I've been a fan of the series since the first game, playing it on PC, running around the jungle, it was a cool game for the time. Far Cry 2 I wanted to like more, but some of its mechanics made the game frustrating, though I kinda really dug the more survival feeling elements of it. Far Cry 3 is great with the best villain (For the first half at least) and it was overall a pretty fun game. Blood Dragon was some goofy fun. I started to lose interest in the series around Far Cry 4. The villain wasn't handled well, and the setup got kinda boring and worn out. Far Cry Primal I only rented for a short bit and it was fine, but I didn't find it that good.
I'm slowly building up interest for Far Cry 5. The new setting is great, it seems like they are trying to freshen up things for the series, so I might look at picking it up.
Ubisoft as a whole is a mixed bag. They've no doubt made good games over the years, but they've also done a whole lot of things wrong. Running Assassin's Creed into the ground with constant releases, overhyped tech that gets downgraded by release, lackluster releases...I wouldn't put them near Nintendo at all, Nintendo has better quality control than Ubisoft does, but they have good stuff.