Author Topic: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?  (Read 7535 times)


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2017, 12:11:12 am »
Depends why who! I had a girl friend (not a girlfriend just a friend who was a girl lol) and we played a lot of Tekken 5, Tony Hawk's pro skater 2/Underground 2 and plenty of other games.
I also had another girl friend with who I played the Incredibles 2 on ps2 in co op! I also played a lot of Tekken/Soulcalibur, Dragon Ball Z, Ratchet and Clank , WWE and smash bros games with my best friend! I also remember playing a lot of Smash Bros/Mario Party/Sims 3 on Wii and Just Dance 3 with another girl friend.

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2017, 02:13:33 am »
The big one is Halo on Xbox.  We did multi-system LAN's like every weekend it seemed for years.  With friends and their family, we routinely were doing 4 consoles to 4 TV's hooked up to play and with our settings, we would have CTF matches that lasted hours sometimes (No shields back in the day when the magnum was the best weapon in the game).

Another was Fatal Frame.  A couple of us would rotate through the controls, getting super scared, but in the fun way.  My friends place had a big 'ole subwoofer under the bed, so one time we didn't know it was on and up loud, so we were playing the game and get jumped by a ghost and that subwoofer shook the boomed and shooked the bed and made us a flip out.  It was hilarious.

I also remember playing through games I normally couldn't as I didn't own a Gamecube, so I played stuff like Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, Resident Evil 4, and some others over there.  I still remember how bummed I was losing my Animal Crossing memory card at their house lol
The Lan thing going was a major tragedy. Fuck 60fps just give me my lan and splitscreen back.

Switch has that down it seems.  I'm really looking forward to local play with Splatoon 2 as that'll be great at meetups I go to.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2017, 02:50:17 pm »
So, so very many.

My friend and I used to bounce back and forth between each others houses a lot.  I lived out in the middle of nowhere and he lived out in the sticks as well but most of his extended family lived in a small almost community with him.  So between him, myself, and his cousin we had access to SNES, Playstation, N64, and Dreamcast.
We would routinely play for hours on end,
Super Mario Kart
Rock and Roll Racing
Mortal Kombat II
Killer Instinct
Star Fox
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Perfect Dark
WCW vs NWO Revenge
Wrestlemania 2000
Sonic Adventure

One memory I have that I am quite fond of was when we were 15-16 and we were scrounging in his closet for something. I shifted something wrong and dislodged a rather large cardboard box that came crashing down onto my head.  The pain was momentary when I recognized the sound of cartridges knocking into one another and we discovered his dads old Atari 2600 and about 50 games.  Imagine his surprise when he came home and found four boys huddled around the T.V. not playing our newer consoles but having a blast with his old system, which he preceded to school each of us on how to play it. 


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2017, 04:20:36 pm »
So, so very many.

My friend and I used to bounce back and forth between each others houses a lot.  I lived out in the middle of nowhere and he lived out in the sticks as well but most of his extended family lived in a small almost community with him.  So between him, myself, and his cousin we had access to SNES, Playstation, N64, and Dreamcast.
We would routinely play for hours on end,
Super Mario Kart
Rock and Roll Racing
Mortal Kombat II
Killer Instinct
Star Fox
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Perfect Dark
WCW vs NWO Revenge
Wrestlemania 2000
Sonic Adventure

One memory I have that I am quite fond of was when we were 15-16 and we were scrounging in his closet for something. I shifted something wrong and dislodged a rather large cardboard box that came crashing down onto my head.  The pain was momentary when I recognized the sound of cartridges knocking into one another and we discovered his dads old Atari 2600 and about 50 games.  Imagine his surprise when he came home and found four boys huddled around the T.V. not playing our newer consoles but having a blast with his old system, which he preceded to school each of us on how to play it.
That's quite a story. Makes me cringe thinking if in the future the same story happens just with the PS3/xbox 360 generation. But I imagine that would hurt more getting hit on the head with.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2017, 08:51:30 pm »
SO much Mario Party, Goldeneye, and Conker's Bad Fur Day multiplayer. Last one was kept secret from Mom, obviously. We called it the "Teddy Bear Game." I also have very fond memories of scaring the crap out of my friends with Fatal Frame II when I was older. This Halloween is going to be a blast.
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #35 on: June 25, 2017, 09:44:53 pm »
So, so very many.

My friend and I used to bounce back and forth between each others houses a lot.  I lived out in the middle of nowhere and he lived out in the sticks as well but most of his extended family lived in a small almost community with him.  So between him, myself, and his cousin we had access to SNES, Playstation, N64, and Dreamcast.
We would routinely play for hours on end,
Super Mario Kart
Rock and Roll Racing
Mortal Kombat II
Killer Instinct
Star Fox
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Perfect Dark
WCW vs NWO Revenge
Wrestlemania 2000
Sonic Adventure

One memory I have that I am quite fond of was when we were 15-16 and we were scrounging in his closet for something. I shifted something wrong and dislodged a rather large cardboard box that came crashing down onto my head.  The pain was momentary when I recognized the sound of cartridges knocking into one another and we discovered his dads old Atari 2600 and about 50 games.  Imagine his surprise when he came home and found four boys huddled around the T.V. not playing our newer consoles but having a blast with his old system, which he preceded to school each of us on how to play it.
That's quite a story. Makes me cringe thinking if in the future the same story happens just with the PS3/xbox 360 generation. But I imagine that would hurt more getting hit on the head with.

LOL  I never thought of that.  Instead of shrugging it off and enjoying the afternoon gaming.  You spend it in the ER with a concussion.

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2017, 02:38:00 am »
The Lan thing going was a major tragedy. Fuck 60fps just give me my lan and splitscreen back.

Well, Microsoft is trying to bring LANs back a bit, as when the original Xbox games get added to the One's Backwards compatibility, they'll also include the ability to system link Ones, 360s, and original Xboxs all together for games.

As for the topic, for me LAN parties and sleepovers had completely different game line ups. For sleepovers, it was pure N64, with Mario Party (1 & 3), Smash Bros., and Perfect Dark. With LAN parties, the games of choice were Starcraft, GTA 2, Rise of Nations, Risk, and later, Team Fortress 2.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2017, 02:55:47 pm »
So, so very many.

My friend and I used to bounce back and forth between each others houses a lot.  I lived out in the middle of nowhere and he lived out in the sticks as well but most of his extended family lived in a small almost community with him.  So between him, myself, and his cousin we had access to SNES, Playstation, N64, and Dreamcast.
We would routinely play for hours on end,
Super Mario Kart
Rock and Roll Racing
Mortal Kombat II
Killer Instinct
Star Fox
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Perfect Dark
WCW vs NWO Revenge
Wrestlemania 2000
Sonic Adventure

One memory I have that I am quite fond of was when we were 15-16 and we were scrounging in his closet for something. I shifted something wrong and dislodged a rather large cardboard box that came crashing down onto my head.  The pain was momentary when I recognized the sound of cartridges knocking into one another and we discovered his dads old Atari 2600 and about 50 games.  Imagine his surprise when he came home and found four boys huddled around the T.V. not playing our newer consoles but having a blast with his old system, which he preceded to school each of us on how to play it.
That's quite a story. Makes me cringe thinking if in the future the same story happens just with the PS3/xbox 360 generation. But I imagine that would hurt more getting hit on the head with.

LOL  I never thought of that.  Instead of shrugging it off and enjoying the afternoon gaming.  You spend it in the ER with a concussion.

Haha what would be worse getting with with: "George Foreman" PS3 or Original Xbox?


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2017, 10:13:38 pm »
So, so very many.

My friend and I used to bounce back and forth between each others houses a lot.  I lived out in the middle of nowhere and he lived out in the sticks as well but most of his extended family lived in a small almost community with him.  So between him, myself, and his cousin we had access to SNES, Playstation, N64, and Dreamcast.
We would routinely play for hours on end,
Super Mario Kart
Rock and Roll Racing
Mortal Kombat II
Killer Instinct
Star Fox
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Perfect Dark
WCW vs NWO Revenge
Wrestlemania 2000
Sonic Adventure

One memory I have that I am quite fond of was when we were 15-16 and we were scrounging in his closet for something. I shifted something wrong and dislodged a rather large cardboard box that came crashing down onto my head.  The pain was momentary when I recognized the sound of cartridges knocking into one another and we discovered his dads old Atari 2600 and about 50 games.  Imagine his surprise when he came home and found four boys huddled around the T.V. not playing our newer consoles but having a blast with his old system, which he preceded to school each of us on how to play it.
That's quite a story. Makes me cringe thinking if in the future the same story happens just with the PS3/xbox 360 generation. But I imagine that would hurt more getting hit on the head with.

LOL  I never thought of that.  Instead of shrugging it off and enjoying the afternoon gaming.  You spend it in the ER with a concussion.

Haha what would be worse getting with with: "George Foreman" PS3 or Original Xbox?

Either would put you in a coma.   :D

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #39 on: June 28, 2017, 11:56:36 am »
Star Wars Battlefront (both of them)
Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith

To be fair we still play FIFA at sleepovers :P


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2017, 12:13:41 pm »
I really only remember playing Pokemon on GBA and trading with friends at sleepovers
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #41 on: July 03, 2017, 08:17:50 pm »
, had this stupid idea that if I stop playing i'll get older much faster  ::)

Does anyone even know that their really is no such thing as being too old to play video games? I even heard of senior citizens playing Mario cart 64 back in the 1990's growing up.!!

Just last week, I met a man in the hospital I was in. and he claimed to be in his 70's. and he loves to play NASCAR for the PS2. I forgot what year, he told me though. You want to know what will make you old people (in my opinion :-X). well the TV news and politics on TV, that's what!!. my opinion. Rock and Roll and Metal is king of the music genre and put Video games and Pop/Rock music together and you can stay occupied and young forever. ;D

as far a movies and tv shows go. (just a matter of my own opinion)
 Horror movies I think are meant for sane teenagers. That want to be teenagers forever. and action movies for people who want to live the young adult days forever. and adult cartoons I believe are for all ages. comedy's, all ages. romance, well I know a few guys like romantic comedy's. But from what I heard women and marred men and mature audiences usually like to watch them.

BACK ON TOPIC: yea Twisted Metal 2, War Zone Mortal Kombat 4 Spiro the Dragon demo, Cool Boarders 2 and a few other PS1 games come to my mind. As a child and spending time with my dad who still plays video games once and a while. But he used to play a lot longer, when he was working less, and had more free time. Now he likes more outdoor activities more.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 08:34:20 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2017, 11:59:13 pm »
The last time I did sleepovers were in the SNES days.
Did an all nighter with Street Fighter II and a couple friends. I remember landing Blanka's crouching fierce punch sooooo many times for the final hit and aggravating the hell outta them. The damn punch practically reaches the screen. I would re-enact it to add some salt, while it did the slow motion knock out LMAO.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #43 on: July 11, 2017, 12:29:06 am »
I never did many sleep-overs, that was more a thing my sisters did. My friends and I usually arranged to have our parties at arcades or Lazer Tag centers. We would spend hours playing Atari, Colecovision, Odyessey2, C64, NES etc... but we did that during the day for the most part.

I do remember one sleep-over, it happened sometime during Junior High. Games on tap that night were things like:
Leisure Suit Larry and the Land of the Lounge Lizards (DOS) -
Bar Games (DOS) -
He also had an NES with both the Power Pad and R.O.B. I don't remember specific games as we very heavily traded NES carts and no single game stands out in my memory, just that it was the only time we were able to talk him into letting us use the robot or the pad, we soon understood why.

There was another I remember during High School, same friend's house (I think he was the only one of us that ever did these). He had a SNES this time with the newly released Star Fox (so it was apparently early 1993.) I thought Star Fox looked terrible compared to even the original NES games or even most Atari 2600 games. Jaggy polygons with dull solid colors, no thank you. I had no interest in it at all. If polygons were going to do that to games, give me sprites any day. Sure they are great now but the 90s were an ugly, very ugly, time for 3D games.


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Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #44 on: August 26, 2017, 10:43:15 pm »
Toe Jam & Earl on Genesis, TMNT 2, Stinger,  on NES,  and later on Golden Eye and Gauntlet Legends on Dreamcast.