Author Topic: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?  (Read 4921 times)

Hello everyone :)

1st part of the question.....

Just recently I started to get into the DBZ universe :).  I have been watching the old episodes and the Budokai games and most especially Fighter Z are gorgeous and incredible fighting games up to the standards of Marvel Vs Capcom games.  Very fun and fast paced arcade fun :D    I love the anime quite a bit and have been enjoying all the characters and the back plot.  It's taking a lot to unravel as I am extremely late.  But i'm starting back with the old cartoons and working my way up to new stuff.

I definitely already have my number 1 favorite character.  But I will list off my favorite 3.   

I also wanted to ask, what is everyone's thoughts on DBZ as a whole? 


Android 18 is super badass.  I think she's awesome.  Not only is she extremely tough and capable of whooping Vegeta's butt but she is also extremely beautiful even though she's an android lol.   ;D

Second Favorite - Piccolo

Piccolo is epic,  he's strong but grounded in his ways too.  He's Goku's buddy and he's strong af.   

3rd favorite -  Goku

I know it's a casual fan answer because he's so popular, but he's freaking Goku lol.  I like him a lot.  More than I like Vegetta or Gohan. 

Second Part of the Question......

For my second part of the title,  I have seen a lot of debates circling around that Goku by himself could beat up the entire Marvel Universe.   I think this is a bit of hyperbole and very situational but I could be wrong.  I want to make it fair by giving Goku some sort of power limit.  Maybe a certain SS threshold as DBZ universe plot wise the power is basically limitless so theoretically Goku could defeat anyone.   So I made it fairer by having the entire DBZ Universe versus the Entire Marvel and DC universes.     In a giant show down of epic galactic, super hero, saiyan proprotions :)

I personally think it's very close.   For the DBZ let's give them only their regular form, maybe Super Saiyan form but not ultimate form so it's fair.   But I think Silver Surfer serves to be an extremely difficult out, as does Galactus.   Characters like Spiderman who are essentially mortals with super power suits would get killed pretty easily by Goku.  Batman would get snapped in half like a pencil and maybe even eaten lol.    But I think some mutated beasts like Venom, Carnage, Hulk, and the likes would be very tough to beat.   I think Hulk would get bested by Piccolo easily but I think Carnage might Kill a Krillin or a Trunks. 

It'd be a pretty amazing showdown.  I think their are so many faceoffs to be had :)

Which is your pick for which universe would win?

I think i'm giving it to DBZ unvierse by a slim margain.  I know Cell could whoop a good portion of the universe.  I think strenght in numbers might play for Marvel.  It'd be super close :) 

Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2018, 07:41:57 am »
Even though he's a bad guy for a lot of Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta has always been a big favorite.  The asshole who eventually got a heart, his rivalry with Goku is always a good time and he has some pretty great moments.

My second favorite would be Future Trunks, he's had such a great design and is a pretty great character in the overall story as he's so different from everyone else due to what he went through.

And for a third favorite, I'd probably say Piccolo.  He turns into kinda one of the most consistently dependable characters in the series.  Also he's basically Gohan's real dad.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 07:43:44 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2018, 10:57:45 am »
1. Goku
2. Vegita
3. Frieza

I love Dragon Ball a point, and then it becomes difficult to watch.

The series in excellent, interesting, and has a lot of weight and purpose up through the Frieza Saga with Goku transforming into the legendary Super Saiyan and defeating Frieza being the pinnacle of the series. I really feel like the series should have ended after the Frieza Saga, ending with Goku returning to earth to be with all of his friends and family. After the Frieza Saga the series isn't bad (mostly), but it never that great again either.

I thought the Android and Cell Saga were interesting in theory, but the actual episodes really aren't that great mostly. Cell is literally a derivative character as he is just the culmination of all the best fighters in the series combined. Sure, he is trying to kill off humanity and destroy the world, but that is probably the most overused, cliche villein motivation in the book. What bothers me more than that is how they cheapened the Super Saiyan transformation by allowing everyone to become one even though it was established as being this incredibly rare event that was only a legend up until Goku's transformation. In the Android and Cell Saga everyone gets to become one, and then to try and make it more interesting they just create a more powerful, ascended version, then Super Saiyan 2, all of which just dilute the coolness and importance of the transformation more and more.

I feel like the series did pick up slightly at the beginning of the Buu Saga, but again never coming close to touching how awesome the first three sagas are. The Martial Arts Tournament was great and really captured the more lighthearted feel of Dragon Ball, and Vegita's fight against Goku was incredible, as was Vegita's character development during this time. After that though the series just turned into bad guy trying to destroying the earth generic plot with fairly uninteresting villeins. Also more Super Saiyan trnaformations in the form of SSJ3 and fusions. Admittedly I have not finished the Buu Saga yet; I still have about 30 episodes to go until I do that, but I plan on getting through those soon.

In summary, just watch through the Frieza Saga lol


Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2018, 04:02:17 pm »
Yamcha obviously  ::)

2 Mr satan

3 roshi aka Jackie chun

« Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 05:33:58 pm by sworddude »
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Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2018, 12:54:11 pm »
Vegeta is the biggest bad-ass in Dragon Ball Z, my favorite character.

As for Marvel Universe vs. DBZ universe...well at first glance you obviously want to say DBZ due to their extreme power-levels.

But then you think about it, and once you get to the upper cosmic-level characters in the Marvel Universe, such as The Celestials, The Beyonder, The Living Tribunal, and The Phoenix Force; and Goku and Vegeta are kind of screwed.

Marvel Universe wins that battle thanks to their cosmic entities.


Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2018, 01:06:54 pm »
Vegeta is the biggest bad-ass in Dragon Ball Z, my favorite character.

As for Marvel Universe vs. DBZ universe...well at first glance you obviously want to say DBZ due to their extreme power-levels.

But then you think about it, and once you get to the upper cosmic-level characters in the Marvel Universe, such as The Celestials, The Beyonder, The Living Tribunal, and The Phoenix Force; and Goku and Vegeta are kind of screwed.

Marvel Universe wins that battle thanks to their cosmic entities.

really depends

In pretty much all dragonball series yea sure, however in dragonball super it has chanced

Goku and vegeta are pretty outlcassed by many god tier characters them being worthless in comparison. even to the lower class destroyer gods they are mere play things. things have chanced in the dbz universe.

I mean like seriously vegeta the badd ass with allot of pride is like literally a small time errand boy for the lower destroyer class that's how scared this guy is since he can't do anything about it and those are only destroyers. O well I guess it is better than being picollo who was turned into a baby sitter nowadays a joke in the franchise  ::)

Anyways them entities being

Destroyer tier

Beerus champa etc only needing less than 1% of their power to beat a super sayan blue god goku. Not to mention that they could with some effort destroy an entire universe wich contain many solar systems and galaxies wich is kinda krazy, not to mention destroying planets wich are far bigger than earth when missing a punch lol  ::)

Angel tier

Not to mention that the destroyers them selves cannot stand up against the angels wich are the teachers of them destroyers outclassing them by allot hence they fear them not to mention that within the angels there different tiers of how powerfull they are.

God tier

And to top it all off you have the grand zeno, the big boss of all the 12 universes and everything that exists literally a god. Apparently there where a couple more universes in the past but Zeno destroyed them in an instant since some of the god beings of those universes angered him.

even the very best god characters in dragonball fear this being since he could litereally snap his fingers and destroy multiple universes at once like he has done in the past and obviously  kill anyone with ease.

Superman destroys goku but goku is a pretty weak being in dragonball z super a mere plaything used by the gods for tournaments and entertainment  :o
The great zeno will destroy the marvel dc universe easily no contest really.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 03:07:08 pm by sworddude »
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Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2018, 01:59:29 pm »
The Beyonder can create literally anything he can think of. He's created and destroyed entire universes. Doom used his power to save the destroyed Marvel Universe, place himself as God, and recreate it in his own image. Mr. Fantastic used it to recreate the Marvel Universe and continues to use it to create new universes in the Multiverse. Beyonder himself, in full control of his own power, is even more powerful than that.

The Celestials are basically the architects of the Marvel Universe and is what caused super-powered beings to even exist on Earth. They create, tend to, and destroy entire planets in an end-goal that is STILL a mystery.

And the Living Tribunal is the living embodiment of God's judgment. He decides the fate of entire worlds, galaxies, and even universes based on the ruling of God and carries out his judgment.

While the Grand Zenno, who is admittedly damn powerful, is still child-like. He's more interested in things like tournaments and playing games with Goku. You send someone like The Beyonder or Celestials against him, that rivals him in power, and know how to take things seriously, and Grand Zenno is in some serious trouble.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 02:34:27 pm by burningdoom »


Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2020, 11:02:02 pm »
Vegeta is pretty much my favorite DBZ character—I also like Trunks and Piccolo, and think Tien Shinhan is criminally underrated/underutilized. Goku is fine, but I liked him more when he was a kid. I also happen to like Android 18 when it comes to the female characters. When it comes to the villains, Frieza has always been on top, and Super made me like him even more.

As far as the argument that Goku can single-handedly defeat the entire Marvel universe goes; no. First of all, these are fictional characters, so the fact people take this seriously in the first place is laughable; they seem to have blinders on whenever this discussion is brought up, similar with the "Superman vs. Goku" debate. There's a lot of history when it comes to the Marvel universe as a whole, so it baffles me whenever I see DBZ fans dismissing that entirely. Sure, there's no arguing that Goku can defeat a good number of Marvel characters: Daredevil, Punisher, Captain America and most Avengers, Deadpool, as well as most X-Men including Wolverine, heck, even [non-cosmic-powered] Spider-Man. But when it comes to Omega-level mutants, mystical and cosmic entities, non-MCU Hulk, not to mention the abstract forces within the universe, then things get dicey. Pit Goku against Sentry and that would be it.

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Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2020, 04:11:46 pm »
Vegeta is pretty much my favorite DBZ character—I also like Trunks and Piccolo, and think Tien Shinhan is criminally underrated/underutilized. Goku is fine, but I liked him more when he was a kid. I also happen to like Android 18 when it comes to the female characters. When it comes to the villains, Frieza has always been on top, and Super made me like him even more.

As far as the argument that Goku can single-handedly defeat the entire Marvel universe goes; no. First of all, these are fictional characters, so the fact people take this seriously in the first place is laughable; they seem to have blinders on whenever this discussion is brought up, similar with the "Superman vs. Goku" debate. There's a lot of history when it comes to the Marvel universe as a whole, so it baffles me whenever I see DBZ fans dismissing that entirely. Sure, there's no arguing that Goku can defeat a good number of Marvel characters: Daredevil, Punisher, Captain America and most Avengers, Deadpool, as well as most X-Men including Wolverine, heck, even [non-cosmic-powered] Spider-Man. But when it comes to Omega-level mutants, mystical and cosmic entities, non-MCU Hulk, not to mention the abstract forces within the universe, then things get dicey. Pit Goku against Sentry and that would be it.

the problem with non marvel fans is that when your thinking about stuff like spiderman super man etc where thinking about fights on earths mostly in cities against villains small power lvl kinda stuff especially if where talking dbz.

also power lvl's in marvel are pretty wild stuff like spiderman or wolverine are pretty weak sauce and can be beaten by even the weakest dbz characters. to stuff like the beyonder.

Naturally if people think that even krillin or yamcha could defeat the entire marvel cast since even those 2 could destroy the earth with one attack.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 04:13:31 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2020, 12:55:37 am »
For me, the most badass character in Dragon Ball (Z included) is Piccolo. I really like his whole arch coming from Goku's worst enemy to the point of raising his son. I think his relationship with Gohan is one of the most touching aspects of the whole Z saga.

On the other hand, the characters I respect the most are Kuririn, Yamcha, Chaozu and Ten Shinhan as, although weak (especially since the begining of Dragon Ball Z), they (almost) never shied away from battle!

And from a comedy stand point, I find Pilaf and his minions and Tao Pai Pai to be the funniest ones in the whole show/comic books.

As I grew up reading Marvel, it is pretty hard for me to choose between it and Dragon Ball, but as the latter is a much wider and older universe, I believe Marvel takes the cake in this one (even though I don't appreciate their newer movies that much...). And finally, I was never a fan of DC Comics, so I can't say much about it...


Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2020, 07:21:35 pm »
Prince Zarbon and M.O.D.O.K.


Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2020, 01:14:49 pm »
And finally, I was never a fan of DC Comics, so I can't say much about it...

DC actually has a good number of heavy hitters that could easily best Goku. Granted, just like Marvel, DC also has its share of cosmic entities/deities, but I think the amount of power many of its roster of heroes and villains have is more than enough. Not only does DC have Superman, and the rest of the Super family, taking a few of them out of the equation, but there's also Shazam, Lobo, Dr. Fate, Martian Manhunter, Doctor Manhattan, as well as The Flash and the rest of the Speedsters, not to mention beings like Eclipso, Amazo, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Darkseid, and The Spectre. There's also the Green Lantern Corp, and the rest of the Emotional Spectrum with their symbiotic entities, which alone are strong, and combined even more. Then there's Doomsday, who's essentially Brolly on steroids to whom Goku would eventually succumb to.

The thing is, if Goku were to ever end up on either of these universes, there's no doubt he would become friends with most of their heroes, especially with someone like Shazam. He would help them defeat beings like Doomsday itself on DC and perhaps the likes of Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet or Onslaught were it to resurface over at Marvel.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2020, 08:11:32 am »
And finally, I was never a fan of DC Comics, so I can't say much about it...

DC actually has a good number of heavy hitters that could easily best Goku. Granted, just like Marvel, DC also has its share of cosmic entities/deities, but I think the amount of power many of its roster of heroes and villains have is more than enough. Not only does DC have Superman, and the rest of the Super family, taking a few of them out of the equation, but there's also Shazam, Lobo, Dr. Fate, Martian Manhunter, Doctor Manhattan, as well as The Flash and the rest of the Speedsters, not to mention beings like Eclipso, Amazo, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Darkseid, and The Spectre. There's also the Green Lantern Corp, and the rest of the Emotional Spectrum with their symbiotic entities, which alone are strong, and combined even more. Then there's Doomsday, who's essentially Brolly on steroids to whom Goku would eventually succumb to.

The thing is, if Goku were to ever end up on either of these universes, there's no doubt he would become friends with most of their heroes, especially with someone like Shazam. He would help them defeat beings like Doomsday itself on DC and perhaps the likes of Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet or Onslaught were it to resurface over at Marvel.

dbz universe has the grand zeno these days though

a being that can snap his fingers once and destroy all universes in an instant. wich he did in the past with multiple universes at once he could literally snap his fingers to destroy everything that exists. are there any marvel entities that did that like the grand zeno in dbz i find it hard to imagine anything killing that.

also again a ton of characters in the marvel cast are super weak sauce characters compared to pretty much anything dbz related. a ton of marvel heroes are just city treats or even as weak as very above average trained humans with some gadgets. Some of the weakest characters in dbz can destroy the moon with a single attack like roshi in the original kid dragonball days.

some of the most popular dc marvel heroes such as spiderman and batman are absolutely weak sauce material compared to anything dbz they are literally just well trained humans. spiderman a bit less but especially batman is really weak sauce withouth his gadgets. it's no suprise why people think that goku can easily beat the entire marvel dc roster with ease when characters like batman or spiderman are some of the most popular characters in terms of super heroes of all time. even yamcha could beat those with ease it's not even a contest.

dbz has tons of villains missing a punch and destroying a planet that is several times bigger than earth and than you have batman with its gadgets. when I think marvel I usually think city lvl threats      earth country lvl tops for the majority of cases. with dbz planet lvl is just the starting point of power lvl usually far greater these days.

also in terms of casual people that say dbz easily defeats marvel cast. let's look at all the big movie films of marvel and dc. spiderman and batman weaksauce but even the stuff with superman. if we would ignore the comic side wich only the more hardcore fans read these days goku could easily defeat all the marvel beings in those bigger box office movies. all the heavy stuff happens in the comics and for a ton especially the older stuff. also again I cant repeat it enough batman and spiderman are the most popular characters that people know in the super hero cast. superman pales in comparison. with those 2 it's pretty easy to see why people easilly dismiss the marvel dc cast.

Also goku is only getting stronger if you where to face him off against one of the stronger marvel entities he might break his limits and get stronger once again so it's not really that black white that goku could never defeat all of them. Heck maybe we'll get something beyond the grand zeno in dbz super. goku isnt the same as in his dbz days. ultra instinct might have him surpass destroyers at this point. if goku had superman as an opponent he might break his limits and defeat him anyways. the tougher the opponent the stronger goku will get.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 09:35:59 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2020, 10:26:06 am »
are there any marvel entities that did that like the grand zeno in dbz i find it hard to imagine anything killing that.

By that comment alone I can see your knowledge in regards to both Marvel and DC is limited. And please, don't take offense with that; it's a mere observation and I mean no disrespect or ill will with it. However, I'm not going to give a crash course for each universe, but the short answer is yes; both Marvel and DC have entities similar to Grand Zeno. In the grand scheme of things, though, what fictional universe doesn't? Grand Zeno could be interpreted as a facsimile of many characters that are like it that came before it. I could sit here and list a number of characters from Marvel and DC that could match and outmatch Zeno, but you can look that yourself if interested. You have to keep in mind that while Zeno is very powerful, he's not omnipotent, meaning he's neither omniscient nor omnipresent, which a good number of beings in both Marvel and DC happen to be.

By the way, you say "weak sauce" a lot...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 07:04:12 pm by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: Who is your favorite DBZ character? DBZ Universe vs Marvel/DC Universe?
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2020, 10:36:25 am »
are there any marvel entities that did that like the grand zeno in dbz i find it hard to imagine anything killing that.

By that comment alone I can see your knowledge in regards to both Marvel and DC is limited. And please, don't take offense with that; it's a mere observation and I mean no disrespect or ill will with it. However, I'm not going to give a crash course for each universe, but the short answer is yes; both Marvel and DC have entities similar to Grand Zeno. In the grand scheme of things, though, what fictional universe doesn't? Grand Zeno could be interpreted as a facsimile of many characters that are like it that came before it. I could sit here and list a number of characters from Marvel and DC that could match and outmatch Zeno, but you can look that yourself if interested. You have to keep in mind that while Zeno is very powerful, he's not omnipotent, meaning he's neither omniscient not omnipresent, which a good number of beings in both Marvel and DC happen to be.

By the way, you say "weak sauce" a lot...

I know but batman and spiderman are pretty weak though and those are the 2 most popular ones. and a ton of super heroes have simular power lvl's as those 2 beings not that much stronger than actual humans.

also like I said the crazy stuff in terms of dc and marvel only happens in the comics not the box office movies. the movies alone don't have anything that could kill the dbz universe maybe with some exceptions but the majority is city to earth lvl kinda power lvl's

also if you've read my comment I only commented about why people think the dbz cast wins easily not that dbz universe is actually the winner.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 11:23:05 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!