Author Topic: Have you ever had a console or game you slept on but than ended up loving it?  (Read 2441 times)

I just got bit by a bug that I never thought would bite me,  The Original DS bug.  Wow the Nintendo DS was such an awesome handheld.  I love so many games on it.  I always collected for 3DS because I figured I wouldn't like the early dated DS graphics and I didn't see any huge titles I liked at first but I looked past so many amazing ones and games like partners in time are amazing and I like the way they look in a stack. I love the turn based mario games, and the obscure titles.  Definitely a neat console to collect for :)   If anyone has any first party or big name games to seek first please let me know.  I thought I remembers a port of FF VI being for it but I might have been mistaken.  :D.

Did you ever not give console a chance but than ended up really loving it once you did? :)
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 07:29:02 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »

I slept on a game once but I never got to love it.  Needless to say when I arose the morning after it lay there smashed in two.


I slept on a game once but I never got to love it.  Needless to say when I arose the morning after it lay there smashed in two.

Damn, sounds brutal.

"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)

I've had my Dreamcast for years, but really only ever played Sonic Adventure, and then a few years later Jet Set Radio, on it. I really only got it in the first place because it was a SEGA console. I never got rid of it though, out of some sort of weird reverence. Now, I'm going back and truly exploring the library. Sometimes, you really just need to focus on one console at a time.


I slept on a game once but I never got to love it.  Needless to say when I arose the morning after it lay there smashed in two.

Sounds like a good time.

Did it at least give you the digits after?


Demon's Souls for sure. Got the game around release and just never played it for upwards to a year. I think it was around the time of Dark Souls being announced when I decided to play and fell in the love with the series.


Demon's Souls for sure. Got the game around release and just never played it for upwards to a year. I think it was around the time of Dark Souls being announced when I decided to play and fell in the love with the series.

I was going to say Demon's Souls too! :) Twinning
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If anyone has any first party or big name games to seek first please let me know.  I thought I remembers a port of FF VI being for it but I might have been mistaken.  :D.

The FFVI Port was for the GBA. DS did get remakes of III and IV though.
As for games to get, my big recommendations would be Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Meteos, Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky, Rhythm Heaven, and the Professor Layton series. And if you like Tetris, Tetris DS is widely considered to be one of the best versions of the game out there.

And as for the topic, probably the biggest game for me was Fallout 3. When I first played it, I played for an hour or two, but got quickly bored and shelved it. Eventually, I gave it another shot, but what I did was try a completely different build. Instead of a standard jack-of-all-trades gunman, I speced my character as a tiny little girl who specialized in fisticuffs. The completely different approach worked, and got me engaged in the game enough to explore and play through the rest of the wasteland. Now, I've got the full set of achievements for 3, New Vegas, and 4 on my Xbox account.

The original XBOX

My little brother had one growing up and like many I thought that all it had going for it was Halo and Halo 2. It wasn't until I began collecting that I realized it has a great library of exclusives, at least for consoles, as well as the best place to place certain multiplats. It was definitely was of the most fun, cheapest and easiest consoles to collect for too.

The Uncharted franchise and the Assassin's Creed franchise.  I waited nearly ten years to jump into each of those franchises respectively.

Same thing with Far Cry and Fallout I believe.  I knew nothing of Fallout 3, but I kept skipping it and eventually bought it and just fell in love.  Dumped at least a thousand hours in that game alone.

Clock Tower 3 for ps2 and The Last Guy for ps3


Ar Nosurge Plus for the PS Vita. I bought the LE for the PS3 release and simply put it on my shelf like most other games I buy when I buy several at a time. Then the vita release came out, I snagged it and finally played the series. Very niche title, but I absolutely loved playing it. As soon as I replace the HD in my PS3 I plan on playing the PS3 version.


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If anyone has any first party or big name games to seek first please let me know.  I thought I remembers a port of FF VI being for it but I might have been mistaken.  :D.
And as for the topic, probably the biggest game for me was Fallout 3. When I first played it, I played for an hour or two, but got quickly bored and shelved it. Eventually, I gave it another shot, but what I did was try a completely different build. Instead of a standard jack-of-all-trades gunman, I speced my character as a tiny little girl who specialized in fisticuffs. The completely different approach worked, and got me engaged in the game enough to explore and play through the rest of the wasteland. Now, I've got the full set of achievements for 3, New Vegas, and 4 on my Xbox account.

You’re not the only one to have this happen with Fallout 3.
I posted the whole story in another thread, but to make a long story short: I bought Fallout 3 on reputation alone, but after multiple attempts I just found it extremely boring. The night before I was going to sell it to Gamestop, I gave it one more chance. Suddenly, the gameplay just “clicked” for me, I discovered the appeal of the huge world to explore, and I finally understood the VATS targeting system. Over the next few weeks it was all I played for hours. It led me to get Skyrim, into which I’ve poured even more hours.

Other games:
Metal Gear Solid - I just couldn’t figure it out. But I loved MGS2, and that helped me go back to MGS and appreciate it.

Tekken - Rented it from Blockbuster and hated it. I kept hearing glowing reviews so I rented it again...and loved it. It probably just took me a bit to get used to a GOOD 3D fighting game, since 95% of my previous 3D fighter experience was with Battle Arena Toshinden  ::)

The Vita, and more recently the GBA, kinda. I bought the vita a few years after launch and got one game for it, Persona 4. At the time my attention span was non existent and i just couldn't get into it. I put the vita down and didn't touch it till this year, now my vita collection is at 31 games and growing and I'm actually playing the games lol. The GBA is a little different. I got my original GBA as a gift from my girlfriend (now wife lol) and I played the games I wanted, mainly all the awesome RPGs that were ported to the system, but after that I just let it collect dust and never really payed much attention to it. I really didnt give it the love I should have when it was out and I really don't remember many of the games that were available for it when it was still current, but to be fair I was in college at the time and those years are kinda all a blur..... (i have gba games that i held on to with completed save files that i dont ever remember playing). Any way, now that I have a little more money to collect and time to play games, i've really been digging collecting for and playing the GBA. I modded my original AGB-001 with a backlight and am pretty much always one it. BTW if anyone is downsizing their GBA collection hit me up, theres a lot i still need!!!


I guess the Sega Saturn, although it's always intrigued me. We were just a home that owned only Sony and Nintendo. There wasn't any interest in Sega.

I think my fascination with the system occurred when I saw Working Design's full page advertisement for Albert Odyssey.