Author Topic: Xbox backwards compatible games - Xbox Games Store (X360) or Xbox Live (XbOne)?  (Read 4271 times)

So just wondering how these games should be classified.  Should the backwards compatible 360 games that are available digitally be added to both Xbox Games Store (X360) and Xbox Live (XbOne) or just the 360 games store?  I don't see a reason to have them listed in both.  These are 360 games that just happen to be playable on the Xbox one so my thinking is they should only be in the Xbox Games Store (X360) category since they are technically 360 games, and if that's the case can we report these as duplicates if they are added the Xbox One category.

Sorry if this was posted before I didn't see it when I checked.

For example:
Xbox Games Store (X360)  -
Xbox Live (XbOne) -

It's the same game, playable on both consoles
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 03:51:22 am by spectre51 »

It is still just the 360 game.  You don't purchase them separately, they are not separate listings (Like the PSN cross-buy with PS3/V/4)

If you see any more of these report them in the Dupe thread.


Is it possible to get the game from either store without having the original disc?

Is it possible to get the game from either store without having the original disc?
You can purchase the digital version of the game from either console without having the original disc. But it's still the same 360 version. There is nothing different when you play it on the Xbox one.


Ok, so the issue isn't that the item doesn't exist on the store, the issue is how our categories for digital games work vs how the game store actually works. For example, all of the Microsoft online stores (360, One, PC) are just one place and you can see software that your device supports. The same is true of the Sony and Nintendo stores. So we have this example where the exact same thing (Assassin's Creed III) is available for use on two different systems, 360 and One. Compound this with the international versions.

Think of those online stores as more like Steam but with mandatory filters for what you can see.

So with the way vgc currently works, it is fine to have the game in each store, as well as in the physical category.


In the store there are different listings for Assassin's Creed III in both the Xbox One and Xbox 360 store. You can see both of the consoles sections, with Xbox One listed first. The Xbox One's "Buy" link takes you to the 360's site though.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 11:38:12 am by telly »
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Also, when you purchase the item on X1, it literally brings you to the X360 store and you purchase the title through it.

It is not available for purchase through like X1 titles, it is only purchasable through like 360 titles.

Just because you can buy a PSP game on the PS3's playstation store doesn't make it a PS3 game, right?

In the store there are different listings for Assassin's Creed III in both the Xbox One and Xbox 360 store. You can see both of the consoles sections, with Xbox One listed first. The Xbox One's "Buy" link takes you to the 360's site though.

And when you click buy on that listing for the Xbox one it takes you to the 360 games store page to buy it.  It's just a place holder.


That is with a PC. When you are in the store on an actual Xbox One, and choose to buy the game, does it take you to the Xbox 360 store there too?

That is with a PC. When you are in the store on an actual Xbox One, and choose to buy the game, does it take you to the Xbox 360 store there too?
On the Xbox one it doesn't distinguish between different stores it just lists all games.  360 games does have a category to see just the backwards compatible games available for digital purchase though.

It shows the game cover with the 360 banner at the top but it's not a different store. 

That is with a PC. When you are in the store on an actual Xbox One, and choose to buy the game, does it take you to the Xbox 360 store there too?
It makes the purchase through the api.

The games do NOT play on the X1 OS, the X1 OS loads up an Xbox 360 emulator and plays it through that.  It's fairly similar to how Gamecube games would play on the Wii.

I mean, the fact that you can load up the Wii mode on the Wii U, and load up the Wii Shop channel, does that mean that if you purchase a game through Wii mode on the Wii U, those wiiware/VC titles belong in the Wii U category?  I think not.

The games that are BC on X1 are not marketed as X1 titles, they are marketed as X360 titles that will play on your X1 console.

That is with a PC. When you are in the store on an actual Xbox One, and choose to buy the game, does it take you to the Xbox 360 store there too?
It makes the purchase through the api.
Let me elaborate on this statement.

When you purchase an X1 title through the X1 console, it just buys the game.  No silly business or anything.

When you purchase an X360 title through the X1 console, the system loads up a little web api that displays the purchase functionality.  You don't actually make the purchase through the X1 Games Store, it actually loads up a separate interface inside of the Games Store that makes the purchase through the api.  What happens is that you pull up the 360 listing on the Games Store and it has a button that says "Show Price" instead of "Buy".  Clicking this pulls up the web api.

Finding a video that shows the X1 purchase process is seemingly difficult.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 12:30:43 pm by ignition365 »

Also, regardless of where the game is purchased (360, One, or PC), the game will be put into the 360 section of that person's library when they view their purchased games on their account.


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I don't understand how this is a discussion. They are 360 games, not Xbox One games. It's just that some of these digital titles are now backwards compatible for XBox One.

You don't put XBox 360 discs into the XBox One category, just because they are backwards compatible. So why would we do that for the digital titles?

So my question is this and is somewhat related, if you bought the retail releases of these backwards compatible games (which I have got and added the Fallout 3 and New Vegas here recently) the ones I have come with Platinum Hits discs and have a different item number than the non-backwards compatible XBOX 360 retail releases.  Does this mean they are still considered different releases for the XBOX 360?  I don't mean a different game but considered a different release given the artwork change.

FYI, I just made better images by scanning them and uploading them in case anyone asks.  :)