Author Topic: dark souls for PC coming august 24  (Read 1562 times)



Re: dark souls for PC coming august 24
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 06:00:00 pm »
And it has Games for Windows Live.



Re: dark souls for PC coming august 24
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 07:35:39 pm »
"Excited for Dark Souls on PC, going with Games for Windows Live really enhances the series' trademark feelings of suffering/hopelessness"

I laughed, though I've never had any issue with GFWL myself.


Re: dark souls for PC coming august 24
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2012, 12:41:06 am »
I'm not a PC gamer, what's wrong with GFWL?

Re: dark souls for PC coming august 24
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2012, 10:10:44 am »
Here is a reddit post on the subject:

Warning: long and ranty below.
Oh boy, where to start...
My first experience with GFWL was with Batman: Arkham Asylum. I purchased and installed it through Steam. I fire up the game only to be greeted with a GFWL pop-over demanding that I sign in with an XBox Live account. On my PC. What the fuck.
I now know there is a way to sign in without creating an account, but damned if I could work out how at the time. So I signed on with my existing Live account. It then informed me that there were updates for Live and if I did not install them, I would be signed out.
So to play my entirely single-player game, I was forced to update a multiplayer service. Ok, whatever. It downloads, quits, and... the install fails. I spend about an hour rebooting, un-installing and re-installing trying to get the damn thing to work.
Eventually, I discovered that there was a serious incompatibility between Games for Windows Live and Windows XP. You know, the operating system made by the same fucking company. The only way to resolve it was to manually track down, download and install a specific OS patch not mentioned at any point by GFWL itself.
So finally, I have GFWL working. Except I don't. There was another patch. Another cycle of reboots. Then there was a patch for Batman itself. Through all this, my choice was basically between "install everything we tell you to" and "don't play the game at all because fuck you."
Oh, I also had to type in a CD key to activate Batman. You know. The game I bought on fucking Steam.
But oh well, it's all good; I got it sorted eventually. Then I got gifted Fallout 3; another GFWL game.
This one was a bit different; I actually had a choice to not sign in. So, I naturally told GFWL where to go stick itself and played without signing in. What I didn't realise was that the DLC that I legally paid for would be inaccessible unless I signed in. Not that it mentioned this anywhere. By the time I realised this, I'd played quite a ways through the main campaign.
Well, I was pissed at having to jump through more hoops, but I didn't have much choice if I wanted to play that extra content, so whatever. So I signed in. And lost every last save game.
Well, I didn't really lose them; more that because GFWL encrypts saved games for some completely inscrutable reason, the not-logged-in and logged-in save games were not compatible. So I had to start all over again from scratch.
I think it was around half way through the campaign again that Live got an update and I was forced to install that. Because, you know, single player games.
Then I upgraded to Windows 7. Oh boy, that was a mistake. Because guess what, your save games aren't encrypted based on your Live ID, no, that would make too much sense.
They're encrypted based on your OS install. Meaning if you install a new OS on the same hardware, the encryption key changes. Which means I lost all my saved games.
For the second time.
At which point, I stopped playing Fallout 3 because fuck that shit.
A little while ago, my old machine died and I built a new one. New install. Naturally, all of my saved games carried over just fine except for anything infected with GFWL. I went to open up Batman at one point to just give it a spin, forgetting it was GFWL until I was slapped in the face with "there are updates to LIVE; if you do not update you cannot play you filthy, dirty pirate scum."
So I just didn't play.
A more recent experience was with a friend of mine who bought Fable III on PC. I remember getting an exasperated message from her begging for help on how to get rid of this "Live" crap that was messing up her game. She just wanted it gone so she could play. In the end, I told her she couldn't and she vowed to never touch another game that was infected with GFWL.
And the other day, my brother got Arkham City Imposters only to find that not only was it a rubbish port, but the GFWL matchmaking (you know, pretty much the only supposedly useful part of the package) just didn't work.
GFWL is the reason I have never played Batman: Arkham City, Bulletstorm or RF: Guerrilla. I 100% refuse to play any game that requires it on any platform. PC gamers hate GFWL because it is a heinous piece of garbage which exists only to make life more painful.


Re: dark souls for PC coming august 24
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2012, 10:45:21 am »
The only game I've ever played on GFWL was Fallout 3. I never had a problem with updates or anything, but did find it annoying that I needed to log in to play it, or I couldn't use my save file. It seems a little redundant that I need to log into Steam AND GFWL though just to play it.
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Re: dark souls for PC coming august 24
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2012, 01:20:59 pm »
My big complaint about this isn't even GFWL. It's that companies wait for months and months to release a game on PC and then wonder why it doesn't sell as well.

"Oh, PC gaming is dead, look at how much worse our game sold on PC!"...when they released it a year later, hiding behind the ridiculous reasoning of "we didn't port it to PC until now because if we did all the pirates would get it!!"

A great example is the new Resident Evil, Operation Raccoon City. Ronalopolis really wanted it for PC, but he didn't want to have to wait forever to get to play it, so he gave up and bought it for PS3. He shouldn't have to give up his preferred platform to get to play it when everyone else is.
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: dark souls for PC coming august 24
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2012, 04:43:49 am »
Either way, it's good that with Dark Souls and Binary Domain (and Sega's other recent stuff, Sonic CD, Gens, etc) Japanese publishers/devs (other than Capcom) are looking at the PC again.

Hopefully it's a decent port.

also I love parenthesis


Re: dark souls for PC coming august 24
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2012, 08:53:50 am »
I don't remember having an issue with FO:3 and GFWL, but then copy might have been a"tweaked".

Dark Souls is awesome so I'm glad the PC only guys will have a chance at it. I would suggest buying it as opposed to acquiring it as we need to show the publisher that we want more from the franchise!