Author Topic: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles  (Read 5387 times)

Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« on: February 02, 2018, 03:35:32 pm »
@Marvelvscapcom2 made a topic last year about this time about your favorite console of each generation, but to make this topic different I decided to make a (lets Talk) about the 7th generation in which not many people talk about, what is your likes or dislikes about this generation 7 of console gaming. Some call it the last Gen.

The 7th generation mainstream consoles include the

Xbox 360, the Nintendo Wii, and the PlayStation 3

I prefer the SONY PlayStation 3 when it comes to the Last Generation or 7th of console gaming. Coming in second I like the Xbox 360, I have my own Wii also but I never played it as of yet.

I only prefer the Wii when it comes to Wii sports. I had a ton of fun at family get together's playing the Wii in all of it's motion control glory. When it comes to multiplayer motion control games in your own living room the Wii is king. When It comes to casual gaming with yourself or others the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 was good also.

share your 7th generation console gaming stories here. or, this is also the place for anyone opinion or likes and dislikes about any or all consoles within this 7th generation of consoles :)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 03:45:03 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2018, 04:11:36 pm »
PS3 is definitely the top choice in that gen. Ni no Kuni alone is enough but with the entire God of War series available on that console, its no contest. The Wii isnt as bad as people make it out to be. Motion controls are not for everyone but they do make the games feel more interactive. I used to spend hours on Wii Sports and I would actually feel like I accomplished something when it was done.


Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2018, 04:12:44 pm »
And if the Wii is being considered the 7th gen, what is the Wii U? Cause the switch is supposed to be the current gen. Would that make the Wii U the only 7.5 gen console?

Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2018, 05:13:34 pm »
And if the Wii is being considered the 7th gen, what is the Wii U? Cause the switch is supposed to be the current gen. Would that make the Wii U the only 7.5 gen console?

I have pondered this a lot. I guess it is technically gen 8, but then again so is the Switch I guess...I don't know!

Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2018, 05:25:58 pm »
And if the Wii is being considered the 7th gen, what is the Wii U? Cause the switch is supposed to be the current gen. Would that make the Wii U the only 7.5 gen console?

It depends on whether or not you remember or forget the 6th generation Nintendo Gamecube, technically the Wii U was launched at the time of the other 8th generation consoles. and for a while competed against the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The Wii U was a failed console mostly, or was it considered it a handheld? I am not too sure ::)

 the Nintendo Switch could be considered the first generation 9 console, but I can see where you are confused. since #1 not many people remember the Gamecube as being in the time of the PlayStation 2, Xbox and Sega Dreamcast. the Wii was one of the competitors against the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 from around the time the Wii was released

The Switch was an early generation 9 release in my opinion
« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 05:40:13 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2018, 06:02:21 pm »
Answering the origina question first, my favorite 7th gen console is, by far, the PS3.

Now, my thoughts about the discussion about video game generation.

I have pondered this a lot. I guess it is technically gen 8, but then again so is the Switch I guess...I don't know!

Well, I don't think that is a problem with a company having two or more systems in one specific generation, so classifying both the Wii U and Switch as being part of the 8th gen is not wrong in itself. As an example, Atari had the 2600 and the 5200 which are both part of the 2nd gen and Sega's SG-1000, SG-1000 II and Mark III (Master System) are usually all considered to be part of the the 3rd (even though I personally believe that the SG-1000 is much more similiar to the 2nd).

Particularly, I tend to think that one of the main characteristics of the 7th generation is being able to output video in HD, which the Wii isn't. So, based on this, and on how much the Wii's hardware is similar to that of the GameCube, I personally tend to think of it as being part of the 6th generation in the same fashion as it's older brother was. Thus, for me, the Wii U is actually Nintendo's first 7th gen console while the Switch is 8th.

However, as I've said, all this generation thing is VERY subjective and this classification may suffer a huge change sooner than later.

Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2018, 07:23:49 pm »
1. Xbox 360
2. PS3
3. Wii

Also the wii U is 8th gen Switch is the First Console of the 9th gen


Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2018, 08:26:49 pm »
PlayStation 3 wins by a large margin. I cherish my Wii U a lot as well, though.


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Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2018, 09:50:23 pm »
And if the Wii is being considered the 7th gen, what is the Wii U? Cause the switch is supposed to be the current gen. Would that make the Wii U the only 7.5 gen console?

I have pondered this a lot. I guess it is technically gen 8, but then again so is the Switch I guess...I don't know!

It's a very early contender for the 9th generation, I'd think. Same as the Jaguar or Dreamcast were for theirs.


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Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2018, 09:52:49 pm »
XBox 360 cleaned up that generation, as far as I'm concerned. It's like the PS2 of it's generation, due to the sheer number of games in its library, and how well the different genres are represented (except maybe JRPG, but it did get a few of those even). And it's very cheap and plentiful to collect for.

But if we were all being objective here, Wii is the clear-cut winner. Best selling system of all-time.


Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2018, 09:54:15 pm »
And if the Wii is being considered the 7th gen, what is the Wii U? Cause the switch is supposed to be the current gen. Would that make the Wii U the only 7.5 gen console?

I have pondered this a lot. I guess it is technically gen 8, but then again so is the Switch I guess...I don't know!

It's a very early contender for the 9th generation, I'd think. Same as the Jaguar or Dreamcast were for theirs.

exactly why would anyone consider the switch to be 8th gen or worse the wii u 7 or 7,5 gen wich sounds pretty ridiculous.

The wii u alongside xbox one and ps4 are 8 gen while the switch is a brand new console after these generations 9 gen

the switch is the only 9 gen console while sony and microsoft have yet to release any 9 gen consoles except for some more powerfull upgrades.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 09:58:53 pm by sworddude »
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Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2018, 10:35:59 pm »
The system I decided to buy was Xbox 360 which had a variety of software and HD remakes. Never played a PS3 but noticed the waiver of the monthly online fee. Looking back both systems had a similar library of games with a few exceptions; Ni no Kuni comes to mind. I plan to delve into the PS3 ten years down the line.

As for Nintendo Wii, initially I thought the motion controls were a grand gimmick so I decided to wait to buy it. As it turns out, digging through the shovelware, plenty of worthwhile software exists (besides first party) that look awesome.

Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2018, 11:21:59 pm »
And if the Wii is being considered the 7th gen, what is the Wii U? Cause the switch is supposed to be the current gen. Would that make the Wii U the only 7.5 gen console?

My reasoning was always that Switch is Gen 9.  Wii U was early Gen 8 but Nintendo always drops their console 1-2 years before Xbox and PS do.  Maybe PS5 and One X will face Switch as the Gen 9 heavyweights or XB1 will make a new console platform entirely. Might take a while but I think switch should be thrown into next gen and One and PS4 is current gen. :).   

As for the topic I always played Xbox 360 when I was gaming during the height of Gen 7 in my teen years. I loved 360 so much but I will admit it's a very unreliable console with design flaws.  I still prefer it for racing and FPS games. I love the Forza games for racing fun and for first person shooters I always prefer Xbox's controller desgin.

 But as a whole I'd say I love my PS3 most of gen 7 because PS2 is my favorite console of all time (so far) and PS3 ported so many of the best PS2 games over flawlessly in beautiful HD.  Especially kingdom hearts and jak and daxter ect...  I live for those ports :).   Plus last of us was just icing on the cake.  Last of us is truly one of my faves ever. :D.

Wii was the odd one out, it pushed motion controls too much imo.  I wish it was optional but I do love at least 15 great games in it's library.   It surprises me that it's the best selling of the 3 lol.  It shows how powerful the whole 'healthy gaming" movement was.

Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2018, 01:17:53 am »
I'd say it's pretty obvious what my console preferences are at a glance of my collection or at my signature.

As for why I preferred the 360, there were a few reasons.

First was the controller. It was a solid, comfortable controller that didn't cause hand cramps after using it for a while, unlike with the Dualshock and Wiimote. I honestly thought it was the pinnacle of controller design until the One came out and managed to make a great controller even better.
Next were the achievements. Having those goals for each game to obtain was something that really invigorated me to try to play each game to it's fullest. And they also had the bonuses of being a chronology of my gaming time as well as being ultimate proof of what I accomplished. Granted, the PS3 did come out with trophies after a while, but they've never really clicked with me as well as gamerscore did.
And then there was the online component. While Xbox Live did have a cost unlike PSN or WiiConnect, it really felt like a case of getting what you paid for. Matchmaking and other online modes were smoother and more reliable. Additionally, cheating was also not as prevalent as it was on the other systems, but whether that was because of the cost of the system, Microsoft's moderation team, or a little of both, I'm not fully sure. There were also good bonuses for having the service, like the Gold-exclusive sales and now Games for Gold, which will usually more than compensate for the small fee of the service.

As for the Wii, there were quite a few solid games that made it a good secondary companion to a 360/PS3. I'd say it's biggest problem wasn't the motion controls, but how there was no middle ground for them. The motion controls would either feel fantastic and natural or unresponsively frustrating; there wasn't really a middle ground. And when coupled with the idea that if a game is on Wii, it must have motion controls, most games fell to the lower end of that spectrum. It was pretty obvious which games had the motion controls tacked on and which ones took the time to properly integrate it into the game.


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Re: Let's Talk About The 7th Generation Of Gaming Consoles
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2018, 02:24:22 am »
Xbox 360 and Wii won this generation. They provided unique experiences and moved gaming forward. I actually probably played my PS3 more than my Wii, but it didn't bring anything new to the field except for larger storage space.

I feel the same way about PS4 - a generic console that has a lot of good games. It even cracked me up when i saw they put a speaker on their controller. I felt like someone in their R&D department looked at what everyone else was doing and brought it over to Playstation. Achievements.... Uhh let's make Trophies. Wii motion controls... Let's make something with a big colored ball on it. Xbox camera..... Let's make a camera too. Wiimote has sounds... Us too.   rumble controllers... We now have dualshock.
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