Hello everyone

Today I stumbled onto a really good philosophical discussion that I really wanted to share with everyone

. Now i'm not encouraging anyone to do this, I assume it's either very illegal or would lead to you getting banned by local Gamestops. I actually condemn the act even though gamestop is grimey sometimes with trade values, I don't think 2 wrongs make a right.

Many of you probably already know about this loophole with trading in retro games at gamestop. But if not i'll explain the basics of it.
Gamestop started accepting retro video game trades a year or so back, but of course with that it came a big flaw in the system. They can't afford to have one of every retro console in back to test every game, it'd be cost effective on a global scale and time consuming. So they took the lazy way and just simply don't test their games until I guess they reach the factories in which they proccess them. Sometimes they don't even test them there.
Since gamestop can't test their games, nothing stops the people trading in games from going on ebay, buying a clayfighter sculpters cut label or a super metroid label and putting it on a John Madden football cart and getting 20-30 bucks for it. You could go in with a stack of maybe 10 John Madden football 94 froms your collection, with a 2 dollar Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, Zombies Ate my neighbors ect... label on each one. And probably make 200-300 bucks.
But here is the huge morality question, A question that almost analyzes you as a human spiritually

When gamestop is giving someone 20 bucks for a 70 dollar game, they are ripping them off at least 20-30 bucks because 50 they could still make a 20 dollar profit. Some games are worst than others. Sometimes they give a dime for a game they'll sell for 6 bucks. Sometimes they give 25 bucks for a console they'll sell for 100-200. They do this by the millions, for the past decades. Their CEOs probably drive Lamborghinis and go to places you could only dream of. So when someone rips them off 20-30 bucks by selling them a fake game, is it getting even? Is it simply a classic "stick it to the corperations and give to the poor" robinhood philosophy? Or is it still grimey theft that the world should loathe? Is taking from the people who take still as bad? Is a father feeding his child off of the backs of a billion dollar conglomerate a sinful act or an act of retribution?
I have discussed this with many people who do this. A lot of my friends do it. And they always use the same argument. Of how gamestop makes billions off of ripping people off. And every single person who trades there gets robbed at least 5-50 bucks each time. So you going in and ripping them off once or twice isn't going to hurt them any. And it's free of moral guilt for that reason.
I don't think I can agree. I think if gamestop was a mob in the industry of extortion and murder, it wouldn't make it alright for everyone else to do it too. Eye for an eye makes the world blind is what momma said lol.

Plus, you knowingly and willingly agree to them paying you what they pay you. Nobody puts a gun to your head. If you are being dumb enough to sell them something for a dime than that's your fault not theirs.
How do you feel about this discussion? Is it ok to con a con? I know we all hate gamestop sometimes, but what is your thoughts on these types of trade tricks?
Thanks for sharing