it came out of a mold which id guess is the case. The Doom figure is decent like I mentioned but the base is bad. Problem is I can't talk myself into spending $100 + on a really good figure for display though haha.