Had a couple great rare pieces added to my collection this week. Also love seeing the PAL collector pickups just to see something I never heard of.
First the last of the first set of Data East Mini Arcades, Toys R Us in my area was everything 25% off and they only had 2 left so I figured I better buy it before its gone.
- Karate Champ
PS4- Yakuza 6 - Collector's Edition
- Has Been Heroes (Gamestop had it on clearance for under $5)
Then several Limited Run Games came in the mail.
- Factotum 90
- Factotum 90 (alt cover)
- Home
- The Metronomicon
- Revenant Saga
VITA- Factotum 90
- Factotum 90 (alt cover)
- Home
- Revenant Saga
- Oddworld Munch's Oddysee
- Oddworld Munch's Odeesee - Collector's Edition
XB360Toys R US had this for $4 plus 25% off. lol
- Disney Infinity 3.0 starter set
WiiBeen on the hunt for this game for a decent price for some time, I was originally only looking for the game but found a guy who would sell me the game and the bike for the price just the game goes for. I had to bite. This has to be the rarest game and Wii accessory. It even has the cord needed to hook it up to the Wii. Just not sure where I'm going to store the bike. lol
- Cyberbike with the Wii Cybercycle.
Oh and my cat Zeddy decided to be in the picture. lol
PSPMy local used game store got this in for $7 and I couldn't say no.
- Silent Hill Origins
NDSSaw a couple DS games at a good price and picked them up.
- C.O.P. the Recruit
- Contra 4
GBAFound s bunch of GBA games I was missing priced at .99c a piece.
- Stuart Little 2
- Shrek: Hassle at the Castle
- Whac-A-Mole
PS1Picked up a few more PS1 games to complete the collection.
- Internatuonal Superstar Soccer Pro 98 (this game was really hard to find)
- Defcon 5
- Kileak: The DNA Imperative
NeoGeo PocketMy local used game store got in something I don't see too often, Neo Geo Pocket. They got in a system brand new in the box with one game. I didn't have the game or this color variant so I had to get it.
- Neo Geo Pocket - Aqua Blue
- King of Fighters Round 1
GGPicked up a couple of Game Gear games I needed.
- Crystal Warriors
- Tesserae
SNESPicked up a few SNES games I was missing, paid about $2 each accept for the non sports one. which was $5.
- Best of the Best: Championship Karate
- Brett Hull Hockey
- Champions World Class Soccer
- Judge Dredd
GENI was at my local used game store and saw something among the loose Genesis carts that caught my eye.
- Blockbuster Game Factory Cart
It wasn't cheap but it was far less then one goes for online. I bought it and had to see if any game was on it and it's blank.
Oh well still a great piece of gaming history in my collection.
FAMPicked up a Japanese exclusive game for the Famicom.
- Donald Land
PC-50XI picked up a game to go with the rare console I picked up last week.
- Supersportic
G&WMy local game store got in something you rarely see in the wild. I CIB Game & Watch. It was priced at $90 and looking online seeing it goes for close to $200 CIB I just had to get it. The system is in mint shape and the screen looks to have no flaws.
- Mario's Cement Factory