Author Topic: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?  (Read 7537 times)


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2017, 09:54:15 am »
TMNT II the Arcade Game (NES)
X-Men (Genesis)
World Series Baseball (Game Gear)
Combat (VCS)

For the one kid I used to hang out with a lot, I know it was a lot of NES/Genesis but I do not recall the games now. And I am specifically just trying to remember ones from sleepovers, not games I remember playing at other people's houses from just a day visit or whatever.

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2017, 01:07:53 pm »
Super Mario 3, Duck hunt (with one player controlling the ducks) 4-player World Cup  (NES)
Mario Kart (SNES)
Golden Eye (N64)
Tekken (PS1)
Warcraft 2 (through a printer cable connection in windows 95)


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2017, 01:23:03 pm »
Wondering if people did it back in the atari days. It's hard to imagine anyone playing any atari game for more than a hour.

The hell are you talking son I used to play for hours with one of my uncles because he owned the console and it wasn't that hard as you imagine, used to play all weekends titles like Asteroids, Moon Patrol, Joust, Pitfall!, Space Invaders almost all day, never played at night cause my mom always send me to bed early about the sleepovers used to play with my friends Mario Kart: Double Dash!! and with my cousins most all of the King of Fighters and the Street Fighters titles, we loved to kick the hell outta the other in fighting games, to bad that my friends and my cousins decided to stop playing when all decided to get married , don't get the wrong idea am also married but always manage to make some free time to play, had this stupid idea that if I stop playing i'll get older much faster  ::)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2017, 04:33:12 pm »
Final Fantasy II - This was my first bit of exposure to RPGs.
Mega Man 3
Breath of Fire II
Samurai Shodown
Smash Bros. Melee


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2017, 04:54:25 pm »
A lot of games over the years.

Super Smash Bros Melee was the biggest one. For years and years after it's release it was the go-to game for pretty much all my friends. There had to be sleepovers with 15-20 different friends on separate occasions where we played it all night. This was in middle-to-high school, there where some times in elementary I did so with SSB as well, mainly with Pokeballs set to high.

Mario Kart Double Dash is another one my friends and brother played a lot in early high school. We'd hook it up, and scream all night and really piss my parents off.

I played a lot of games with my friend Taylor who rented a lot. It's when I first Played Dyntasy Warriors (3, to be specific) and it was such a blast playing that game in co-op. A lot of people think it gets repetitive, but I still love the game-play.

Phantasy Star Online was one. Me & 2 friends played it a fair bit, but I feel sorry for poor Al because I don't think he liked it as much as John & I did.

Lastly, when I was pretty young the only system I had was my dad's Intellivision, where as Jon (different than John) had an SNES that I always wanted to play. One time at a sleepover he fell asleep first so I stayed up really late playing Donkey Kong Country. I don't know what time it was, but his dad came in and saw me and really didn't know what to say. He just said I should go to sleep and left. I continued playing for much longer.
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2017, 07:20:30 pm »
A good friend of mine owned a SNES and a NES back in the day.

I remember the two of us playing Donkey Kong Country and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The arcade game to death. Both games blew me away when I was a kid, DKC especially.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2017, 10:12:39 pm »
Halo, Pokemon, and various other games i don't exactly remember, it was always fun playing them with freinds though. :)

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2017, 11:30:31 pm »
Sewer shark.... Still looking for a decent price on a sega cd so i can play this again.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2017, 02:21:03 am »
I was a little too old to call it a "sleep-over", but I will always fondly remember crashing at my friends house and we'd play Shenmue late into the night.

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2017, 02:29:46 pm »
The big one is Halo on Xbox.  We did multi-system LAN's like every weekend it seemed for years.  With friends and their family, we routinely were doing 4 consoles to 4 TV's hooked up to play and with our settings, we would have CTF matches that lasted hours sometimes (No shields back in the day when the magnum was the best weapon in the game).

Another was Fatal Frame.  A couple of us would rotate through the controls, getting super scared, but in the fun way.  My friends place had a big 'ole subwoofer under the bed, so one time we didn't know it was on and up loud, so we were playing the game and get jumped by a ghost and that subwoofer shook the boomed and shooked the bed and made us a flip out.  It was hilarious.

I also remember playing through games I normally couldn't as I didn't own a Gamecube, so I played stuff like Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, Resident Evil 4, and some others over there.  I still remember how bummed I was losing my Animal Crossing memory card at their house lol


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2017, 06:02:50 pm »
The big one is Halo on Xbox.  We did multi-system LAN's like every weekend it seemed for years.  With friends and their family, we routinely were doing 4 consoles to 4 TV's hooked up to play and with our settings, we would have CTF matches that lasted hours sometimes (No shields back in the day when the magnum was the best weapon in the game).

Another was Fatal Frame.  A couple of us would rotate through the controls, getting super scared, but in the fun way.  My friends place had a big 'ole subwoofer under the bed, so one time we didn't know it was on and up loud, so we were playing the game and get jumped by a ghost and that subwoofer shook the boomed and shooked the bed and made us a flip out.  It was hilarious.

I also remember playing through games I normally couldn't as I didn't own a Gamecube, so I played stuff like Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, Resident Evil 4, and some others over there.  I still remember how bummed I was losing my Animal Crossing memory card at their house lol
The Lan thing going was a major tragedy. Fuck 60fps just give me my lan and splitscreen back.

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2017, 08:50:38 pm »
Mario Kart on SNES, Secret of Mana (multiplayer), Wrestling games, and many NHL games on multiple console through the years.

Retro ARCADE games news, review and gameplay Youtube channel.



Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2017, 09:42:27 pm »
Depends on the age, but here is a round about:

Smash Bros
Soul Caliber
Killer Instinct
Power Stone
Dead or Alive Series
Mech Assault
Star Fox
Tony Hawk
Golden Eye
Perfect Dark

The older we got we have some LAN parties and play:
Star Craft
Warcraft III

Many others but those are top off my head answers


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2017, 09:57:36 pm »
Depends on the age, but here is a round about:

Smash Bros
Soul Caliber
Killer Instinct
Power Stone
Dead or Alive Series
Mech Assault
Star Fox
Tony Hawk
Golden Eye
Perfect Dark

The older we got we have some LAN parties and play:
Star Craft
Warcraft III

Many others but those are top off my head answers
Very good list. I am feeling it with these games.

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2017, 11:11:48 pm »
Oh, man, I got stories.

Mostly about my shitty little brother.

Had a bunch of friends over to spend the night with pizza and video games.  I think we mostly played Rugrats Scavenger Hunt for N64, my brother stomped on my pizza so I wouldn't eat it.  I think in the middle of the night one or two friends walked home, don't know if it was because I was sour because of the pizza or if it was because they were home sick or something, I know for one friend that was super common for him.

Another time it was Rush 2 and my brother went and microwaved the game when we went to play hide and seek outside.

Another time I think it was Rush 2049 and my brother walked into the room and peed on the floor of the entryway to my room so that I couldn't leave the room because I would have to walk in his pee to leave.

Other times it was Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Puzzle League, and taking turns playing GTA 3 trying to get each other killed.
Rugrats Scavenger Hunt? Didn't think anyone on the planet played that game more than 5 minutes even back then
Yeah that game is terrible
*shrug* I was like 10 and I rented it.  That one night is the extent to which I've ever played the game, honestly don't remember much about it.

Other games played would be Goldeneye, Duke Nukem Zero Hour, Timesplitters, Timesplitters 2, Timesplitters FP, and Smash Melee.

Idk.   Slappers only, 1-hit kill (What was that, living daylights?).  2v2 DN:ZH where 1 person from each team was trapped in a room with tripwires and unarmed so your team mate had to save you before you could take part in the match.  Custom maps, custom stories, custom game modes.  A giant pit arena where everyone is dropped in and there is a single sniper rifle (no extra ammo) in the middle of the arena, 1 shot kills.  Virus mode.  Flame tag mode.   Assault.  Etc.