No, and I never will.
There are all types of collecting in this hobby and none of them are bad or wrong, but personally I have never seen the appeal of going for a full set for any game console due to the large amount of crap, shovelware, old sports games that every console has. The closest I have to a complete set is my Dreamcast collection which is currently about 2/3 of the overall US library. I'm not going to lie, there have been a few times where I though, "I'm so close, I might as well just get all the rest of the games. Besides, I have nearly all the really expensive and rare stuff already." But as soon as I find NBA2K for a buck or some other mediocre Disney title, I can never bring myself to purchase it.The thought of a bunch of garbage junking up my collection and sitting nexr to a game like Shenmue or Power Stone just doesn't sit right with me. This is true of every console I've ever collection for. I like to make sure my collection is all about quality at the end of the day, not that I have every game, the good and the bad, for a given console.