Author Topic: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased  (Read 7848 times)


Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2018, 02:55:50 am »
I'm thinking I should have went with the After Hours Premium Edition instead of settling on the Essence of Art Edition.  :-\

I almost missed it, in France it was available through only one retailler and until the last two weeks before the release i didn't had any data on it except that it was unavailable everywhere else (i almost thought that this edition was cancelled at first :-[).

Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #31 on: April 20, 2018, 10:36:21 am »
Got my After Hours in the mail the other day, smashed up and the box had multiple cuts and slashes in it.  Luckily there was a single copy available in town so I made an exchange.

Also picked up Spy Fox in Dry Cereal (wii) and wild earth: African safari (wii).  Ordered a copy of Ogre Battle 64 on the cheap.  and Found the South Park Fractured but Whole Gold Edition for about $20 (PS4)

Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2018, 07:42:34 pm »
My Pick ups for April 20th 2018

Xbox 360:
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Killer Is Dead
Ninety Nine Nights

Inuyasha The Secret Of The Cursed Mask

Dragon Age Origins
Assassin's Creed III Gamestop Edition
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

The Conduit

Glossy White Xbox 360 S
White Wii

2 White Wiimotes
2 White Nunchickes
Bowser Wiimote
Black 360 Controller with rechargeable battery pack and wire

Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2018, 10:25:24 pm »
Been awhile since I've done much collecting, don't really have the money for retro and new game collecting at the same time, but alongside God of War I grabbed yesterday, I found this snazzy Elder Scrolls: Collectors Edition from a thrift shop today.  Last weekend a buddy had a flea market booth and I was first there and saw that he had some big box Command & Conquer.  Love the series and I'm slowly increasing my PC collection and will grab big box stuff if its cheap.  Wanted to grab Diablo big box off of him too, but couldn't justify 20 for it.  PC collecting for me is abit more about just having the cool big box stuff to display compared to wanting to actually play them like on consoles.  It's its own category of collecting that I just don't have the patience and money for lol


Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2018, 07:13:02 am »
Some very nice weeks pretty pleased since I managed to snag down a title that was very high on my want list

Random deals for free all cib in very nice shape


Crimson sea


mashed reloaded
raging blades
street boys




micro machines 4

ps1 gundam battle assault 2


bust a move
enclave shadows of twilight


starwars bounty hunter
vieuwtiful joe 2

Random Nintendo deals

Deals for free all cib


dr mario
pokemon puzzle
Gameboy color console green

Snes 20 euro loss

Super BC kid


For free

mega man 4

And than Sega deals Has been a very great week for sega quite some personal adds

Free sega adds all cib



Sega megadrive pretty pleased to add a solid amount to the collection for one my favourite systems  ;D

double clutch
power rangers the movie
toejam & earl
Ghost busters finally tracked one down with a manual this one always seems to be incomplete
universal soldier
rastan saga II always pleased to find usa exclusives 
captain american and the avengers

And finally but not least Shinobi III  ;D maybe a 10 euro loss Definitly one of my personal most sought after games. Closest thing I got for an excellent copy was almost 4 years ago just shy of being good enough all the others were in sub par condition. So unfortunate that it is a very uncommon game here in europe.

« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 04:37:49 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2018, 03:10:05 pm »
Finds for this week:
Xenophobe NES cart and manual
Gauntlet grey cart NES Cart and manual
Bases Loaded NES 10$
Demolition Derby Genesis loose 2.5$
Sonic 2 Genesis 1.99$
36 Great Holes 32X cib 2.5$
Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon PS2 cib 2$
Need For Speed Most Wanted Black Edition PS2 cib 2$
Splinter Cell Essentials PSP cib 1$
Field Commander PSP cib 1$
Socom Fireteam Bravo 2 PSP cib 1$
Crazi Taxi: Fare Wars PSP cib .83$
Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron PSP .83$
Taito Legends Power-Up PSP cib .83$
Sega Genesis Collection PSP cib .83$
Peter Jackson King Kong PSP .83$
Ace Combat 6 Xbox 360 cib .83$


Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2018, 04:25:51 pm »

I always like seeing your posts in these threads for two reasons. Firstly to see what goodies you were able to come across on your side of the pond and secondly to see games with titles I'm unfamiliar with and then looking them up on YouTube to see how they play. There's four in that picture alone of games I had never heard of (Street Boyz, Raging Blades, Mashed and Double Clutch). I looked them up on YouTube and to the best of my knowledge they never came out here in the US.

The Street Boyz video I watched was funny because I clearly saw a "F*ck" dropped in one of the character's dialogue. I'm guessing that's okay since it's rated 16+ but I know if I was throwing that word around at that age, my father would have slapped my mouth off my face.  :P

As for pick-ups, I broke down and picked up the Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Premium Edition. I had to drive quite a ways to pick it up as the closest GS that had it was 45 minutes away (the next closest was 2 hours away in Louisville, KY).


Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2018, 05:06:35 pm »

I always like seeing your posts in these threads for two reasons. Firstly to see what goodies you were able to come across on your side of the pond and secondly to see games with titles I'm unfamiliar with and then looking them up on YouTube to see how they play. There's four in that picture alone of games I had never heard of (Street Boyz, Raging Blades, Mashed and Double Clutch). I looked them up on YouTube and to the best of my knowledge they never came out here in the US.

The Street Boyz video I watched was funny because I clearly saw a "F*ck" dropped in one of the character's dialogue. I'm guessing that's okay since it's rated 16+ but I know if I was throwing that word around at that age, my father would have slapped my mouth off my face.  :P

As for pick-ups, I broke down and picked up the Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Premium Edition. I had to drive quite a ways to pick it up as the closest GS that had it was 45 minutes away (the next closest was 2 hours away in Louisville, KY).

I have a soft spot for those 3d beat em up games like street boyz and raging blades. They are simple but I really enjoy playing such games.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2018, 05:08:54 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2018, 12:36:33 am »
Been awhile since I've done much collecting, don't really have the money for retro and new game collecting at the same time, but alongside God of War I grabbed yesterday, I found this snazzy Elder Scrolls: Collectors Edition from a thrift shop today.  Last weekend a buddy had a flea market booth and I was first there and saw that he had some big box Command & Conquer.  Love the series and I'm slowly increasing my PC collection and will grab big box stuff if its cheap.  Wanted to grab Diablo big box off of him too, but couldn't justify 20 for it.  PC collecting for me is abit more about just having the cool big box stuff to display compared to wanting to actually play them like on consoles.  It's its own category of collecting that I just don't have the patience and money for lol

I am so, soooo jealous of those PC big boxes, especially the Command and Conquer ones. I actually got Tiberium Sun for XMAS the year it came out and despite barely running on my PC I still really enjoyed it. PC game collecting is criminally underrated, which is wonderful if you are into it since it has remained mostly cheap and easy to collect for.

Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2018, 12:56:21 am »
I am so, soooo jealous of those PC big boxes, especially the Command and Conquer ones. I actually got Tiberium Sun for XMAS the year it came out and despite barely running on my PC I still really enjoyed it. PC game collecting is criminally underrated, which is wonderful if you are into it since it has remained mostly cheap and easy to collect for.

I was very happy to get these as the C&C series were some of the earliest PC games I played back at the start of the 2000's when my family got a PC.  I had only played the original C&C on Nintendo 64 before that.  I kept up with C&C up till Generals which was the last time I really played the games much.  But yes, PC collecting has the potential for the best collections because of big box games and overall variety and cheapness.  I grab the smaller, double width, stuff too, like Elder Scrolls when I can, though I mostly ignore DVD case sized stuff unless it's a specific game I want.

Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #40 on: April 22, 2018, 11:45:09 am »
I am so, soooo jealous of those PC big boxes, especially the Command and Conquer ones. I actually got Tiberium Sun for XMAS the year it came out and despite barely running on my PC I still really enjoyed it. PC game collecting is criminally underrated, which is wonderful if you are into it since it has remained mostly cheap and easy to collect for.

I was very happy to get these as the C&C series were some of the earliest PC games I played back at the start of the 2000's when my family got a PC.  I had only played the original C&C on Nintendo 64 before that.  I kept up with C&C up till Generals which was the last time I really played the games much.  But yes, PC collecting has the potential for the best collections because of big box games and overall variety and cheapness.  I grab the smaller, double width, stuff too, like Elder Scrolls when I can, though I mostly ignore DVD case sized stuff unless it's a specific game I want.

I have about 20 PC big boxes and I feel the same way; I love the big boxes, but unless it's some PC exclusive that I can't get on Steam or GOG, I don't really collect the DVD case games. I just love the art on the bog boxes and occasionally there is other cool stuff that comes in those big boxes as well.

But yeah, Command and Conquer was one of those early PC games for me as well. I didn't have a PC until 1999 or so and even at the time it was only running 2-year old games well and new stuff would either cripple it or not run at all. Still, I got to enjoy a lot of excellent RTS games which was my favorite genre in the PC at the time. A friend of my had Red Alert and I used to play it often at his house.


Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #41 on: April 22, 2018, 10:23:02 pm »
Had a couple great rare pieces added to my collection this week. Also love seeing the PAL collector pickups just to see something I never heard of.

First the last of the first set of Data East Mini Arcades, Toys R Us in my area was everything 25% off and they only had 2 left so I figured I better buy it before its gone.
- Karate Champ

- Yakuza 6 - Collector's Edition
- Has Been Heroes (Gamestop had it on clearance for under $5)
Then several Limited Run Games came in the mail.
- Factotum 90
- Factotum 90 (alt cover)
- Home
- The Metronomicon
- Revenant Saga

- Factotum 90
- Factotum 90 (alt cover)
- Home
- Revenant Saga
- Oddworld Munch's Oddysee
- Oddworld Munch's Odeesee - Collector's Edition

Toys R US had this for $4 plus 25% off. lol
- Disney Infinity 3.0 starter set

Been on the hunt for this game for a decent price for some time, I was originally only looking for the game but found a guy who would sell me the game and the bike for the price just the game goes for. I had to bite. This has to be the rarest game and Wii accessory. It even has the cord needed to hook it up to the Wii. Just not sure where I'm going to store the bike. lol
- Cyberbike with the Wii Cybercycle.
Oh and my cat Zeddy decided to be in the picture. lol

My local used game store got this in for $7 and I couldn't say no.
- Silent Hill Origins

Saw a couple DS games at a good price and picked them up.
- C.O.P. the Recruit
- Contra 4

Found s bunch of GBA games I was missing priced at .99c a piece.
- Stuart Little 2
- Shrek: Hassle at the Castle
- Whac-A-Mole

Picked up a few more PS1 games to complete the collection.
- Internatuonal Superstar Soccer Pro 98 (this game was really hard to find)
- Defcon 5
- Kileak: The DNA Imperative

NeoGeo Pocket
My local used game store got in something I don't see too often, Neo Geo Pocket. They got in a system brand new in the box with one game. I didn't have the game or this color variant so I had to get it.
- Neo Geo Pocket - Aqua Blue
- King of Fighters Round 1

Picked up a couple of Game Gear games I needed.
- Crystal Warriors
- Tesserae

Picked up a few SNES games I was missing, paid about $2 each accept for the non sports one. which was $5.
- Best of the Best: Championship Karate
- Brett Hull Hockey
- Champions World Class Soccer
- Judge Dredd

I was at my local used game store and saw something among the loose Genesis carts that caught my eye.
- Blockbuster Game Factory Cart
It wasn't cheap but it was far less then one goes for online. I bought it and had to see if any game was on it and it's blank.
Oh well still a great piece of gaming history in my collection.

Picked up a Japanese exclusive game for the Famicom.
- Donald Land

I picked up a game to go with the rare console I picked up last week.
- Supersportic

My local game store got in something you rarely see in the wild. I CIB Game & Watch. It was priced at $90 and looking online seeing it goes for close to $200 CIB I just had to get it. The system is in mint shape and the screen looks to have no flaws.
- Mario's Cement Factory

« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 11:06:01 pm by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


PRO Supporter

Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #42 on: April 23, 2018, 02:58:43 am »
Just got Samurai Warriors: State of War and Spider-Man 2 for PSP.

I've heard that Spider-Man 2 on PSP is completely different from it's console counterpart and is more in-line with the Spider-Man: The Movie's gameplay. Sounds fun, I thought Spider-Man 2 was boring in comparison to the 1st one.

Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #43 on: April 23, 2018, 12:48:51 pm »

I was at my local used game store and saw something among the loose Genesis carts that caught my eye.
- Blockbuster Game Factory Cart
It wasn't cheap but it was far less then one goes for online. I bought it and had to see if any game was on it and it's blank.
Oh well still a great piece of gaming history in my collection.

Years ago when I was relatively new to video game hunting and collecting in general, a local store owned by Go Hastings had the blue Blockbuster Game Factory cart just among their other Genesis cartridges, which at the time were all $5 regardless of title. I looked at it, wondered what the hell it was, and put it back on the shelf. it wasn't until shortly after when I researched it some more that I found out it was something truly rare, albeit not that remarkable, but still. That is one of those finds that I kick myself for looking back on it.

At least it doesn't hurt as much as missing out on Tetris on the Genesis for only $15, that one really, really hurt.


Re: April 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #44 on: April 23, 2018, 01:03:43 pm »
Part 1

Ebay stuff

Backyard Baseball '09

Game Gear
Fred Couples Golf
Jeopardy Sports Edition
NFL 95
Surf Ninjas

MSR Metropolis Street Racer
NFL Blitz 2000 Sega All Stars

thrift and estate sale

Chess Platinum
ESPN 2 Minute Drill
F-16 Multirole Fighter
Microsoft Encarta 97
Microsoft Office 2000 Small Business Edition
Moto Racer
Netcom NetcomPlete
Netscape Power Pack
Punch! Home Design Complete v 2.0
Sims 3 Starter Pack

Dinosaur Discovery
MacCube Education Volume 6

X-Men Children of the Atom !!! (was hidden in jewel case with boombots, didn't know it was there until I got home)

Audio CD
Mortal Kombat (Immortals - V25H-38419 YARD CD5)

That's CD-R CDR74ZY, Taiyoyuden
- Japanese CD-R case, JAN has the T in the barcode. Inside is a warez copy of The Sims, but purchased because of the jewel case