, had this stupid idea that if I stop playing i'll get older much faster 
Does anyone even know that their really is no such thing as being too old to play video games? I even heard of senior citizens playing Mario cart 64 back in the 1990's growing up.!!
Just last week, I met a man in the hospital I was in. and he claimed to be in his 70's. and he loves to play NASCAR for the PS2. I forgot what year, he told me though. You want to know what will make you old people (in my opinion

). well the TV news and politics on TV, that's what!!. my opinion. Rock and Roll and Metal is king of the music genre and put Video games and Pop/Rock music together and you can stay occupied and young forever.

as far a movies and tv shows go. (just a matter of my own opinion)
Horror movies I think are meant for sane teenagers. That want to be teenagers forever. and action movies for people who want to live the young adult days forever. and adult cartoons I believe are for all ages. comedy's, all ages. romance, well I know a few guys like romantic comedy's. But from what I heard women and marred men and mature audiences usually like to watch them.
BACK ON TOPIC: yea Twisted Metal 2, War Zone Mortal Kombat 4 Spiro the Dragon demo, Cool Boarders 2 and a few other PS1 games come to my mind. As a child and spending time with my dad who still plays video games once and a while. But he used to play a lot longer, when he was working less, and had more free time. Now he likes more outdoor activities more.