Hello Everyone

I was just thinking about something that made me really sad today and I wanted to check in to see how other's feel about the topic

. I was sitting thinking about the Nintendo Switch and how happy I was with it's early success announcements and upcoming fun

. I really get happy when I hear about it's success because I love the innovation and care Nintendo took with it. But than I just realized that out of the switch games I own, only about 5 of which I actually bought new. The others I bought used on Ebay for cheaper prices.

Meaning Nintendo didn't make money from that sale and I didn't pay the rightful content creator at all. How do I support a company yet spend my whole life taking from them? I pretend like I'm a fan but really I don't care about Nintendo I care about myself.
All these devs and companies that defined my life, 9 times out of 10 I didn't even repay them for what they gave me. I'm so ashamed.

. From the blockbusters to the Game Crazys and everything in between. I spent my life giving to a second hand party rather than the company I loved. So how can I sit here before all of you and call my self someone who loves video games? I play video games. I don't love them at all. I'm selfish and a piece of scum. I hurt Nintendo more than I help by buying 3rd party. I'm a shell of a man. The funds never went to the Big N which is where they belonged and Ive done this for years without ever paying attention.
I just wanted to ask everyone's opinion on this or maybe someone can help me reason it because I'm probably over thinking things. But I get even more sad when I look at my Wii U collection. Wii U failed as a console. Probably because of fake fans like me

. I bought almost all my wii u games used. It's like buying an artist painting off someone else while the artist get's nothing. It's starting to eat at me the amount of times I did this

. I dare to call myself a game lover when I have deprived every publisher, developer, creator, company and franchise that I loved and fed corperate resellers like gamestop. Who am I. I walk around the house trying to fight mirrors and I can't stand the thought of what monster always was. I feel it's too late. Every since I was a kid I probably took thousands in profits from companies i love without even knowing.
Where do you stand on this conflict. Do you buy all your new games new to make sure all the benefits of their game go to the rightful content creator or do you buy used games like me? Do you feel guilt

I think today I solemnly swear to never buy a used game unless it's of a previous gen console that isn't able to be purchased anymore. I want to give to the rightful people who deserve it. But I feel the damage may be done. I'm to blame for digital only if it happens. He who hasn't bought a used game cast the first stone.
It's all our fault