It has been confirmed that a voyage to mars is possible for the 2030s.

NASA has stated the idea and it's different plans to make it possible. Mars may be an optical illusion perpetrated by aliens to draw humans closer into space like predators that lay vacant in the planets many ditches but we are never to know. The planet may also harbor unknown super bacteria that can wipe out entire civilizations that we are incapable of finding vaccinations to. But it may also be a dormant utopia waiting to be explored, and waiting to be cultivated to build special extra terrestrial life. Endless possibilities in the unknown. A planet we have never seen before. we are essentially cave men learning life again.
But odds are Humans will find that mars is spacious and habitable and find even better means of transporting large masses of people there, mostly the wealthy. we will melt down the ice caps using solar reflectors and create large pools of h20. develop special suits and maybe even a dome to inhabit. Just think... in just a little under 2 short decades, if you have around 2.2 million dollars, some of us may be gaming on mars...

. It will be a 3 month voyage and we will lose all possible touch with earth. It would be smart to bring family and companionship. All humans will eventually be forced to move, earth will be exploited more then ever for resources and eventually driven into extinction and used up. then mars will become our new safe haven
A giant satellite wifi beacon will be built, it will be around the size of the moon, it will be able to pull television stations and YouTube videos from earth and send our television channels to earth as well. it would also keep close communication with earth and eventually mars would create its own militia, develop disagreements with earth, fight a revolutionary intergalactic war for freedom and win independence from earth and become its own civilization. The mars beings will become significantly smarter and a type of alpha species, we would be prime humans because only the smartest and richest could go. poor people will be forgotten and things will become dark for the lower 80 percentile. But earth will be governed similarly but mars will drain resources from earth as well. Money and resources will become scarce.
Are you prepared for intergalactic adventure in 20 years? or will you stay on earth and try to keep your normal life?