Do you use a monitor?
It has a port which looks like a regular RCA port which says 'TV', so I tried hooking it up to my big CRT TV with that port and a regular 3-color RCA cable, but that didn't work. I may try the small CRT TV soon, but I'm assuming it won't make a difference.
It also has a port I have no idea of what it does, so I'm still looking into that (I've been a bit busy since I got it, so I haven't had much time to do that). It says 'Mon' (monitor maybe?). I don't have any actual monitors for it. I thought it'd work on a TV as well, but of course I could be wrong, so maybe I should get a monitor?
(The cassette port is obviously for the cassette player)
There are two other slots on it, but those look like two cartridge slots, so I'm assuming those aren't important right now, right?
I do at least know it's somewhat functional, because when the power's on the PC itself beeps whenever I press a key (haven't looked into what this means yet, I'm not sure honestly).
I'm really new to pre-Windows PC's like this (this is my first PC ever from the pre-Windows era), so I'm a huge noob when it comes to this kind of stuff. But I'm learning! Heck, that's why I bought it :3
On a completely unrelated note, since this is the thread for it, I figured I might as well post this here. LORD GABEN SPARE MY WALLET.
Yep, Steam Winter Sale is on, and I once again couldn't control myself. World of Goo (90% off!), Melody's Escape, Town of Salem, Mega Man Legacy Collection, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition and Undertale are now in my collection!
I got most of these because they have reputations of being great, and I really wanted to try them for myself and see whether they were worth the praise. The only exceptions to this are Town of Salem (which I just really like) and Melody's Escape (which was an impulsive purchase). Good lord I have a painful cramp in my wallet!
Oh, and I got a bunch of Animal Crossing amiibo cards. I bought a few packs, hoping to find Chief for my girlfriend....I didn't get him.