Author Topic: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?  (Read 4870 times)


Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« on: March 13, 2017, 11:43:04 pm »
Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?

Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2017, 12:12:23 am »
Already off to a great start.  I think it'll be successful enough in the long run.  Maybe not huge numbers, but enough to bring Nintendo back around.


Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2017, 12:34:23 am »
Already off to a great start.  I think it'll be successful enough in the long run.  Maybe not huge numbers, but enough to bring Nintendo back around.
Adam Koralik had a lot to say on the subject. EA, and Ubisoft are looking questionable with future support. I think sales have been strong so far but it's not saying much the 32X sold well at the start until its game drought kicked in. I don't know I think things are going to heat again and the subject will be about 3rd party support again probably.

Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2017, 12:50:12 am »
Already off to a great start.  I think it'll be successful enough in the long run.  Maybe not huge numbers, but enough to bring Nintendo back around.
Adam Koralik had a lot to say on the subject. EA, and Ubisoft are looking questionable with future support. I think sales have been strong so far but it's not saying much the 32X sold well at the start until its game drought kicked in. I don't know I think things are going to heat again and the subject will be about 3rd party support again probably.

I see no real reason for the Switch to fail, even in the long run.  It's already off to a massive start, it doesn't have a game drought coming, and the Switch will in all likelihood be the 3DS replacement once that's done with in the next year or two, where that library will then move to the Switch.  Third party games could be abit of an issue, but we'll have to see with that.


Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2017, 12:51:45 am »
Already off to a great start.  I think it'll be successful enough in the long run.  Maybe not huge numbers, but enough to bring Nintendo back around.
Adam Koralik had a lot to say on the subject. EA, and Ubisoft are looking questionable with future support. I think sales have been strong so far but it's not saying much the 32X sold well at the start until its game drought kicked in. I don't know I think things are going to heat again and the subject will be about 3rd party support again probably.

I see no real reason for the Switch to fail, even in the long run.  It's already off to a massive start, it doesn't have a game drought coming, and the Switch will in all likelihood be the 3DS replacement once that's done with in the next year or two, where that library will then move to the Switch.  Third party games could be abit of an issue, but we'll have to see with that.
How much life does the 3DS have left anyway?

Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2017, 01:00:07 am »
How much life does the 3DS have left anyway

Don't know, it might depend on the sales as I know they are still selling systems.  Like I figured Nintendo would try looking at maybe phasing things out next year, maybe 2018 at the latest.  It just went past its 6th year anniversary in Japan last month and I think it's absolutely shown its age lately with some mostly poor ports of games (Though really, it was never smart to release Wii and Wii U games on such an underpowered system).  Plus closing out on the 3DS would then work in favor of pushing the Switch as the one system for themselves.  It again might just depend on sales, particularly how well the Switch does over the next year.


Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2017, 01:10:46 am »
How much life does the 3DS have left anyway

Don't know, it might depend on the sales as I know they are still selling systems.  Like I figured Nintendo would try looking at maybe phasing things out next year, maybe 2018 at the latest.  It just went past its 6th year anniversary in Japan last month and I think it's absolutely shown its age lately with some mostly poor ports of games (Though really, it was never smart to release Wii and Wii U games on such an underpowered system).  Plus closing out on the 3DS would then work in favor of pushing the Switch as the one system for themselves.  It again might just depend on sales, particularly how well the Switch does over the next year.
What are the poor ports are you talking about out of curiosity? I didn't notice it was showing it's age. The whole portable generation has always been little strange to me. Speaking of which what the hell's going on with the Vita situation anyway? The bastard child. Presumably it's going to continue it's zombie march forward and outlive the 3DS at this rate.

Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2017, 01:21:49 am »
What are the poor ports are you talking about out of curiosity? I didn't notice it was showing it's age. The whole portable generation has always been little strange to me. Speaking of which what the hell's going on with the Vita situation anyway? The bastard child. Presumably it's going to continue it's zombie march forward and outlive the 3DS at this rate.

Xenoblade Chronicles ran and looked pretty bad.  Smash Bros might've been fine, I didn't play that, but Hyrule Warriors Legends wasn't that great (Playable, but it's such a downgrade), and I heard the Super Mario Maker port wasn't that great since they had to cut out stuff.  They tried to gives the system a boost with the New 3DS, but it didn't really seem to offer much in the way of better games that had to use it.  I guess Majora's Mask was supposed to be benefit from the New 3DS, but I'm not sure that's the best sign for a system that it takes updated hardware to play an updated N64 game better lol


Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2017, 11:46:39 am »
I guess Majora's Mask was supposed to be benefit from the New 3DS, but I'm not sure that's the best sign for a system that it takes updated hardware to play an updated N64 game better lol

It totally isn't outputting a significantly higher polygon draw rate... an improved framerate... twice! because of the stereoscopic 3D.  I mean it isn't N3DS exclusive either, it supports that c-stick.  (you should keep that rendering twice thing in mind when thinking about Xenoblade Chronicles 3D). 

Smash Bros. looks so much better than I was expecting (even on the standard 3DS, the screen size is about tolerable).  Super solid framerate, though it does take a brief naptime to start up the game, as it's booting in own proprietary OS to free up some RAM of the 3DS features not being used. 

If you wanna talk about bad performance on the system, Pokemon has got you covered.  I simply haven't noticed any drops with Xenoblade yet.  (for rreference: I'm at Bionis Leg, encountered a mechon that talks)

Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2017, 12:09:32 pm »
It's off to a promising start and having owned one for over a week I can already see how it has way more appeal than the Wii U given its portable/tablet functionality. At no point when playing am I aware that I am playing the game from a tablet whether at home or on the go, however I could use it as a tablet if I wanted to. I think this will definitely make it appeal to a far greater audience than the Wii U was ever able to reach. On that note, I don't think it will be successful as the Wii in terms of sales, but could see it out performing the sales of the Gamecube and N64.

Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2017, 12:55:31 pm »
As for the Switch: I'm agreeing with what others have implied, which is that the Switch has no reason not to be successful... it's just that it's a matter of time. Comparisons have been made to the 3DS, which also started slow, but eventually went up in sales due to increasing support. I know it's kind of a simplistic/cop-outy answer, but it really just depends on Nintendo. People want Metroid and old IPs revived, and it needs 3rd party support; if it gets those properly this time around, I think it should do just fine. And especially with the way Xbox/PS4 stuff has been going, Nintendo really needs to work on differentiating itself and putting out console exclusives that are worth picking up a Switch for. Obviously, from a tech perspective, it won't be competing with an Xbox/PS4, so it has to compete in other ways.

Fun note, Ben Heck did a breakdown of the switch, and found that the RAM (I think? It was some component) was made to be easily replaceable; He suspects we'll see a Switch with upgraded hardware in the near future. Others have noted that Nintendo had patents or copyrights or something like that mentioning VR-esque tech. So it's very possible that the Switch could also act as Nintendo's VR-esque machine, which (at it's price point) could help to sell it and make it very competitive, with the proper game support.

As for the 3DS: says here that "Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima went on record last fall saying that while the company's upcoming hybrid console, dubbed Switch, will presumably succeed its home console, the Wii U, it will not replace its portable game machine, Nintendo 3DS.Jan 25, 2017." That's from Google, and just one source, but it is a statement from the President, himself. I think they will continue to have a completely independent, portable platform. The *new* 3DS hasn't released all that many titles geared toward it specifically, but as Indenton said, playing games like Pokemon Sun on an old 3DS XL has resulted in really noticeable issues. Sony hasn't spoken a word about a follow-up to the Vita, and they were basically the only competitor this generation for mobile stuff (aside from tablets/phones obviously). Until this happens, I think Nintendo may be comfortable with releasing games for the *new* 3DS, as we are seeing with Fire Emblem titles.

Now, I guess it always *could* happen that the Switch becomes so successful that they decide to focus on just that, but I find it unlikely. Despite it's portability, I'm not exactly sure that it can replace the portability a 3DS has in an urban environment like Tokyo, etc. They also still own the GameBoy name; could be the next installment is a new GameBoy after the 3DS. Who knows?

TL;DR - *New* 3DS doesn't have any competitors, and graphical power (not to be confused with presentation) has never been Nintendo's strong point or concern, for the most part. Fire Emblem indicates it still has some life left it officially, and unless Nintendo feels compelled to replace it, there's not really any reason to for now. I don't think the Switch will effect that much, if at all.

Someone mentioned 2018... that sounds pretty good to me. I guess it's just a question of where will they go from here? Who knows, maybe it will be a sort of Switch companion; a much smaller version that uses the same controllers, perhaps? Imagine a GBA SP, but the bottom are the two detachable controllers... could be interesting haha.

Though now I'm starting to seriously wonder what we might see integrated, either in philosophy or shared components, from the Switch in a new portable console. I could definitely see cross-platform capabilities/play.


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Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2017, 01:38:19 pm »
A great launch doesn't mean it will be successful, though, guys. Look at the Dreamcast.

As always with a Nintendo system, I think the third-party support will make or break it.


Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2017, 04:06:27 pm »
A great launch doesn't mean it will be successful, though, guys. Look at the Dreamcast.

As always with a Nintendo system, I think the third-party support will make or break it.
Sega rushed Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast, Nintendo delayed the Nintendo 64 for Super Mario 64, one of these games still hold up. 

Well we know about a whole bunch of games which have yet to release (ARMS, Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, FE Warriors) so I think its release schedule is being well paced.  Instead of rushing all of these games for launch and leaving a ghost town of a launch schedule

Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2017, 06:55:53 pm »
If you wanna talk about bad performance on the system, Pokemon has got you covered.  I simply haven't noticed any drops with Xenoblade yet.  (for rreference: I'm at Bionis Leg, encountered a mechon that talks)

I played up to the second area of the game and both of the boss fights that happen, the one in the town I think it was against a mechanical boss and then the creature in the cave, the framerate was terrible during those.

Re: Do you think the Nintendo switch will fail or be successful?
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2017, 08:00:21 pm »
Depends if we are talking in terms of sales or in quality. Success is always used when referring to sales.  But success means more than sales to me when defining a console. Success means more if a console innovated and had an amazing library and memorable titles. But typically sales are brought up as if it matters to anyone other than a Nintendo CEO.

So if you mean sales, it will probably fail in comparison to sony's sales.  "It can't run at 60fps 4k and it doesnt have COD bruh..., it has old graphics bruh."   That quote alone is why it will fail.  Gaming has been taken over by specs peasants and people who rather play interactive movies and first person shooters over and over again rather than an actual innovative 1st party exclusive title that will be marveled and played for years to come.  Not saying Sony and Xbox don't release their good games because they do and I love Xbox One. I am just referring to the overly saturated first person shooter and sports game market than is really conquered by sony and xbox and although xbox releases their incredible games and so does sony, I feel Nintendo seems to do more of it and still gets labeled a failure because they refuse to cater to a over whelming fps market.  Nintendo was never a failure.  Nintendo never let us down imo.  Wii U has an impressive library of 1st party titles that I can play at any time.  more so than my xbox one imo.  And Wii U remains the most underated and unfairly hated system ever to me.  It was innovative and awesome.

So if I had to guess it will be just like every year,  Sony will outsell xbox, xbox will outsell Nintendo.   PC will outperform them all specs wise but people will still bring up specs as a downfall of Nintendo when really no console has good specs in 2017.  and Nintendo will make the best 1st party games that are more memorable and ones that we will actually pick up and play in 5 years but only purists and people who can look past specs or people who are Nintendo fan boys will buy them. :) 

and I hope it isn't the case,  so far it seems like switch's sales are amazing and they have set Nintendo launch records in both software and hardware.  I feel it may outsell GameCube if they keep their foot on the gas and give us a Metroid lol.     It is well on it's way to being far more successful than the wii u in terms of sales.   And it is also a very innovative and amazing masterpiece.   Breathe of the wild alone gave us something we may only see once every decade.   a true breathe taking classic.   and that alone makes it a success in my eyes :)

« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 08:24:57 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »