I tried out a couple of the Tiger Woods games on PS2 and they are not for me. I tend to not like golf games that force you into the course... Like how racing games have invisible walls. What is the point of having a golf game with all this great scenery and not let me hit the ball over there? Also it has stroke limits, which I am not a fan of. I don't want any gimmes, if it takes me 50 shots to get in the hole, I should be able to do that. Not get up to 12 or whatever and the game just moves you to the next hole.
I used to enjoy going out of bounds on a few PC golf games and hit the houses when I was younger, and I just wanted to see what would happen

3D map games have limits though, I used to build a few maps on games for PC for golf and a few other games that use 3D maps. and there is nothing really to see expect sometimes a black screen once you've reached the maps limits
I am sure you already knew that, but I used to be the same way with golf games,
As for the stroke limit in most EA sports golf games. It can be a life saver if you are trying to play the game and your stuck on some obstacle, I think they did that if in case you get stuck like I did a lot when I was first learning how to use the analog joystick swing
By the way it is better to play any tiger woods PGA tour game 2001 and up, if you don't use a SONY controller it is better to find a controller. any controller with indented analog sticks for easier swing control. I recommend this controller for the PS2 but their is other brands with indented joysticks as well.
a wired TTX PS2 controller with indented analog sticks to make all analog golf swing games easier