Author Topic: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots  (Read 2921 times)


Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« on: February 08, 2018, 05:36:51 pm »
I been wanting to mention this really funny game title with a vary strange plot for a while. But I fear it may come with backlash or controversy. Because it really is a weird home brew game for the Atari 2600 that is also reviewed on YouTube by someone else.

Game title is called "Explosive Diarrhea". a home brew cartridge with a silly plot where you must carry a southern US. american family across a mine field and into an outhouse. to earn points. and according to footage on YouTube your character models look like backwards d letters
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Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2018, 08:01:36 pm »
Gal*Gun has a wonderfully absurd plot.

Angels and demons compete for course credit in the human world (but of course they do); angels bestow humans with good things like love, good luck etc. while demons make mischief etc. (of course not super evil things).
One angel needs to bestow the protagonist with some luck in love, but her twin love guns (but of course) malfunction, sniping the protaginist with a supercharged blast. This turns our protagonist into a walking Adonis, and every girl that comes across him will immediately try to confess him in one way or another (you know it).

The unlucky angel decides to get in cahoots with our protagonist in order to get him to direct his love towards his actual crush. Harem antics and general wackiness ensues (obviously, right?). Oh and the demon counterpart is sort of a woobie as well.

Gal*Gun is basically a railshooter where you need to "shoot" the approaching girls before they manage to confess to you. Shooting them enough times makes the girls basically pass out in euphoric bliss, rendering them harmless.

Thank you Japan, you magnificent bastards. Your weirdness when it comes to pop culture and video games never ceases to amaze me.

Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2018, 08:38:03 pm »

Let's go over some favorites:

The Katamari Damacy series: The stars have been destroyed (usually through the capriousness of the King of All Cosmos). You, as the Prince, take a sticky ball to Earth to roll up stuff to make new stars. Start off rolling up thumbtacks and discarded candies, end by rolling up THE EARTH ITSELF! Amazing soundtrack.

One Finger Death Punch: Stick figures engaging in DDR-style combat. Lots of blood!

Patapon: Control an army of eyeballs with the beat of your mighty war drum. Hunt, party, fight!

Locoroco: You are the planet, attempting to help adorable singing blobs avoid evil stringy blobs by altering your own position in space.

Odama: Voice-controlled strategy RPG/pinball crossover set in feudal Japan. Interesting, but too frustrating.

Oudendan/Elite Beat Agents: Solve people's problems with the power of DANCE! (Techincally a Japanese form of cheerleading, but it doesn't translate well.)

I'm sure I'll think of more later. :)


Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2018, 09:53:32 pm »
Mister Mosquito is definitely a weird game both in story and gameplay.
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Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2018, 10:15:55 pm »
Among the Sleep. Never seen or played anything like it.
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Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2018, 11:50:19 am »
Among the wackiest titles I’ve ever heard: Blomby Car.
It’s so weird sounding it makes me laugh every time I hear it.

The Katamari Damacy series: The stars have been destroyed (usually through the capriousness of the King of All Cosmos). You, as the Prince, take a sticky ball to Earth to roll up stuff to make new stars. Start off rolling up thumbtacks and discarded candies, end by rolling up THE EARTH ITSELF! Amazing soundtrack.

Not to mention that the King of all Cosmos BARFS RAINBOWS.
The music is great, and sometimes just as wacky as the game’s premise. We Love Katamari features a medley of all the music from the first game, composed entirely of animal noises.
Katamari Forever has the Katamari theme song in chiptune form, complete with sound effects from Galaga and Pac-Man.

Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2018, 02:27:36 pm »
Under the Skin.  You're an alien race that goes to planets to cause chaos and pranks.

In upcoming games

Wattam, from the creator of Katamari Damacy, you go to planets to make friends.  It's weird.  A lot of hand holding, climbing each other, and exploding hats.

In a game from the same publisher, with assistance from the creator of Katamari Damacy, you have Donut County, a game in which you control a hole in the ground to drop things in sink hole style.  As you drop things in, the hole gets bigger, and you can sink bigger things.


Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2018, 07:20:08 pm »
Super Mario Bros. - You're a plumber from Brooklyn who gets warped into a kingdom of mushroom people, and an army of turtles attempts to stop you from rescuing a human princess. Also, eating certain mushrooms makes you twice as tall.

Burgertime - Walk on gargantuan ingredients of a hamburger to make them to fall down some scaffolding. But watch out! Sentient weenies are out to get you!

Snake Rattle N Roll - A snake intends to climb his way to the moon, but must eat nibbly-pibblies and lick giant disembodied feet.

Dig Dug II - Invade and destroy a series of islands with your jackhammer. Inhabitants that protest can be pierced with an air compressor until exploding.

Crazy Taxi - Gleefully cause thousands of dollars in damage as you ignore every traffic law in order to get your passenger to KFC within 30 seconds.

Day of the Tentacle - An angry mutated tentacle attempts to take over the world by flushing himself down a time traveling toilet. A nerd, a sadistic med student, and a fat roadie attempt to make things right.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2018, 07:24:56 pm by zenimus »

Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2018, 11:07:16 am »
Rock of Ages: Sisyphus realizes that, rather than roll his boulder uphill for eternity, he can roll it down to break through the Gates of Hell and escape back into the mortal world. Help Sisyphus stay on the lamb through time by defeating historical figures in boulder rolling contests. The majority of the characters are created by animating classic works of art.

Or, as I like to put it: Monty Python's animations teach you Classical Humanities via Marble Madness.

Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2018, 08:22:15 pm »
While not as far out as a lot of these... there's also Pryzm Chapter One The Dark Unicorn... by DICE (Battlefield, Mirror's Edge, etc.) - This is their acid trip game... no idea where it came from, but I'd like to think someone won/lost a bet to get this thing actually made.


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Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2018, 12:27:46 pm »
Four Last Things is pretty strange. It's a Steam point and click adventure game with a Renaissance art style that reminded me on Monty Python. The game involves a peasant who needs to have his sins absolved from the nearby church, but due to the Middle Age Church politics, they can only forgive sins committed in their domain. The only solution is to commit every single one of the 7 deadly sins in their district so your sins can be forgiven.


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Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2018, 12:49:04 pm »

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Just finished it a couple days ago, hated it because of it's over-the-top goofiness.

The first two games in the rebooted series are very dark, serious games with a fantastic alternate-history plot. The third-game follows that same story, but does it in a way that makes the game very hard to take seriously. There's far too much humor, and it's very odd, dirty humor for a game such as this.

I mean there's a part where Blastowicz's fiance kills a bunch of Nazis, rips her shirt off, gets covered in blood, then dry humps you. There's another part where the resistance is briefing you before a mission, they go and open a sub hatch, and inside is a one of the resistance just drilling an obese German girl (that had turned from the Nazis). Then there's parts that are just unbelievable like your character getting beheaded, surviving, then getting said head attached to a robotic body.

It's just too much. I immediately sold it after finishing it. It's on it's way to some unlucky gamer in Texas.