Author Topic: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018  (Read 2587 times)


What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« on: March 09, 2018, 02:41:49 pm »
What's the current state of the VR? Has it taken off yet? Is it failing? Any quality games on it yet?


Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2018, 05:56:03 pm »
I'd say it's about the same as it was before. It seems like more and more devs are hopping onto it though, so we could see something pretty special soon.

Honestly, it's worth it for VRChat alone. It's a great time. VR Alien Isolation looks like it could be one of the best experiences in VR at the moment too but I haven't tried it yet.


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Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2018, 06:09:11 pm »
About as popular as Crystal Pepsi was, lol.

Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2018, 10:18:32 pm »
Funny, you brought this up, I've started to get back into it, just picked "Brass Tactics" and "Counter Fight" both really great fun games. Brass Tactics is an RTS and Counter Fight is a frantic cooking game. Sorry, I know this isn't what you really asked just thought I'd share some of the more recent experiences I've had regarding VR
« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 12:34:30 pm by kingrat101 »

Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2018, 10:31:02 pm »
From what I've been hearing, it's about the same as usual, which is doing alright, but I'm pretty sure it's not going how Sony would like.  There's been no real big games since Resident Evil 7 and stuff like The Inpatient didn't do great.  It's still mostly a lot of smaller titles, which is fine for some folks, but RE7 really seemed like the last time I heard of people really being impressed with the tech and it's involvement in a full game. 

Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2018, 01:27:34 am »
A few people are really into it, but for most it is too expensive to get into and a lot of people don't want to get into it for a variety of reasons. I am one of those people that would love to have a VR headset, but I have yet to see a VR title that has me itching to own one. I think it'll be a fairly large niche market, but I doubt it'll change the gaming industry like many thought it would a couple of years ago.

Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2018, 02:18:22 am »
A few people are really into it, but for most it is too expensive to get into and a lot of people don't want to get into it for a variety of reasons. I am one of those people that would love to have a VR headset, but I have yet to see a VR title that has me itching to own one. I think it'll be a fairly large niche market, but I doubt it'll change the gaming industry like many thought it would a couple of years ago.

Every so often I look at it at Best Buy, scout what games are available, and usually realize it's not enough to warrant what is generally a 400 dollar buy if you include motion controls which seem quite important to the experience for more than a few games.  With all the good games coming out on the normal console, it's really hard for most people to justify PSVR.


Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2018, 08:27:19 am »
I think it'll be a fairly large niche market, but I doubt it'll change the gaming industry like many thought it would a couple of years ago.

I honestly think it could, you kind of need to experience it to understand why. It'll stay niche for a long time I'd imagine but if they can make it cheaper to buy, less clunky to use and get better developer support I think it could become something amazing.

First hurdle they need to get over is finding someway to condense-proof those damn lenses.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 08:29:13 am by pizzasafari »


Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2018, 08:36:50 am »
I was contemplating taking the Nestea plunge on a VR set for PS4 since they're on sale for Easter/Tax Returns but the shock of dropping $300+ at once has deterred me (nevermind I've spent WAY more than that in the last month on LRG games that I've yet to receive). I'm definitely interested in getting a setup so it's a matter of when,not if, that I decide to bite the bullet.  ;)

Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2018, 09:51:03 am »
I think it'll be a fairly large niche market, but I doubt it'll change the gaming industry like many thought it would a couple of years ago.

I honestly think it could, you kind of need to experience it to understand why. It'll stay niche for a long time I'd imagine but if they can make it cheaper to buy, less clunky to use and get better developer support I think it could become something amazing.

First hurdle they need to get over is finding someway to condense-proof those damn lenses.

I've used the PSVR quite a bit since a friend of mine has one and it is admittedly really cool, but given that it costs more than a PS4 console I have a really hard time justifying the price at the moment. In addition to that I still very much so prefer games in non-VR versus VR when there is an option.

I do want one someday, but the price will have to come down or there will have to be some title that just blows me away for me to throw that kind of cash down.


Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2018, 10:40:22 am »
I have no idea how it is ACTUALLY going financials wise but I know how I perceive it going. as a gamer there has yet to be any title that would warrant actually picking it up. granted I never look up games for it because I do not own one but of the games I have seen it looks more like developers are using it more of an "in addition to" kind of thing. I have yet to see any big AAA game get released solely for VR (Im most likely wrong with that statement) it also seems like there really is no push on sony's side to get people to buy PSVR's. I personally feel like vr got another bad start that will nearly bankrupt the VR industry. It will deffinately come back in the future but I don't feel like its successful.

I just did a little research while typing out this message and there are only ~6mil non-mobile VR systems sold worldwide with the market in a stall pattern. with that knowledge I would deffinately say the market is still not ripe for VR. I also feel like Mobile VR experiences greatly detracted from the people who would have bought a non-mobile vr system with the majority of the money for game development being funneled into the mobile sector.
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Re: What's the current state of the VR? -March 2018
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2018, 11:21:40 am »
im excited to pick a vr headset and play skyrim among others.