Sony's E3 2018 Showcase: A-
Well that was a lot cooler than I expected! Almost everything interested me, some certainly more than others. I felt that insane E3 hype and excitement for two games, Resident Evil 2 and Ghost of Tsushima. Resident Evil 2 had me yelling in excitement and fully freakin out. Ghost of Tsushima gave me chills and awes as I watched the absolutely awesome gameplay and beautiful graphics! These two games alone had me freaking out more than any other game announcement so far, even Doom Eternity. When the dust settles we'll see if which game I'll be most hyped for, but both of these games were just astoundingly cool reveals!
I did think Last of Us: Part 2 looks good, but it isn't a day one purchase. I thought the first game was great, but I don't have the same reverence for it that many other fans do. My ears perked up also when they announced Nioh 2, but I admittedly still need to play the first one before I can get properly hyped for it.
If I were into super heroes more and Spiderman I'd be ultra hyped for it, but honestly I have no interest in playing it. Death Stranding looks like it's so far up its own ass, and I can't imagine it would be getting the attention and hype it has if Kojima wasn't behind it. The new trailer had me roll my eyes and how pretentious it looked, but perhaps when more concrete info comes out on it I'll change my tone towards it. The only game that they showed that flat out turned me off was the one done by the creator of Rick and Morty.
I'm also not a big fan of the showcase format that Sony has used the past two years. I really miss the conference format, and the changing venue gimmick was incredibly unnecessary and stupid. Luckily the games shown off were really top notch overall and I feel pretty good about the conference overall. Let's see if Nintendo de-throwns Sony as the best E3 conference of 2018.
Dude, they showed only a handful of games and ...
You said Last of Us isn't a day one purchase, you'd need to play Nioh 1 before getting hyped for a sequel, you have no interest in Spiderman, Death Stranding shouldn't get any attention or hype it's all Kojima and the Rick and Morty game turned you off.
AND YET, you said almost everything interested you and gave it the best rating of every conference.
I mean, really now, and then saying you wouldn't pay more than $60 for an xbox one.
I think you have some serious confirmation bias and false love of a product you bought for justification.
I gave the MS conference a B+ so I'm not sure why I'm so heavily biased towards Sony. I do like Sony consoles more due to their exclusives and I've also preferred Sony consoles for multiplats since gen 6, but I am by no means a XBOX or Microsoft hater. I feel like the three main system sellers on XBOX are Halo, Gears, and Fortza, which aside from Halo I don't really care for the other two. There are definitely smaller exclusives, but I feel like those three games are a big reason why some people chose to buy an XBOX instead of a PS4.
Given that, it's hard for me to justify why MS really helped themselves during their conference, or at least appeal to people outside the hardcore fans of those series' when almost all the games thy showed off were either multiplats or just console exclusives, meaning I could get them on Steam if I wanted to. I'm not discounting the massive amount of games they showed off, that definitely made their conference awesome, but the conference did very little to sell more XBONEs to people who didn't already have one. I certainly have no more desire to own an XBONE after watching that conference and I doubt many others do either.
On the other hand, Sony showed less games, but most of their games they showed are confirmed exclusives. Therefore Sony definitely did a good job of getting others on the hype train for these titles, effectively selling more PS4s. Obviously this is an accurate analysis since PS4 continues to outsell the XBONE like crazy, as does the Switch which also has a lot of exclusives you can't find on other consoles. Again, I am not bashing the XBOX or Microsoft, simply telling you why I gave them the grades I did. Nearly all of my excitement I had during the MS conference was regarding games I could buy for my PS4, which does not help MS at all, but I am thankful to them for premiering those games on their stage.
Hopefully that explains why I ranked Sony higher despite my own personal interest in only a few games at the Sony conference.