Author Topic: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?  (Read 2552 times)


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Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2018, 10:19:13 am »
Star Wars: Battlefront 

This is the last game that I preordered.  I was beyond pumped to shoot some mutha-truckers in a galaxy far, far away.  I loved the OG Xbox versions.  This has be be good! 
Then, the game was a turd.  It wasn't anywhere near what I'd hoped for.  There was little to no single player.  You could only shoot bots on 2 planets!  I still haven't bought Battlefront II.  I will eventually, when it goes on sale.


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Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2018, 02:09:03 pm »
For me, it was Resident Evil 5.
I loved the series from the beginning, with 2 being my favorite, and 4 and REmake not far behind.
I bought RE5, played it for maybe 10 minutes...and never played it again. It was just so.....NOT Resident Evil. Sure, 4 was more action-oriented, but at least it still had survival horror aspects. RE5 was just a straight-up action game, and a mediocre one at that, with too much of a focus on the multiplayer teamwork aspect.

 :o at Bioshock Infinite mentioned in here. I’m just finishing up another playthrough and I just love it so freaking much. Probably my favorite of the series, but the first Bioshock comes close.


Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2018, 02:18:11 pm »
I really wish "Viet Cong Purple Haze" on the PlayStation 2 was more like it's PC counterpart. But it lacks a whole lot compared to the PC version. Even though the game port  on PS2 did include the some of the PC Viet Cong Purple Haze's expansion pack levels. I still thought it was lacking severely in compared to the PC version. it IS still fun on PS2 even though they through in an ugly stealth mission, that I barely made it through without quitting. (I hate forced stealth missions in games)

In the PC version of Viet Cong Purple Haze it has more world depth and the missions are better on the PC version as well

For those who do not know Viet Cong Purple Haze is old 6th generation and is one of the only Vietnam War first person shooter games ever created.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 02:21:30 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2018, 07:39:39 am »
:o at Bioshock Infinite mentioned in here. I’m just finishing up another playthrough and I just love it so freaking much. Probably my favorite of the series, but the first Bioshock comes close.

I don think it is a bad game, I just think it is incredibly underwhelming compared to the original.  BioShock oozes atmosphere and phenomenal design.  It’s practically a horror game.  Infinite is missing all of that, IMO.  It’s too brightly colored and open, and there aren’t a ton of interesting production design choices (aside from Songbird)