Author Topic: It feels better buying Switch games than PS4/XB1 games  (Read 3245 times)

Re: It feels better buying Switch games than PS4/XB1 games
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2018, 08:07:31 pm »
I kinda get what Seether is saying. For me its not that games hold their value as much as it is that I tend to wait to buy games that I know will go on sale in six months to a year and will also have all the DLC included. The Switch absolutely has games that I know wont be any cheaper anytime soon so I'm less hesitant about buying them as soon as they come out (Octopath Traveler and Captain Toad should be in my mailbox tomorrow!)

Like a lot of us on here, I buy a ton of games, and I've seen too many $60 games drop to $20 within a year of their release. Instead of buying 1 game on day one, i can pick up 3 games later on!

Re: It feels better buying Switch games than PS4/XB1 games
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2018, 08:12:32 pm »
The majority of first party titles from the big N hold their value foreva!

Me love you long time, amirighte?

Re: It feels better buying Switch games than PS4/XB1 games
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2018, 08:43:06 pm »
My answer is still the same. If I buy a game, it's because I want to play it. Value doesn't come into my thoughts. I don't feel bad for spending money on games.

Same here. I don't see why I would ever feel bad on spending money on things I enjoy and can afford.


Re: It feels better buying Switch games than PS4/XB1 games
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2018, 11:17:46 pm »
I could care less about if it holds value or not. I just want it to be fun. If I'm selling a game, it's because I didn't like it, not because it went up in value.


Re: It feels better buying Switch games than PS4/XB1 games
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2018, 08:30:27 am »

Re: It feels better buying Switch games than PS4/XB1 games
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2018, 04:05:40 pm »
I would say don’t buy new if it’s gonna break you. I don’t think Nintendo releases enough copies in general, so they always have that false demand and prices don’t tend to drop.


Re: It feels better buying Switch games than PS4/XB1 games
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2018, 08:05:59 pm »
I have the opposite feeling. If I'm given the choice between a PS4 or Switch version, I opt for the PS4 one. I've been doing this for the LRG releases where I haven't picked up any of the Switch versions unless it was only released on that system with no PS4 counterpart (though I did miss out on Slime-San  :-\). I never thought about the portability thing until it was mentioned in this thread but then I never take my Switch out of the docking bay to take anywhere (though I almost took it on vacation with me). One other thing was the thing with releases where half the game is on the cart and the other half is a download. There's probably some PS4 games like that as well but it seems more common with Switch releases.

Re: It feels better buying Switch games than PS4/XB1 games
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2018, 04:05:30 am »
Because they hold their value for much longer and I feel like less of a chump for buying early xD

I don't buy games for holding value because I don't sell games hardly ever so it's not much of a factor. If I was into hoarding treasure for value i'd flip houses, rebuild vintage cars and collect art. Not knocking the thought process, I just never got why people are so infatuated with value in their collections as if they are only buying them with the intent to sell them down the road.   I always here the "this is worth 400 bucks" whenever someone shows me something and the first thought that comes to my mind is that they really don't care about the item outside of it being rare. 

I do agree that sometimes it feels magical to buy a big N game though :).  They have that childhood vibe, makes you feel so happy popping in the new pokemon.  It's just more nostalgic and special to me.   But i'd say I enjoy XB1 as a whole more and buy more of it's games.  :D.

You and burmingdoom missed my point entirely.

I’m not saying retained value is good for future selling. I’m saying because they retain value for longer you don’t have to feel as bad for buying close to release that if you waited a little while it would plummet in price (allowing you to buy it for less) as is the case with Sony/MS releases typically after a couple month even.

I got carried away on a rant about a different topic that bugs me,  not so much your post or what you were doing.  Sorry if it came off condescending :)

  Speaking on a basis of getting bummed when games drop though i've learned to try to conquer it,  I used to beat myself up when games would plummet but I cherish the memories I have with them and although I know Forza Horizon 4 will be 10 bucks 5 years from now i'm still gonna pay 100 when it comes out because it'll still be worth it for the fun I have.   I care more if retro games drop because then I knew I just did something dumb and didn't practice good patience.  But with new games it's too hectic to keep track of.   

Even some Nintendo games drop crazy,  Most Wii U games have kamikaze crashed since Switch has remastered all of it's good games.  I just think it's the sign of the times.