Had some good finds the last couple weeks and a SNES lot on facebook that I still can't believe I got.
PS4A lot of LRG's have come in the last few weeks.
- River City Melee (alternate cover)
- River City Melee - Collector's Edition
- Double Dragon IV - Collector's Edition
- Super Gunworld 2
- Rock Boshers DX
- Mecho Tales
- Mecho Tales - Limited Edition
- Yesterday Origins
- Windjammers
- Claire Extended Cut
- Lost Sphear
- What Remains of Edith Finch
- Mecho Tales
- Mecho Tales - Limited Edition
- Rock Boshers DX
- Windjammers
- Claire Extended Cut
Switch- Lost Sphear
XBone- Troll and I (on clearance for $9)
- Battlechasers: Nightwar (again clearance for $9)
WiiCalled Gamestops all over the US and had them transferred to my local store. These are a few rarer titles I had to track down.
- Get Fit with Mel B
- Reader Rabbit Preschool
- Maximum Racing: GP Classic Racing
- Maximum Racing: Rally Racer
- Gunblade NY & LA Machineguns
Think I'm only missing one Maximum Racing game now, these games are crap but are getting harder to find and going up in price.
Also found these two obscure games at my local used game store for $3 each.
- Yoga
- Lost in Blue: Shipwrecked
PS2Saw this at my local used game store for only $4.
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
NDSMy local used game store got in a crap ton of NDS games and they where all way under the going value online. I kinda went nuts. lol
- Brain Boost Beta Wave (it was only .99c)
- Touchmaster 2 (again only .99c)
- Tecmo Bowl Kickoff (this game is selling online for over $20, they where asking $3)
- Devilish ($3)
- Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers ($3)
- Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days ($16, it had it's slip cover, I had to get it)
- Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (only $7)
- Mega Man Starforce Leo ($12)
- Harvest Moon DS (online its going for about $30, they where asking $12)
- Harvest Moon DS: Sunshine Islands (again only $12)
- Etrian Odyssey
- Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard (these 2 games sell online CIB for about $30 each, they had them at $7 a piece)
- Avalon Code (a CIB copy goes for at least $70 online, they had it priced at $24)
Atari 2600Saw this for $9 and it even had a bunch of random manuals and catalogs inside.
- Atari 2600 Cart Binder
NESGot the annul Christmas game from RetroUSB.
- 8-Bit Xmas 2017
Its cool its a cart that has all the previous 8-Bit Xmas games on it and the LCD cover label is awesome when lit up. But It has no end label or protective cover on the LCD screen, Feels like it this gets dropped once it might break.
SNESPicked up a couple games I was missing from my local used game store.
- Lemmings 2: Tribes
- Shien's Revenge
These last games I saw on a facebook selling forum, he was only asking $40 for all six. I messaged him first thing and he contacted me later that day, He tells me it was sold.

but then he said he still had the games.

I guess He also had a post selling just the console. (how he sold the system and not the games is beyond me) lol. I raced up to pick them up ASAP. Here's what I got for $40.
- Williams Arcade Greatest Hits
- Secret of Evermore
- Breath of Fire
- Contra III
- Lufia
- Chrono Trigger