Is there an iconic celebrity or character that never made it into the video game or arcade world that you feel would have made for an awesome game?

. Here are some of my picks
1. Evel Knievel (As popular as he was in the 80s i'm suprised there was never an 2600 or NES game centered around him

. I wasn't alive yet but I know it would have made for a lot of 8 bit fun and nostalgia

2. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (He is a very popular boxer and undefeated at 50-0. One of the best defensive fighters to ever live. It is pretty shocking that no boxing games or companies have come out to license out real boxers like Floyd and some of the other popular boxers to play as like the fight night games used to. Or even a Punchout spin off with him as the final boss would be funny. It would be really fun

3. Flash - (Flash has one video game for the Sega Master System but he's one of the more popular DC characters. While he does have one game, I really think he should have had many more and on Nintendo or PS consoles too

4. Goldilocks and the Tree bears ( Along with many other childhood stories that never made it to the joysticks, I really think as an 8 or 16bit adventure it would have been fun to avoid the angry bears and have stealth missions where you have to eat their porridge and such

If some of these already exist please let me know because I might be wrong, I am not too deep into niche consoles but I am only going off licensed releases. Homebrews and PC games don't count.
What are your picks for the number 1 person who never got video game time that you wish did