Author Topic: Just checking in & i hope you all stay safe when & if hurricanes & during &  (Read 18239 times)


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after the season.

just letting you all fellow gamers & fellow Final Fantasy fans like myself know so far I'm doing awesome as always so far i hope you guys stay safe when & if any of you get hurricanes & during,after hurricane seasons & if any of you wish to respond then feel free to ask questions & say how are you doing recently/lately if you want to & please stay safe out there & be careful :)


Glad to hear you're doing well! Be safe with the coming storms, and I hope your family and friends will be safe as well.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

I'm in Southwest Florida right now and it's not lookinggreat  for us or really anyone in the state right now with the tracking.  Can only hope for the best.


I'm always curious

As someone who does not live in the US hearing about the many tornado storms and hurricanes destroying homes etc

Are there save zones, and for the collectors that do live in allot of places that have these heavy storms, Do you protect you home somway to prevent it from being ripped apart after some bad weather  ???

Would be pretty anoying if your home and content would get destroyed after each and every tornado or flood not to mention many collectible things would get lost forever. I'm pretty curious how everything survives after a relentless tornado wich is not uncommon in the states :o
Your Stylish Sword Master!

I'm always curious

As someone who does not live in the US hearing about the many tornado storms and hurricanes destroying homes etc

Are there save zones, and for the collectors that do live in allot of places that have these heavy storms, Do you protect you home somway to prevent it from being ripped apart after some bad weather  ???

Would be pretty anoying if your home and content would get destroyed after each and every tornado or flood not to mention many collectible things would get lost forever. I'm pretty curious how everything survives after a relentless tornado wich is not uncommon in the states :o

A good insurance policy helps me sleep better at night.


PRO Supporter

I'm always curious

As someone who does not live in the US hearing about the many tornado storms and hurricanes destroying homes etc

Are there save zones, and for the collectors that do live in allot of places that have these heavy storms, Do you protect you home somway to prevent it from being ripped apart after some bad weather  ???

Would be pretty anoying if your home and content would get destroyed after each and every tornado or flood not to mention many collectible things would get lost forever. I'm pretty curious how everything survives after a relentless tornado wich is not uncommon in the states :o

The U.S. is a really big place.  Rarely does the same place get hit over and over.  We have tornadoes and hurricanes every year, but it's very seldom that the same place get hit over and over.


I'm always curious

As someone who does not live in the US hearing about the many tornado storms and hurricanes destroying homes etc

Are there save zones, and for the collectors that do live in allot of places that have these heavy storms, Do you protect you home somway to prevent it from being ripped apart after some bad weather  ???

Would be pretty anoying if your home and content would get destroyed after each and every tornado or flood not to mention many collectible things would get lost forever. I'm pretty curious how everything survives after a relentless tornado wich is not uncommon in the states :o

The U.S. is a really big place.  Rarely does the same place get hit over and over.  We have tornadoes and hurricanes every year, but it's very seldom that the same place get hit over and over.

Okay but when it does hit are houses destroyed or not.

It just has to happen once to lose everything.

Is there a way to protect the house and contents or does a person just have very bad luck when it hits.
Your Stylish Sword Master!


after the season.

just letting you all fellow gamers & fellow Final Fantasy fans like myself know so far I'm doing awesome as always so far i hope you guys stay safe when & if any of you get hurricanes & during,after hurricane seasons & if any of you wish to respond then feel free to ask questions & say how are you doing recently/lately if you want to & please stay safe out there & be careful :)


Be safe out there.


PRO Supporter

I'm always curious

As someone who does not live in the US hearing about the many tornado storms and hurricanes destroying homes etc

Are there save zones, and for the collectors that do live in allot of places that have these heavy storms, Do you protect you home somway to prevent it from being ripped apart after some bad weather  ???

Would be pretty anoying if your home and content would get destroyed after each and every tornado or flood not to mention many collectible things would get lost forever. I'm pretty curious how everything survives after a relentless tornado wich is not uncommon in the states :o

The U.S. is a really big place.  Rarely does the same place get hit over and over.  We have tornadoes and hurricanes every year, but it's very seldom that the same place get hit over and over.

Okay but when it does hit are houses destroyed or not.

It just has to happen once to lose everything.

Is there a way to protect the house and contents or does a person just have very bad luck when it hits.

Honestly they're never predictable. Once when i was in wyoming there was a terrible wind storm. Blew off my cousin's roof, however their trampoline didn't budge an inch and that wasn't anchored down or turned over.

Hell the week hurricane Irene hit the was an earthquake in DC that was felt all the way past NewYork.and the hurricane when it hit was appearently arming itself with tornados. And honestly nothing really happened as a result. Year later Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey and well a google image search will give you an idea of the destruction it caused. For where i was then, lost power for a week, only to get it back and a few days later lost it for another week due to a heavy snowfall. It's why homeowners/renters/collection insurance is a thing.

I'm always curious

As someone who does not live in the US hearing about the many tornado storms and hurricanes destroying homes etc

Are there save zones, and for the collectors that do live in allot of places that have these heavy storms, Do you protect you home somway to prevent it from being ripped apart after some bad weather  ???

Would be pretty anoying if your home and content would get destroyed after each and every tornado or flood not to mention many collectible things would get lost forever. I'm pretty curious how everything survives after a relentless tornado wich is not uncommon in the states :o

The U.S. is a really big place.  Rarely does the same place get hit over and over.  We have tornadoes and hurricanes every year, but it's very seldom that the same place get hit over and over.

Okay but when it does hit are houses destroyed or not.

It just has to happen once to lose everything.

Is there a way to protect the house and contents or does a person just have very bad luck when it hits.

Like RedBlaze said they are extremely unpredictable in Nature and even some weaker hurricanes can cause major damages. For the most part it's impossible to prepare for them in a way to prevent damages.  Best you can do is barricade windows and prey for the best because the winds are truly strong enough to unearth entire homes at times. A lot of factors come into play like sea level, wind speed and location.  Hurricanes like Harvey, Katrina, Andrew and Sandy that come as a category 4 or 5 (wind speeds over 140 mph) can cause flooding and dismantle homes at catestrophic unpreventable levels.

A lot of Hurricanes weaken before landfall or change direction, all we can do is hope and prey that Irma goes out to the atlantic or lowers to a category 3 before it hits Florida.  It's truly a scary situation.  I hope everyone will be safe :(

Some pics of Harvey and Katrina aftermaths. Two of the most damaging hurricanes US has seen recently. 

God bless everyone and hope and love with all through these tough times. 
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 07:02:47 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Luckily where I am at we rarely have natural disasters. The last tornado was small F1 that occurred in the 1970s. The last significant flood was over 15 years ago, and mostly affected small pockets of lower ground. But, we keep getting these freak "derecho" storms that knock out trees and power, just about every other summer now.

Yeah if something like Irma hits you, your stuff is screwed. Better have home insurance. Take what's important to you, and leave before it hits.


PRO Supporter

Sandy was only a category 2 when it hit Marv


Okay but when it does hit are houses destroyed or not.

It just has to happen once to lose everything.

Is there a way to protect the house and contents or does a person just have very bad luck when it hits.

Yes. There are two problems:
1. There is not enough regulation or requirements on building in known risk areas. Things are approached in a break-fix manner.
2. People still build houses in areas that are known to get tornados, known to get hurricanes, below sea level, or on a flood plain.

So in any of these areas, buildings will be destroyed. Then a cleanup will happen and new buildings will be put back in the same places. Do you think those new buildings will be hurricane proof? Maybe some, but most probably not. But one reason for that is because it would be too expensive. There is a lot of risk to live in an area like that.


PRO Supporter

I work front line in auto repair.  I had a customer today tell me that her brother who lives in Miami is stuck there because there is no fuel.  None.  His best friend who left two days prior made it north 150 miles before running out of fuel.  He is currently camped out beside the road.  My Grandparents who are from Hurricane prone south Louisiana would always, I mean ALWAYS, keep their vehicle fuel tanks above 3/4 for that very reason. 


I guess I should be grateful that in my country natural disasters are pretty much non existent.

In those very rare instances some (heavy) storms wich blow of a few roof tiles or some sick trees wich is a very big deal in my country when it happens :o
Your Stylish Sword Master!