I probably won't be able to complete that challenge but i think it will be fun to track how many games i have finished during the year.
The first game i have beat this year is
Final Fantasy XV (on PS4), i was a bit hesitant to start it since it's the first FF i play since FF13 (who was a big disappointment for me) and what i've seen of the game before the release didn't really help but that was a pretty good surprise, what I believed being it's biggest flaw, the new combat system, is actually pretty fun (of course it makes me remember of the Kingdom Hearts series and now i'm really waiting for KH3

). The game have flaws of course, some part of the story are a bit anticlimactic, the side-quests are (mostly) boring and repetitive and Prompto can be really annoying (still
way less than Vanille) but overall it was a pretty fun ride. I finished it in 93 hours and 28 minutes (i'm the type who want to explore everywhere and do everything available before doing the main quest

) and i'm probably going back to do the post-game stuff while i wait for the DLC to be released.
List of games i've beat in 2017 :1 •
Final Fantasy XV (PS4 - 93h28 - 9 January)
Games i'm actually playing :•
Destiny (PS4) : i brought it because my nephews (that i sometimes keep) really like that game but i mostly play it to pass time, i will see if i'm able to finish it.
Skyrim (Steam) : I finished the main game during 2012 on 360 but i really wanted to replay it since the DLC are out, so during summer 2016, i installed everything, fully moded my game with the biggest mods (Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, the Forgotten City, Beyond Reach, Legacy of the Dragonborn, ect...) and i'm trying to do a complete run of everything (with almost 95 hours on this run, i'm level 45 and i have to say i'm nowhere near the end of anything yet, i really like to take my time reading and exploring everything

Games i'm planning to play :•
Star Ocean 5 (PS4) : That game is one of the main reason i bought a PS4 and yet i still haven't played it, i really need to change that fact.
Assassin's Creed (PC or Xbox 360) : The first game of the series i'm planning to play during the year and i still haven't started it, that need to change too.