Author Topic: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)  (Read 2879 times)

Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« on: August 25, 2018, 04:11:49 am »
One of my favorite developers of all time is Telltale games :).  Truly a golden grail company that almost never disappoints me.   Each and ever unraveling plot line they muster is pure story telling gold.  It's like they are androids who function on a different brain wave length than our brains can muster how they just pump out emotional rollercoaster story after emotional rollercoaster story.  For iconic franchises and adaptations. And this year is season 4 and final season of the walking dead tell tale game series.  And no other game series ever has ever put me through such a tornado of emotions and gotten me so invested.  :( 

At this point Clementine means something to me, not just a character but an actual tangible influence in my life and really although a virtual entity, someone I care for if that makes sense.  It sounds like exaggeration games be so powerful sometimes.  From the first season you show her how to use a gun and she's 8,  from ups and downs she's been through with Lee so much and see at least 4 dozen people die but now she's 17 and it's crazy to see it all come full circle.    Not one season of the series has not made me cry, laugh, get angry all in one.   Just toying with your emotions and keeping you happy along the ride.

The character development of TT games is so awesome imo.  I love how your decisions deeply effect the plot.  Sometimes they come back to haunt you.   I love how they added collectibles in the new one too :D.

I loved wolf among us,  I loved the Minecraft stories mostly,  I adored the tales from the borderlands game.  And especially the holy grail walking dead series. 

Some people don't like them.  I think most won't if they come in wanting a video game that's demanding, and video game like.  I tend to consider them more interactive movies that you write the plot in and once you come at them with that perspective and want to enjoy the story line.  The very storyline you shape with every decision in the dialogue is pretty marvelous and fun.   But I can see why many might not like.  The gameplay is of course simple.

Do you like Telltale games or point and click story games as a whole or do you think they are bad? 


Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2018, 04:39:33 am »
Counter-question, do u liek mudkipz?

Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2018, 05:01:18 am »
I think their story driven games are a mixed bag.  I really liked Season 1 of Walking Dead, played Season 2, dabbled in Borderlands, tried one or two others, but the more I played, the more of the same I saw and how much it feels like the games don't progress too much in terms of engine and what you do in them.  I haven't played their most recent stuff in the past year or two, but one review of the final Walking Dead season made it sound like they are still mostly doing the same thing and aren't doing a ton to really improve the games.  The story can only do so much if you aren't enjoying what gameplay is there.


Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2018, 06:28:49 am »
I've played the first Walking Dead, part of the second one, part of Game of Thrones and finished The Wolf Among Us and I loved all of them, I love any game that lets you determine how your player character interacts with the world, it makes it really easy for me to project myself into it. Still need to finish Walking Dead S2 and GoT. Though I've heard their stuff has gone downhill lately which is a shame. I think it's about time they made their own 100% original story though instead of making ones based on existing franchises, I'd love to see what they could create.

Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2018, 06:36:16 am »
Only played the first Walking Dead and I thought it was good.


Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2018, 08:44:27 am »
Yeah I remember watching my brother play the first Walking Dead game and it looked pretty good! We still have it (I think) so I should try it someday
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Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2018, 08:55:24 am »
I’ve played WD S1 and Tales from the Borderlands and thought they were both pretty good - but I’ve also heard that these are the best two games they’ve put out.

I imagine their biggest issue is that they don’t really innovate, and that playing these types of games can get pretty repetitive pretty quickly.

Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2018, 10:57:23 am »
While I own most of them, I've only played Borderlands, Minecraft, and Game of Thrones.

Tales from the Borderlands was amazing and perfectly complemented the main games. Minecraft was alright, a bit simplistic, but amusing. I did not like Game of Thrones though, as while I know that it's a crapsack world, I hated the fact that every decision was the wrong one.


Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2018, 11:14:33 am »
It is probably the best format for a Visual Novel that I have played.
I have only and am currently playing The Wolf Among Us.

Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2018, 01:30:54 pm »
It depends. I feel like their franchises can only go so far before they become pointless. I dropped the walking dead franchise after the second game because I quickly realized they were just going to either a) kill everyone off or b) cut them out of the story forever at the end of the game so they could start over with the next game.

Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2018, 01:34:14 pm »
I just started playing Walking Dead Season 1, finished the second episode the other day. I'm really enjoying the story and am learning to deal with the choices you have to make in that game (at first I kept thinking I was making the wrong choice but learned that all the decisions you make in the game are the wrong choice lol), but the one thing I have trouble with is the controls. I understand why we have the fixed camera, but I just wish the character movement was a little quicker.


Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2018, 05:16:57 pm »
Yeah, I quite like them. The Walking Dead S1, The Wolf Among Us and Tales From The Borderlands were all pretty great.

Not all of their games are as great though and their engine has definitely aged. It's a good thing that they're switching to Unity for their upcoming games.


Re: Do you like Telltale games? (Discussion)
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2018, 05:35:13 pm »
I like the premis of telltale games. visual novels that you can actually "play" but as it actually works out for me I do not like them. the story is what I like but I always get bored playing them because they are just close enough to real games that it makes me want to play a game where I am in full control.
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