Author Topic: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.  (Read 3570 times)

Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« on: February 17, 2018, 03:18:40 pm »
I recently ran into an issue where I'm running of out space for my games. My shelf that houses my PlayStation games (all generations and handhelds) is full, and my Nintendo, Sega, Xbox shelf is damn near close. I started first by just getting rid of all my sports titles, I have absolutely no interest in the Maddens and all that crap; although I am holding on to some of the more interesting ones like Blitz and other unique sports games. After that purge I'm already full up again, so now I'm thinking about pruning games which I own multiple versions of. Like why do I need Retro City Rampage for PS4, Vita, and Switch...  Now I'm kinda stuck. On one hand, I could sell those duplicate titles and put the money back into some of the more expensive titles I've been looking but on the other hand, I'm toying around with the idea of just "removing" them from my collection and putting them into storage till have more room some day.

I'm interested to hear if any of you ran into a similar situation and what you've done about it.


Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2018, 03:43:15 pm »
I'd say just keep the switch copy and sell the rest off, and put towards a different game or for a rainy day. I'm in the process of downsizing my collection for the sake of space and my sanity.
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Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2018, 01:07:22 am »
I just store a lot of my stuff in my closet.  Once I have a bigger space and a dedicated game room, then I'll be able to display everything I got.   For now, I just display the best stuff because that's all I have room for. 

Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2018, 02:37:40 pm »
Question one is: How much space do you actually have? You mention 2 shelves, but I'm not sure if you mean bookcases or actual individual shelves. Since it seems like dropping less than 10 games in a shot is giving you space, I'm inclined to think the latter. If that's the case, are you able to devote more space to your collection? I was able to expand my collection massively by rearranging furniture/wallart to accommodate a new bookcase. Sometimes even just rearranging within your existing space helps- I've found using storage boxes to reorient my games has let me keep more in the same space.

Assuming none of that is an option, then it's really up to you to decide what's worth keeping & where. Do any of the multi-system games have differences from each other? If not, and especially if they're pricey, consider selling- you won't be out access to the game, and you can pick up something else you'd like. I'd be careful about storing games someplace you can't easily access- it'll likely just end up creating clutter you won't play or sell due to the trouble of getting it out.

Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2018, 03:00:01 pm »
I'm not sure if you mean bookcases or actual individual shelves

I meant bookcases, sorry. I think I might do a combination of a few things. I really dont need three copies of some games, so I think i dont mind getting rid of some here and there. I also have a some shelving on the other side of the room that i use for my music CD collection but thats only half full, so I could rearrange some things and utilize some of that space for some games.

There's also a big ass treadmill in the room that's taking up a bit of wall space.. but thats the wife's.... and i don't thing i can convince her to get rid of it now..

I think the best option for now is to do a combination of trimming some of the excess and doing a little reorganization. I think i might move my handheld games to a that cd shelving unit. that should free up some space in the main shelving.

Guess i'll have some games to add to my marketplace post!

Thanks guys!


Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2018, 06:29:57 pm »
As general advice, just be sure that what you get rid of is stuff you're genuinely not worried about as opposed to something you will later miss - vanilla stuff is replaceable, but if you get rid of things like imports, collectible/obscure titles and special editions then they're going to be more financially punishing to replace. Also, base decisions on why you have that particular item - is it to 'collect' or is it to use? If it's the former then does it add something to your collection, if it's the latter is it something you would likely spend time playing compared to other games?

Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2018, 07:21:02 pm »
As general advice, just be sure that what you get rid of is stuff you're genuinely not worried about as opposed to something you will later miss - vanilla stuff is replaceable, but if you get rid of things like imports, collectible/obscure titles and special editions then they're going to be more financially punishing to replace. Also, base decisions on why you have that particular item - is it to 'collect' or is it to use? If it's the former then does it add something to your collection, if it's the latter is it something you would likely spend time playing compared to other games?

I've always wanted my collection to be playable, I don't care about keeping things sealed, and I really don't have many "collectors editions". I certainly have items in my collection that are a little more uncommon than others, but I want myself and others to be able to enjoy those. For the one example I gave, Retro City Rampage, I currently have a sealed copy for PS4, vita, and Switch. I have no emotional attachment for the game and since all the games pretty much play the same I think I'll just keep the switch version since i can get console and handheld out of the one copy. There are a few other titles i'll probably down size as well. I have Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 for PS2, and the HD remixes for PS3. I think I'll just pick up the 1 and 2 combo pack for ps4 next time it goes on sale and get rid of the 2 ps3 games. Same thing for FFX and X-2. I dont need to own it one PS2, PS3, PS4, and vita lol, Ill just get rid of the PS3 copy.

Then there are other games where I have different versions of them since they weren't console exclusives, I dont really need need for speed underground on PS2 and xbox... So there are certainly opportunities to cultivate my collection a little better.


Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2018, 07:41:39 am »
Excellent. If you've plotted out criteria then you're not going to end up making a poor decision. In my 'yoof' I decided on several occasions to basically get rid of my collection and I've seriously come to regret it, there are several games I'm still trying to get back more than a decade later. I've also willy-nilly downsized, which again was a disaster. Recently, as the 360 matured, I've decided that I don't actually like the modern/futuristic CoD games, so I've culled them, likewise any bog-standard FPS games aren't wanted as it's not a favourite genre of mine, Yu-Gi-Oh is a series I collect yet it's not something I've ever played and have little interest in playing so they'll probably go too. It's great to free up a little space and potentially get something new to play through (considered) clearing-out.

Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2018, 09:16:56 am »
All the time I consider selling off games that I have for multiple platforms to make extra space.  But the games are generally worth so little.


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Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2018, 09:42:23 am »
I just buy totes and put them in storage.  I'm a borderline hoarder though.   ;)


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Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2018, 01:06:21 pm »
Since having a kid, space has become more of an issue for me.

I sold my Atari 2600, Sega CD, and Commodore 64 collections because they just sat there collecting dust anyways. My cat took care of my TurboGrafx-16 by breaking it. And I consolidated a lot of my earlier cartridge consoles by getting a Retron 5 with the Sega Adapter.

I also now keep my comic, game, and movie collections out in the garage (which is weatherized).


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Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2018, 07:20:33 pm »
I ran into this problem myself, I took my games and stored them away for many years.It sucked not being able to play a game because it was buried in storage.But now I have alot more space and im glad I didn't get rid of anything.


Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2018, 09:07:39 pm »
I never understood why some people have a ton of toys, as well as video games just sitting on display. Unless they play with them still.

I only collect video games and music CD's and I have a vary little shelving unit meaning that I store my games and CD's inside big boxes. I wish I was in better health or I would actually play my  video game collection instead of it catching dust :(
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Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2018, 09:02:50 am »
I never understood why some people have a ton of toys, as well as video games just sitting on display. Unless they play with them still.

I can answer that real easily.  Because we like them.  It's cool to look at. 
I may be weird, but I just sit in my game room sometimes and marvel at my shelves of shit.

Re: Physical Space limiting your collection and downsizing.
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2018, 09:34:16 am »
I never understood why some people have a ton of toys, as well as video games just sitting on display. Unless they play with them still.

I can answer that real easily.  Because we like them.  It's cool to look at. 
I may be weird, but I just sit in my game room sometimes and marvel at my shelves of shit.

Me too! My stuff isn't on display for the most part, but I will often go through my game boxes/cabinet, pulling out favorite titles, admiring the cover, and then putting it back. I can't play all of it as often as I'd like, but I enjoy knowing it's there.