Author Topic: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning  (Read 2688 times)


Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« on: April 03, 2017, 09:46:11 am »
So, what kind of games did can you say you've mastered in your life, for me I don't even scratch 1% of games of all time sake. my backlog is Huge. on PS3 I beat and played every Call Of Duty Game on Vary Easy but never touched much on Advance Warfare and Black Ops series. I've beati all the Call Of Duty Games for PS2 and Gamecube many times over. But I can't say I mastered them though. I beaten a lot of PC games including Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Mech Warrior 4 series, the vary first game I beat was Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge and Wolfenstein 3D shareware version. before beating the whole six episode version more recently

if you cannot think of anything else that just name the first video game you've ever beaten in your life or if you cannot remember what was your last winning achievement I only consider mastering a video game if your can learn to beat the game at all difficulty level :)
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2017, 05:18:06 pm »
Getting a Platinum in God of War on PS3. Don't want to ever do that again.

Also, getting 100% in Okami.


PRO Supporter

Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2017, 10:30:26 pm »
I'll say the Mass Effect trilogy. Got every achievement for all 3 games. Other than that, I dunno, maybe the first Uncharted. Got the platinum for that one too back in the day.

Omelette du fromage.


Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2017, 03:16:00 am »
Super Mario Sunshine- multiple 100%'s
Metal Slug 1- easy to 1cc on a reg basis
Assault/Assault Plus- pretty much memoed everything; got western records in both ( one is almost at WR level)
Fixeight- almost 2-ALL'd jap version
Pokemon Platinum- 100% back in the day


Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2017, 10:23:45 am »
*points to PSN signature*

I'm proud of some of those platinums.


Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2017, 11:41:39 am »
*points to PSN signature*

I'm proud of some of those platinums.

Most of us would be proud of those and your completion percentage.  ;)

I'd throw in getting to end game in EverQuest back in the day. I remember that being such an accomplishment at the time. This was when EQ was in its first few expansions, and you had to bring in 4 full parties to attempt raids. Now you can dual box with NPC mercenaries and take down the gods.

Getting all of the endings for Chrono Trigger when I was 15.

I'm beginning to think I'm not very good at games, lol.


Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2017, 12:18:29 pm »
*points to PSN signature*

I'm proud of some of those platinums.
Getting all of the endings for Chrono Trigger when I was 15.

I'm beginning to think I'm not very good at games, lol.

I think that's awesome you got all of the endings in Chrono Trigger. I never had the patience for that.

Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2017, 01:57:19 pm »
Love having achievements. Right now, I'm sitting at 96 completions on my Xbox profile. Some of those I have reasons to be proud of (Tales of Vesperia, Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate), others not so much (Megamind, Barbie Puppy Rescue). I seem to be stuck eternally at 59% completion ratio though.

As for the pre-achievement days, I'd consider my most notable accomplishments to be completing the pokedex in Pokemon Red, 100%ing Skies of Arcadia, and getting all trophies in Super Smash Bros. Melee. My first total 100% completion would be either Kirby's Dream Land 2, Super Mario Land 2, or Link's Awakening; I can't remember what was beaten first.


PRO Supporter

Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2017, 04:49:48 pm »
*points to PSN signature*

I'm proud of some of those platinums.
Getting all of the endings for Chrono Trigger when I was 15.

I'm beginning to think I'm not very good at games, lol.

I think that's awesome you got all of the endings in Chrono Trigger. I never had the patience for that.

All you had to do was save it right before Lavos and fight with a different party. Right?  That wouldn't take that long.  Especially with the joys of New Game+


Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2017, 06:48:28 pm »
*points to PSN signature*

I'm proud of some of those platinums.
Getting all of the endings for Chrono Trigger when I was 15.

I'm beginning to think I'm not very good at games, lol.

I think that's awesome you got all of the endings in Chrono Trigger. I never had the patience for that.

All you had to do was save it right before Lavos and fight with a different party. Right?  That wouldn't take that long.  Especially with the joys of New Game+

There were several areas in the game where you had to do certain events, make certain decisions, or take on the end boss very early. So where a NG+ was beneficial to the harder fights, you would have to make different saves. Some of them you could make a few key saves and branch out endings from there.

Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2017, 12:13:46 am »
All you had to do was save it right before Lavos and fight with a different party. Right?  That wouldn't take that long.  Especially with the joys of New Game+

Not quite.

Basically, the game allows you to fight Lavos whenever, but you would get a different ending depending on how far into the story you are (with one ending requiring NG+ in the SNES/PS1 versions and 2 for the DS/Mobile versions).

So, to see all endings really doesn't take too much, just play through the game normally, then load up new game plus to blast through everything quickly, get to one of the checkpoints, kill Lavos, watch the ending, then open up the save back up and continue on to the next checkpoint.


Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2017, 06:43:56 am »
Not many!  I'd say I mastered Mario Kart 64 back in the day though, not in just game completion because that doesn't take long, but in that I could handily beat everyone I knew on 150cc.

I've gotten all the endings on Chrono Trigger and 100% completed the DS version, too, but really with RPGs it doesn't feel like a sense of "mastery" to me, just a practice in patience.  The same could be said of most JRPGs I've played, I guess, except I missed some stuff in Xenoblade Chronicles even after putting a few hundred hours into my game.  That one's rough, because if you miss just one quest in a couple spots you can't go back to it.


Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2017, 10:31:33 am »
There have only been a handful of games that I have truly mastered. One that is close but not 100% is Quake 3, where I was not able to complete the single player on the hardest difficulty. Another I cannot say is Diablo II because I never had a end game Assassin build, and my other characters (such as the 2 frame Amazon and Druid) are good but missing that one piece makes the difference.

Asteroids on 2600 rolled the score counter.
Monopoly on Genesis won all modes.


Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2017, 01:12:04 am »
Not many!  I'd say I mastered Mario Kart 64 back in the day though, not in just game completion because that doesn't take long, but in that I could handily beat everyone I knew on 150cc.

I've gotten all the endings on Chrono Trigger and 100% completed the DS version, too, but really with RPGs it doesn't feel like a sense of "mastery" to me, just a practice in patience.  The same could be said of most JRPGs I've played, I guess, except I missed some stuff in Xenoblade Chronicles even after putting a few hundred hours into my game.  That one's rough, because if you miss just one quest in a couple spots you can't go back to it.

Okay, well I guess since me getting all of the Chrono Trigger endings at 15 without a guide wasn't impressive. I did beat Dungeons & Dragons: Tower Of Doom on an arcade box with a friend of mine with only $2 worth of coins.


Re: Your Gaming Winning Achievements Since the Beginning
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2017, 05:26:04 am »
Not many!  I'd say I mastered Mario Kart 64 back in the day though, not in just game completion because that doesn't take long, but in that I could handily beat everyone I knew on 150cc.

I've gotten all the endings on Chrono Trigger and 100% completed the DS version, too, but really with RPGs it doesn't feel like a sense of "mastery" to me, just a practice in patience.  The same could be said of most JRPGs I've played, I guess, except I missed some stuff in Xenoblade Chronicles even after putting a few hundred hours into my game.  That one's rough, because if you miss just one quest in a couple spots you can't go back to it.

Okay, well I guess since me getting all of the Chrono Trigger endings at 15 without a guide wasn't impressive. I did beat Dungeons & Dragons: Tower Of Doom on an arcade box with a friend of mine with only $2 worth of coins.

...Okay, good for you, I guess?  I said that for me, I don't get a sense of mastery for most RPG accomplishments.  Fulfillment of a different sort?  Sure.  But Chrono Trigger isn't a hard game, so I don't get a sense of mastery for it.  Personally (as in, what I am saying is subjective and I am not judging you or anyone else, but since it's the Internet you assume I am, so I guess every opinion has to be prefaced with this) I get more of a sense of mastery for things that are based on skill, not just being really thorough.  I still love those games though.