Author Topic: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.  (Read 3719 times)

Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« on: February 08, 2018, 06:59:05 pm »
Hello everyone :D.   

We are only a little over 1 month away from the long awaited Far Cry 5 installment.  I'm super stoked and am a huge fan of the series :D.  I got hooked on 3 and never looked back :).   4 was a masterpiece, primal was ok but I think 5 will capture that essence of the other 4.  Primal was more expirmentive which was awesome but I do like the guns over melee feel and the modern animals and cars layout more.

What are your thoughts on the Far Cry franchise? Have you played or enjoyed them before?  Will you be buying 5. 

I just wanted to let everyone here know.  Ubisoft's website is allowing pre reserves of a very limited collector's edition.  It's called the hope county edition.  It comes with a numbered 1 of 6000 deer resin skull and some goodies along with a gold edition physical copy of the game.  It's a complete bargain at 179.99 imo considering the game with DLC content is 100 alone.  :)

They also have a mondo edition that comes with a vinyl.  This is already almost sold out but PC and Xbox users can still reserve theirs. :D.

Their is also a father edition with a resin preacher statue of the main antagonist I believe.  It's pretty neat as well although it wasn't my style.  :D.

My second part to this question is what do you think of Ubisofts catelog as a whole? I find them to be one of the best devs in the game right now.  They get their props for assassin's creed year after year but I think the shear scope of their work is pretty impressive.  South Park SOT and FBW were both amazing, Assassins creed was solid last year.  They handled a good chunk of the Mario + Rabbids fun.   And now Far Cry 5.  If this game is good I think they are very close to Nintendo in terms of publishing and developing right now.  :)

What do you think of Ubisoft as a whole?     Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts. .

Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2018, 07:13:28 pm »
I've been a fan of the series since the first game, playing it on PC, running around the jungle, it was a cool game for the time.  Far Cry 2 I wanted to like more, but some of its mechanics made the game frustrating, though I kinda really dug the more survival feeling elements of it.  Far Cry 3 is great with the best villain (For the first half at least) and it was overall a pretty fun game.  Blood Dragon was some goofy fun.  I started to lose interest in the series around Far Cry 4.  The villain wasn't handled well, and the setup got kinda boring and worn out.  Far Cry Primal I only rented for a short bit and it was fine, but I didn't find it that good.

I'm slowly building up interest for Far Cry 5.  The new setting is great, it seems like they are trying to freshen up things for the series, so I might look at picking it up.

Ubisoft as a whole is a mixed bag.  They've no doubt made good games over the years, but they've also done a whole lot of things wrong.  Running Assassin's Creed into the ground with constant releases, overhyped tech that gets downgraded by release, lackluster releases...I wouldn't put them near Nintendo at all, Nintendo has better quality control than Ubisoft does, but they have good stuff.

Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2018, 08:12:36 pm »
Ok- so I'm notably terrible at first person games. Like, really, REALLY terrible. I don't play them at all for the most part... but if I did, I'd be all over the Far Cry series! I find the villains utterly fascinating, Pagan Min especially. They make me want to play these games so much, despite it being a style of game I'd never try otherwise.

I actually have a copy of Farcry 3 I got for a dollar at a yard sale... I hope I can get a similar price on Farcry 4 someday so I can attempt to stumble through at least part of it.

Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2018, 08:28:05 pm »
Far Cry and Ubisoft games in general I dislike because of the mind numbing repetition.


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Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2018, 08:39:02 pm »
I really liked bot FC 3 and Primal. I loved the setting and atmosphere of Primal. And the story in 3 was fantastic; the main enemy was cazier than batshit. And your main-character and friends were believable.

But FC 4 lost me. It was a copy and paste of FC 3 with not as good of a story, and characters I just didn't care about.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 08:40:52 pm by burningdoom »


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Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2018, 04:32:31 am »
Far Cry is a bit hit and miss for me :

Far Cry 2 I didn't get on with
Far Cry 3 was a good game, I enjoyed a lot
Far Cry 4 was a solid 6/10, but nothing special
Far Cry Primal I actually enjoyed a fair bit.

I just see them as mindless fun, good enough to play 25 hours through between other games. There is nothing wrong with that, I need games like that occasionally.

Unless the reviews are very good, I'll probably hold off on Far Cry 5 for a sale.

Ubisoft as a whole have published some of the best games I have ever played:

Beyond Good & Evil (top 10 for me)
Rainbow Six 3 (I played a ton of that on the OG Xbox)
Ghost Recon
Assassins Creed 2
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Spies v Mercs!)
Valiant Hearts

But looking at that list, those games are mostly over 10 years old!

They seem to be stuck in a rut of mediocrity, with all the major franchises working to the same formula of gradually exposing a map with dozens of tasks to cross off. But they generally sell very well, so why would they change?!

Having said that, they occasionally bring out something left of field eg Mario + Rabbids, Child of Light, Valiant Hearts.

One of the better publishers overall, just needs some fresh ideas.

Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2018, 10:01:42 am »
How much are they paying you

Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2018, 12:18:31 pm »
How much are they paying you

Far Cry 1... sucked... at least the console version.
Far Cry 2... pretty fricken great... but slow and sluggish
Far Cry 3... worlds above the other games... but the characters sucked.  Looking at you BRODY
Far Cry 4... Pretty good, hidden ending is fun... Great game.
Far Cry Primal... abandoned it after about 40 minutes of playing.


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Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2018, 02:46:55 pm »
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 12:47:01 pm by totallycrushed »

Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2018, 04:48:43 pm »
I'm actually not a huge fan of Ubisoft games, like pretty much all of them. I tried Assassin's Creed years ago and found it boring, Far Cry always looks ultra generic to me, and Rayman is about the least appealing video game protagonist ever created.


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Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2018, 04:57:11 pm »
I'm actually not a huge fan of Ubisoft games, like pretty much all of them. I tried Assassin's Creed years ago and found it boring, Far Cry always looks ultra generic to me, and Rayman is about the least appealing video game protagonist ever created.

Oh man, Rayman Origins is one of the best platformers I've ever played. Fantastic game, and must-have for your last-gen collection if you like platformers.

Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2018, 09:09:23 am »
Not enough people talking about Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon which is, for my money, one of the best standalone expansions ever released.  It's gloriously cheesy and hilarious, while not being overly long which can be the deal breaker for these kinds of games.

Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2018, 03:11:37 pm »
I never liked how Ubisoft more or less stole the FarCry name off Crytech. FarCry 2 and later games, were nothing like the original. The first game was linear, science fiction, story driven game. All the other ones were open world, more realistic.  The only thing the original had in common with later games was the usage of hang gliders.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 03:13:26 pm by badATchaos »

Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2018, 09:38:25 pm »
I just wanted to let everyone know that Ubisoft has announced a Far Cry 3 digital remaster that comes with Far Cry 5's season pass included in the gold edition. :).   I just found out about it.  Far Cry 3 seems to be the consensus for favorite among the thread and It's probably my favorite too.  It's so good to see them bring it back.  It's like 2 games in one :D.


Re: Do you like the Far Cry franchise? Ubisoft Games Discussion.
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2018, 08:46:20 am »

I've always found Far Cry games to be very limited. They're just large 3D environments peppered with copy-and-paste hardpoints and collectibles. It seems the cost or complexity of constructing these worlds either drains their ability to fill them with interesting and varied things to do or taxes the gamebox's abilities, or something. In fairness that isn't a Far Cry issue so much as a modern 3D games on a huge scale problem. The Fallouts, Homefront Revolution, Elder Scrolls, you name it, they pretty much all suffer from it.