And then with movies, you're going to have the same problems with a site like that as you do here. There will be people who just want to put what movies they have, then there will be people who want to track variations and international releases. There are some websites already that let you track movie collections, but I have yet to find one that I like well enough to use for myself. As I am mainly "general movie collector guy" but also "variations and international editions collector guy" for certain videos. So in order for me to want to track my collection on a site, I would have to break the entire thing down into "variations" and I'm not too keen on doing that. I only do that for Transformers related videos, and everything else is just "I have this movie on this format" and be done with it. So I just have 2 text files on Google Docs to track each, which I can look at on my phone with the Google Drive app.