Author Topic: 52 Game Challenge 2017  (Read 78449 times)

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #450 on: September 20, 2017, 10:57:34 pm »
45 - Strike Vector EX (PS4 2016) - BEAT - Thanks to PS+, I get to play some stuff I otherwise normally wouldn't.  I figured I'd try something quick and small after Horizon Zero Dawn and I got that.  The campaign is pretty short, hour or 2 at most, and it's okay.  The art for the radio dialogue and cutscenes are good and has some good music, but that's about it.  I personally found the gameplay kinda one note and the campaigns story is pretty awful.  The main character Marv is a charisma vacuum and the story has him switching sides like a half dozen times, with some pretty cliched moments.  The voice acting for him combined with this story that is full of holes in it just makes for kind of a silly time.  It's never "so bad its good", it's too serious and boring for that, but I kinda just kept laughing at every nonsense plot point.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #451 on: September 21, 2017, 03:12:38 pm »
And Melody's Escape has been completed! I realised I only had the Synesthesia achievement left to get (which means getting a perfect score on the hardest difficulty on ten songs), so I went for it! And I did it! And that without cheating with easy mp3 files too!

For those of you who don't know it, Melody's Escape is a rhythm game available on Steam. The idea it makes levels based on your own songs, and it actually works too! 9 out of 10 times the generated levels work perfectly with your song, and it's really addicting! If you like rhythm games I can very highly recommend this one!

Hello number 26! Technically halfway there. Am I still gonna make it?....No, of course not. But we'll see how far I can still get :p

Italics means I had already started with the game November last year or earlier
A red glow means this is a second playthrough
A blue glow means the game has been completed 100%

  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PC version)
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure
  • Sonic Generations
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Drawn to Life
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • 8-Bit Bayonetta
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Bayonetta
  • Space Channel 5: Part 2
  • DuckTales: Remastered
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
  • New Super Mario Bros.
  • Miitopia
  • Ben 10: Galactic Racing
  • The World Ends With You
  • Metroid: Samus Returns
  • Melody's Escape

Now I think I'm going to try and continue with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All again. Also Super Smash Bros. for Wii U....seriously, send help.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #452 on: September 22, 2017, 08:16:34 am »
Two new reviews are up: Mega Man 8 (Saturn version) and Arc Rise Fantasia.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #453 on: September 23, 2017, 07:28:31 pm »
43 - The Evil Within (PC 2014) - 14 HOURS BEAT - Heard bad things about this game around when it came out and not sure why it gets such a bad wrap.  It's certainly not a bad game, but it does have issues and I'm playing the version that allowed for removing the absurd letterboxing the game had.  As a survival horror game, it works reasonably well, it's essentially Resident Evil 4 with some general differences meant to weaken your character over being an action hero like Leon.  The story and setting is mostly good, but they failed in what I felt was a lot of the in between stuff and Sebastian is terrible as the main guy.  He's basically just a long for the ride and rarely seems bothered by what is going on.  They try to reveal his backstory throughout the game, but it seems like it was only done to give him character, because otherwise he is just generic grizzled detective.  Once in awhile he makes a quip, which seems out of place with the game and how serious it is.  This isn't Resident Evil, a series known for being goofy, so in this game, it feels out of place.  Sebastian should basically be losing his mind, like Isaac in Dead Space, but he's basically just going with the motions.  Really ruins the story I feel, especially towards the end of the game and how it feels like he hasn't actually pieced any of the plot together.

My biggest gripe is the combat.  Pretty much all regular enemies have grabs and it can be annoying to disrupt them as their grab has priority over anything you got going on.  Worse than that, many enemies and bosses and levels in general have instant deaths.  I died through so much trial and error because Sebastian doesn't move great and even when figuring out what to dodge, it can be annoying to actually do so.  The game said I died 60 times and almost all of that are from cheap instant deaths.  They aren't fun in this game and were driving me nuts.  I know Resident Evil 4 had some of that too, but it never bothered nearly as much as this game.

Overall, I thought it was a very reasonable survival horror game with a good number of flaws.  It has me interested in the sequel though.  If they can make Sebastian better, get him more engaged with the story, and improve the action, that could be a pretty great game.

Just realized I'm 6 games out from matching last years list and with 3 left to play on the list this year, and 3 more I am guaranteed to play, I should make at least 40 beat this year as I don't count the endless/multiplayer only games to my completion score.  Pretty good I'd say.  Won't make 52 games beat, but should make 52 games played at least, which I didn't make last year either.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 04:47:02 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #454 on: September 27, 2017, 10:55:06 pm »
46 - DmC: Devil May Cry - (PC 2013) - 7 HOURS BEAT - Realized I accidentally ended up playing through Evil Within and this close together, both games that rubbed fans wrong at the time, but where Evil Within was fine, though abit problematic in some areas, DmC is a pretty fun game.  I'm also not a classic DMC fan, I've barely played them and only just got a basic idea of the games and Dante just from being active in the game community over the years, so I'm looking at this as mostly it's own game.  Being it's own game, it's a pretty good time.  Slick style, good action, badass rocking soundtrack while battling, and some good boss fights.  My only real gripe is that Dante in this feels very one note.  There's no highs or lows for him, which makes him feel kinda boring.  Yeah he's a smartass and he makes puns against bosses, but he doesn't do anymore than that even when things get serious.  Maybe once he actually gets aggressive.  Kat is a great character though, easily the best in the game.  Oh and Dante's Devil Trigger is way more badass looking in the other games as in this one, he just gets abit glowy and has white hair, instead of turning into some sleek devil beast.

Would recommend the game though.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 11:02:18 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #455 on: September 28, 2017, 01:08:39 pm »
Beat story mode in Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite.  Played through Arcade just to see if they had arcade style endings or anything (Nope.)

Picross S just came out for Switch, already bought it and have it downloading to my Switch for when I get home from work.  Gonna play the crap outta that while I listen to whatever my wife is watching on Netflix.


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #456 on: September 29, 2017, 07:13:28 pm »
A review is up for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #457 on: September 30, 2017, 09:03:32 am »
I will not be reaching 52 games this year, primarily because I decided to play 3-4 different massive open-world games which took way too long each time.  But I'm trying to fit in some smaller stuff here at the end of the year, so maybe I can bust 25?

1. Super Mario 3D World
2. Dark Souls III
3. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
4. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
6. Dr. Mario
7. Nioh
8. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
9. Wolfenstein: The New Order
10. Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
11. Tales from the Borderlands
12. Bloodborne (Childhood's Beginning)
13. Bloodborne (Yharnam Sunrise)
14. Fallout 4
15. Rocket League

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #458 on: September 30, 2017, 06:30:17 pm »
...So I just realised I beat the story mode in Rivals of Aether back on the 6th of July and I never posted about it in here...Oops. Well, then let's just put it where it should go in the list and go from there I guess.

So what do I think of Rivals of Aether? I really enjoy it! I'm a HUGE sucker for anything Smash Bros. (Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is easily my favourite game ever), and this game does not disappoint. The characters are all very varied with some very cool and unique abilities, and the gameplay is super solid. Controls are fluent and feel great, and some of its unique mechanics allow it to stand on its own from Smash as a similair, but very unique and fun experience. I highly recommend it to anyone who's a fan of Smash or fun party fighters in general!

So that puts me at 27 total. I'll just put it where it's supposed to go chronologically.

Italics means I had already started with the game November last year or earlier
A red glow means this is a second playthrough
A blue glow means the game has been completed 100%
  • Life is Strange
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Kirby’s Dream Land
  • Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (PC version)
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Kirby Super Star Ultra
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  • Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure
  • Sonic Generations
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
  • Drawn to Life
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • 8-Bit Bayonetta
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Bayonetta
  • Space Channel 5: Part 2
  • DuckTales: Remastered
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
  • New Super Mario Bros.
  • Rivals of Aether
  • Miitopia
  • Ben 10: Galactic Racing
  • The World Ends With You
  • Metroid: Samus Returns
  • Melody's Escape

So what now? I know I said Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I did start with Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique, but while I enjoy it, I'm not going to actively try and beat that one. It'll happen when it happens. Otherwise I did start World of Goo, but honestly, at this point I'm just hopping between games and I'll beat something when I beat it. I know that's the exact opposite of what this challenge is meant for, but hey, sometimes I just enjoy casual game hopping without beating it. And a little progress on games is still progress, right? I know this challenge is meant to work through that backlog, but I'm not going to force myself to beat stuff. It'll happen when it happens for now. Maybe I'll get more into it later, but for now I'm on active beating-break.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #459 on: October 02, 2017, 08:20:50 pm »
47 - Cuphead (PC 2017) - 8 HOURS BEAT - This was definitely one of the harder games I played this year just due to the pure challenge of it.  It's a bluntly challenging game that does not go very easy on people, though I never played the easy mode, but it wasn't often that it was unfair, simply a mistake I made, even if there were a few points where I think the hitboxes were off (The final two fights have some of this).  Also I question the parry move at times, but that could've been simply player error.

The only thing I wish the game had more of, were the side-scrolling platformer levels.  There's only 6 and while the game was made to be a boss rush, the platformer levels were a nice side adventure after a really hard fight or when I needed a break from one.  The bosses are all pretty great and there's a lot of them too.  The game has essentially 19, and one towards the end is basically 10 minibosses in one (Though if you do well, you only have to fight 4).  All are very unique and memorable with their own gimmicks.  Nothing is repeated or re-used in this, it's impressive and all the art is great along with jazzy band music.

Grab this if you want a pretty challenging, Contra-esque, shoot'em up.  Can't wait to see Awesome Games Done Quick come the New Year so I can watch some sick speedrun.  I took 8 hours, but there were a couple bosses I spent at least a half to an hour on just to beat them.  I imagine a pro speedrunner gets it down to like an hour or something lol
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 08:27:27 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #460 on: October 02, 2017, 10:46:00 pm »
47 - Cuphead (PC 2017) - 8 HOURS BEAT - This was definitely one of the harder games I played this year just due to the pure challenge of it.  It's a bluntly challenging game that does not go very easy on people, though I never played the easy mode, but it wasn't often that it was unfair, simply a mistake I made, even if there were a few points where I think the hitboxes were off (The final two fights have some of this).  Also I question the parry move at times, but that could've been simply player error.

The only thing I wish the game had more of, were the side-scrolling platformer levels.  There's only 6 and while the game was made to be a boss rush, the platformer levels were a nice side adventure after a really hard fight or when I needed a break from one.  The bosses are all pretty great and there's a lot of them too.  The game has essentially 19, and one towards the end is basically 10 minibosses in one (Though if you do well, you only have to fight 4).  All are very unique and memorable with their own gimmicks.  Nothing is repeated or re-used in this, it's impressive and all the art is great along with jazzy band music.

Grab this if you want a pretty challenging, Contra-esque, shoot'em up.  Can't wait to see Awesome Games Done Quick come the New Year so I can watch some sick speedrun.  I took 8 hours, but there were a couple bosses I spent at least a half to an hour on just to beat them.  I imagine a pro speedrunner gets it down to like an hour or something lol

I had no idea this was on PC; totally thought it was an XBONE exclusive. Definitely plan on buying this soon since I've been dying to play it since they announced it.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #461 on: October 02, 2017, 10:48:27 pm »
I had no idea this was on PC; totally thought it was an XBONE exclusive. Definitely plan on buying this soon since I've been dying to play it since they announced it.

I knew it was on PC, but thought it was gonna be Windows Store only and I'm not really interested in that, but thankfully it's on Steam and it's on GOG.


PRO Supporter

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #462 on: October 03, 2017, 09:22:31 am »
I had no idea this was on PC; totally thought it was an XBONE exclusive. Definitely plan on buying this soon since I've been dying to play it since they announced it.

I knew it was on PC, but thought it was gonna be Windows Store only and I'm not really interested in that, but thankfully it's on Steam and it's on GOG.

Wait.  It's on Steam?  Now I have to get it... when there's a Steam Sale!
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 09:24:36 am by turf »


Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #463 on: October 03, 2017, 12:33:22 pm »
I had no idea this was on PC; totally thought it was an XBONE exclusive. Definitely plan on buying this soon since I've been dying to play it since they announced it.

I knew it was on PC, but thought it was gonna be Windows Store only and I'm not really interested in that, but thankfully it's on Steam and it's on GOG.

Wait.  It's on Steam?  Now I have to get it... when there's a Steam Sale!
Be a man and buy it full price, the devs deserve it  :P
Seriously though, I've been following the development of Cuphead since it was announced all those years ago. They really put their hearts into that game. I was going to get an Xbone myself until they announced it was going to be on Steam.

Re: 52 Game Challenge 2017
« Reply #464 on: October 04, 2017, 01:49:31 am »
48 - Sonic Generations (PC 2011) - 4 HOURS BEAT - I brought it up with Mania, but I've never been a huge fan of Sonic gameplay wise, more aesthetically than anything, and that includes the Genesis games.  Too much auto-running going on most of the time, which is why I usually prefer Mario games.  My preference for Sonic is actually the now canceled Sonic comics lol Generally though, I'm more inclined to enjoy the 3D games because I can actually see what is coming up, though I think the 2D Sonic gameplay is improved here with a farther out camera, which I would say is better than Mania in that regard. 

I was pretty sure I never actually beat this game, so I figured I'd burn through the levels pretty quick and overall it was alright.  I actually think my opinion on it has lessened, though that might just be due to that terrible final boss fight.  That was awful and boring.  Otherwise, the game was okay.  I'm still actually more inclined to play this one more than I would Mania lol Hopefully Sonic Forces is fun, it seems like it's taking what worked with Sonic Generations and just doing more original stuff which is great.